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Posted by: absoluteRat
File description: Classes Update. Added Class Hobby Proficiencies, Tweaked EXP gains. PLEASE READ 0.0.9 PATCH NOTES.
File size: 6.82 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 86
Mod changelog:
added in 0.1.1 FEB 04 2025 2155
multiplayer padding
Assassination Changes:
Characters can now only hold assassination for 85+Level ticks before it expires.
Player Combat:
Players now have agility based combat [Expirimental] If attacker agility/200 + attacker weapon skill/200 + luck/400 are less than
defender agility/200 + defender armour skill/200-300 + variation, the defender will dodge a player attack.
If player attacks an unarmoured player, those defending are weaker to sword, trident, and hoes.
If a player attacks a lightly armoured player, those defending are weaker to sword, trident, hoes. other weapons accuracy go slightly up.
sword trident and hoe defense goes slightly down
if a player attacks a half armoured player, theyre neutral to all weaponry - though axes and pickaxes are strongest here.
if a player attacks a heavily armoured player, they're weak to shovels, mostly, axes, and pickaxes.
added a gamerule to disable this player combat process. if you find yourself turning it off, please tell me why in the comments.
Added Earthymns:
Earthymns cost three copper, three gold, and one emerald to make.
In addition to their material cost, if you do not have at least one level, the craft will
be canceled. This is because crafting Earthymns cost one character experience level.
Consuming Earthymns give your player one level.
You are essentially trading levels when trading with Earthymns.
Create an earthymn bank for level storage.
Earthhymns stack up to five.
Kept quests, removed crafting limitations indefinitely.
Added tooltips to attributes within the character sheet.
Limitations on workstations removed, bug overkilled.
added in 0.1.0: Feb 3 2025 1655
The This-Is Update:
UI Changes:
Added the smithing skill where it should have been last update.
Everything has a tooltip.
Thief Class Update:
Crouch for a period of time to ready an assassination. When your eye turns white while sneaking, your assassination is ready.
You can walk around freely with an assassination primed. While walking with an assassination ready, your eye is red.
While sneaking with an assassination ready, your eye turns white.
Attempting assassination vs an enemy will do grand damage, provided your hit lands.
Attempting an assassination while sneaking will turn you invisible.
The duration of preparing an assassination goes down with each character level.
The duration of invisibility after assassination goes up with each character level.
Pilfering: Your ability to successfully break a block within a vilage without alerting iron golems.
Class changes:
Rogue: Is no longer apt in pickaxes. The class is now apt in smithing.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed the bug that happens when you would die at level 0. Goodbye, version 0.0.1 bug.
Fixed the hp visual bug that happens rightly after character creation. Goodbye, version 0.0.1 bug.
Hopefully fixed the Quest bug that allowed you to use workstations without finishing their Quest.
Skill Changes:
Each time you level up a skill, you're rewarded with one xp. If you're proficient in that skill, gain one bonus xp
Difficulty Scalings:
When you die...
On Easy: You lose no levels or skill experience.
On Normal: You lose one level.
On Hard: You lose one level and all hobby and skill experience are set to zero.
added in 0.0.9x5:
The Class-Is Update
Level 0 bug remains: When you die at level 0, your world breaks. If you like the seed, recreate your world. Fast learning to you.
QOL Changes:
Each class's starting items are based on their proficiency.
Every Class UI has been reworked to reflect their strengths, proficiencies, and aptitudes.
After quite some study, Phantoms are most commonly seen in Savannas. The Lucky may find their membranes in the trees.
Once again, upped the xp bonus to proficiency in skills [not hobbies]
Up to 25 from 11 for proficient, up to 15 from 5 for apt.
Intelligence no longer affects your ability to use a workstation.
For Building Perk 30, for the time being, to obtain slow falling, hold a pair of shears in your offhand.
New Skills:
Spellcasting: Increases the speed of your spellcasts in conjunction with willpower. Increases the chance for a successful spell cast in conjunction
with either Int or Wil spells.
The majority of Magi classes have traded a proficiency or aptitude for spellcasting.
Gain exp by casting spells.
Smithing: Currently reduces damage done to your repair hammer and increases the damage restored on pieces being repaired.
Certain Warrior classes have traded a proficiency or aptitude for smithing.
Gain xp by crafting nonleather armour.
New Potion Effects:
Guardian Blood: Slaying an elder guardian coats you in their magical blood, rendering you immune to the nether's ambient heat.
Quests are a new feature that unlocks Work Stations and grant exp when completed. A quest will announce
completion with a unique chirp. There is a new Gamerule for Quests. With quests disabled,
there will be no area or workstation progression. Quests are on by default.
Workbench: Craft any fifty items from your inventory. 2 XP
Furnace: Slay twenty-five mobs. 2 XP
Smoker: Cook 256 food items in the furnace. 5 XP
Blast Furnace: Smelt 256 ore in the furnace. 5 XP
Stonecutter: Craft 512 stairs or slabs [minecraft:[stairs/slabs]]. 5 XP
Brewing Stand: Cure one afflicted with the Curse. 5 XP
Guardian Quest:Coat yourself in the blood of an elder guardian to be protected from the ambient heat of the Nether.
Enchanting Table: Reach Max Level.
Anvil: Craft 64 Iron, Gold, Diamond, or Netherite armour pieces. 5 XP.
