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Download of sqrrk-1.7.0-neoforge-1.20.6.jar for SQRRK! should start shortly...

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Posted by: Nightglide
File description: 1.7.0
File size: 2.49 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 711
Mod changelog:



  • Pooltoys - Added 5 Pooltoys (Original designs by @tuisutherland on Instagram):
    Queen Scarlet (SkyWing Dragon), requested by @treezythetree74 on Twitter (X).
    Fatespeaker (NightWing Dragon), requested by @Jambu_rainwonk on Twitter (X).
    Moonwatcher (NightWing Dragon), requested by @Moonfall_1 on Twitter (X).
    Sunny (SandWing/NightWing Dragon), requested by @NEOG8001 on Twitter (X).
    Whiteout (NightWing/IceWing Dragon), requested by @HowAboutNopeNo on Twitter (X).
  • Music Discs - Added "Dimrain47 - At The Speed Of Light".
  • Paintings - Added 2 paintings:
    "Eye of Rah" - Rashad Bowens
    "Beneath" - Nightglide
  • Crate Drops - Added new items to possible loot from Supply Crates.
  • Languages - Added Ukrainian (Ukraine).
  • Item Tags - Added 2 tags.


  • Qibli (SandWing Dragon) Pooltoy - Updated recipe.
  • Crowbar - Now accepts sword enchantments (Sweeping Edge does nothing)
  • Crate Drop - Some rarity tiers now use item tags/loot tables to drop items.
  • Fixed various UI and text issues.


1.8.1 (1.8.1p1)


  • Pooltoys - Added Blue Orca (Orca) and Black Orca (Orca) from Inflatable World catalog.


  • Mod Credits - Updated.
  • [Patch 1] Several minor bug fixes.


1.8.0 (1.8.0p1)


  • Pooltoys - Added Abadraco (Magic Dragon), requested by @Abadraco on Twitter (X).
  • Tags - Added 2 item tags and 1 entity tag.
  • Pooltoy Scrapper - The first block since 1.0.0, it just scraps Pooltoys. Suggested by @FermiParadoxic on Twitter (X).


  • Clay (MudWing Dragon) Pooltoy - Now fire-resistant as an item.
  • Vinyl Repurposer, Vinyl Painter, Pooltoy Printer - No longer require PVC in their crafting recipes to be white.
  • 2 Advancements - Improved.
  • Sleeping - Players now have a 1/200 chance of obtaining an Arya (Dragon) Pooltoy when waking up.
  • Vinyl Painter - Can now recolor any color of PVC to any other color, including the same color as before.
  • Pooltoy Printer - Updated rarity from RARE to EPIC.
  • [Patch 1] Fixed bugs :3




  • Pooltoys - Added 3 Pooltoys (all characters mentioned designed by @tuisutherland on Instagram):
    Starflight (NightWing Dragon)
    Turtle (SeaWing Dragon)
    Peril (SkyWing Dragon)
  • Transparent PVC Sheet - Clear version of PVC Sheets, can be created in Vinyl Painters using white PVC and Glow Ink Paste.
    Useful for repairing damaged Pooltoys.
  • /ds Command - Alias of /despawn command.
  • Pooltoy Interactions - Overhauled. Added new menu, opened with Right Shift by default.
  • Advancements - Added [Problem Solved!], obtained by repairing a Pooltoy.


  • Pooltoys - Overhauled how they take damage. This now allows Pooltoys to be repaired if damaged.
  • 2 Advancements - Updated.


Older and unpatched versions available on Google Drive at:

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