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Download of hundreds_and_thousands-1.1.0-neoforge-1.21.1.jar for Hundreds & Thousands should start shortly...

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Posted by: ThatGumGuy
File size: 228.72 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 57
Mod changelog:

Since this is the first release of MCreator, I'm putting every feature currently in the mod.

  • Wells
  • Large rocks
  • Scarecrows
  • A new structure called the Alter of Enchanting
  • Triple Swords
  • Daggers
  • Two enchantments called Supersonic and Lightspeed, that give speed 1 and speed 2 respectively
  • The advancement King of Potatoes, where in honor of Technoblade you get 1728 potatoes
  • An advancement tab for getting different tools and armor
  • The Autumn Woods biome
  • The Error biome
  • The Lush Forest biome
  • The Black Caverns biome
  • Renaming the stonecutter to sawmill
  • Re-adding bedrock fog
  • Powered rails are crafted with copper
  • Falling to y -65 or below tps you to y320
  • Non-functional microscopes
  • A (for now) creative-only tools barometer, which shows your coordinates in the UI
  • Clocks now show the ingame time
  • Advancements for doing random things (, why not)
  • Craftable name tags, horse armor and enchanted golden apples
  • You can unpack nether wart, ice, and wool
  • You can craft blackstone and gravel
  • You get more trapdoors when crafting
  • Crafting for shulker boxes, bread, and paper is now shapeless
  • You can make black dye out of coal and charcoal
  • You can smelt rotten flesh into leather
  • Many new expensive wandering trader trades with rare items
  • Farmers sell bonemeal and cake
  • Librarians will buy rare blocks and items for a good amount of emeralds
  • Clerics will buy some potion ingredients
  • Fishermans buy sea lanterns
  • Shepherds trade leather for wool
  • Armorers sell horse armor and netherite upgrade templates
  • Leatherworkers sell leather horse armor
  • Weaponsmiths sell mischellanious tools

How to install a mod?

If you are looking on how to install modifications made with MCreator, check MCreator's wiki. There you can find detailed instructions of the process. If the mod has special instructions or steps for the installation, make sure to read through the mod page for any details.

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What is MCreator?

MCreator is a software used to make Minecraft mods (mod generator) without programming knowledge and is developed by Pylo. It's very simple to use, and its concept is easy to learn. With it, you can make your own mod in minutes! MCreator is a great tool to learn Minecraft computer programming and to learn basic concepts of software programming. Learn more about MCreator.

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MCreator is a free project developed by people working on this project in their free time. Help us cover costs of development, support, and servers and show us your support by donating :)