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Posted by: Aust
File description: Anime Assembly 1.1.2
File size: 35.54 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 63
Mod changelog:
- Fixed Info GUI description displacement
- Add zh_tw translation
- Turn off FOV Effect when joining the world automatically
- Change some skill descriptions of the characters
- Damages displayed in Info now will sync with player
- Modify soldier entities' health bar
- Fixed The Flash's render glitches in multiplayer.
- Rerendered NPC The Flash running effects.
- Modify soldier entities' health bar
- Improve The Flash's render
- Add dependencies to the mod
- Disable Zoro's basic attack during Ult
- Fixed total damage's calculation
- Nerf Spider Man's Ult damage
- Nerf The Flash's Skill 2
- Fixed health bar render glitches
- Fixed Gojo's Skill 1 teleport glitch
- Improve Ais's Skill
- Fixed weapons invisible when leaving the bush
- Fixed item go_home render glitches
- Now when you look at the attributes, the map will be closed
- Add Spider Sense to Spider Man
- Add sound effect to Gojo's Curse Technique Lapse: Ao
- Enhance Byakuya's second Ult
- Enhance Homura's Skill 1 CD
- Enhance Homura's Skill 3 damage
- Fix Shinobu's arm bug (Not returning to Adult when killing Arm Holder)
- Fix Gojo's infinity bug (3->2 stacks)
- Fix life steal's bug
- Fix Zoro's Skill 1 can escape from Byakuya's second Ult
- Fix start item's bug
- Fix Megumin, Homura and Bakugo's damage calculation bug
- Modify Yondu's Arrow damage (Now can deal critical damages)
- Modify equipments' attributes
- Nerf The Flash's Skill 2 (Slow down when using the skill)
- Nerf Spider Man's Ult damage
- Nerf Gojo's infinity's CD
- Nerf Zoro's Ult (Now can't do basic attack during ult)
- Add Superman's cape (you can press F3+T to refresh it if broken)
- Add Sound FX to Homura's passive
- Delete some files to decrease the size of mod
- Enhance Megumin's Passive (Max 40 to 60 stacks)
- Fix some render bugs when hide on bush
- Fix Superman's skill 1 delay
- Fix Homura's passive delay
- Fix Info's render bug
- Modify some equipments' descriptions
- Modify npcs attributes (Added Attack Speed when doing melee damage)
- Add TestCustomGroup Entity (You can customize your NPCs' teams and let them fight with different attributes)
- Add Tooltips to Class Wand
- Addecooldown attribute to NPCs
- Enhance performance
- Enhance NPC Megumin
- Fix NPCs' melee attack bug
- Fix Megumin's passive bug
- Fix NPCs' animation bug
- Modify NPCs' melee attack AI
- Nerf Superman, Captain America, and Wolverine
- Now health bar, flash and Yaka arrow's render distance is synced with view distance
- Rewrite the code to enhance server performances
- Add particle effects on Shinobu's skill 3
- Add additional damages and burning effects to Kotori's Ult
- Modify Gilgamesh's shooting form (Now can aim in any direction)
- Modify some equipments' effect description
- Modify Homura's skill 1 (Bullets will not penetrate characters but can stack damage)
- Modify the basic attack logic (5 tick invulnerableTime)
- Nerf Bakugo's skill 1
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