Loom: Acquire the advancement ''Parrots and the Bats''
New Potion Effects:
Guardian Blood: Slaying an elder guardian coats you in their magical blood, rendering you immune to the nether's ambient heat.
Class Changes:
The Cleric is now proficient in crafting and apt in combat.
Removed most starting items for classes in liu of the proficiency system.
Acolyte's Ender Pearls are down to three from six.
The Magi's Poison spell cast duration is 20 ticks flat.
The Bard now has an aptitude for spellcasting.
The Curator now has an aptitude for smithing.
Hobby Harmonies:
When you reach level 15 in a hobby, each time your XP Bonus perk procs, a proceeduraly selected note is played.
The controlling variable is GLOBAL_MAP, meaning that the proceeduraly selected note is affected by all players.
Get together and make a song.
This is tied to a game rule called ''Bonus Chirps''. Disable said gamerule for no sounds.
Efficient Proficient Starting Items:
Your class now starts with the Iron variant of the weapon you're proficient with.
You begin with the materials to craft a shield.
You begin with a crafting bench and furnace.
You begin with the materials to craft an Iron Axe.
You begin with a Fishing Rod and a Tropical Fish bucket.
You begin with the materials to craft an Iron Pickaxe.
You begin with a pocket full of seeds, a bucket of water, and fertiliser.
You begin with an assortment of polished stone.
You begin the game with eight loaves of bread.
Smithing: Start with a Repair Hammer
Spellcasting: Start with a Spellcasting Index.
Heavily Armoured: You begin the game with eight iron ingots.
Half Armoured: You begin the game with seven iron ingots.
Lightly Armoured: You begin the game with eight leather scrap.
Unarmoured: You begin the game with eight loaves of bread.
Unarmed: You begin the game with eight loaves of bread.
Warrior Classes: Begin the game with a repair hammer and campfire.
Thief Classes: Begin the game with nine emeralds and a campfire.
Magi Classes: Begin the game with a Spellcasting Index and a soul campfire.
The Nether Has Joined The Fight:
Piglin Agility: Their frantic nature and animalistic mind has allowed them a base agility of 65. They are Trained in Sword Combat.
Piglin Brute Agility: A slower piglin that is trained in Axes. Their Agility is 60.
Zombified Piglin: While they may be braindead, they shrug off most hits. Being familiar with the Sword, they are resistant to blades. 60 Agility.
Magma Cube: A mass of molten stone, these abominations have 80 agility and fall easily to pickaxe damage.
Wither Skeleton: An accursed soul that is forced to safeguard fortresses 'til eternity ceases. Trained in swords, weak to Shovels. 65 Agility.
Blaze: These magickal entities are immune to tool combat. Bring snowballs.
Creatures of the Deep Agility:
Elder Guardian: 55 agility. Most weak to Tridents and Pickaxes.
Guardian: 50 agility. Most weak to Tridents and Pickaxes.
Drowned: 45 agility. Most Weak to Pickaxes and Swords.
Bug Fixes:
Removed incorrect willpower scalings on intelligence spells.
Fixed a leftover Proficiency innacuracy.
added in 0.0.9:
The Classes update.
IMPORTANT: There is a bug that occurs when dying as a level 0 character.
Don't do it.
I'm working on a fix.
Hobbies have a 50xHobbyLevel exp threshold.
Leveling a hobby gives a flat five character level experience.
Classes are now Proficient and Apt in hobbies.
Characters that are proficient in a hobby gain additional exp and start at hobby level 30.
Characters that are apt in a hobby gain moderate additional exp and start at hobby level 15.
Doubled the amount of Skill EXP gained from Weapon and Armour proficiency and aptitude.
Minor Archer Change:
Archer is now weaker in agility, rather than willpower.
UI Updates:
Changed Acrobatics to Athletics.
Added a skill page to veiw both your hobbies and your skills. Hobby Overlay still exists.
Skill Changes:
Combat Perk 30, Counterattack, now is viable with all weapons.
Using a Standard Tool or Weapon with Shield grants Haste for One Second.
Using a Trident with Shield grants Strength for One second.
Using a Shield with Shield grants Resistance for One Second.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed innacuracies and discrepencies in certain class proficiencies and aptitudes.
Fixed the bug for Crafting Perk 30, Magi Mushrooms.
Holding a MUSHROOM in your offhand provides one of two perks.
Brown: Unbreaking II
Red: Efficiency I.
This works on TOOLS, not traditional weapons.
For the sake of time, I will not be going over each class hobby proficiency and aptitude.
I hope I made it common sense enough in your class decision.
If not, you can always recreate and reselect. hashtag:justbetathings
yes my keyboard is still broken
no will not replace it
why are you still reading patch notes
[ily ty for playing my mod]
Forecast for next update:
an updated class selection UI.
more mobs with base agility.
added in 0.0.8CFU:
CurseForge Update
Tweaked Skill Gains.
Skill Threshhold is Skill Level x 50, down from L x 100.
Agility Update Progess
While the agility update is being pushed, dodge chance is no longer affected by agility modifier. Going forward, agility modifier may return
or provide a separate bonus all together.
Early game mobs may prove to be more difficult to hit when compared to the LAST UPDATE. The base formula for hit chance at the time was
if mob agility plus deviation less than agi/100 plus weaponskill/100. now that classes begin with weapon skills, the formula is now
if mob agility plus deviation less than agi/200 plus weaponskill/200.
Luck is spreading.
Uniquely, silverfish are agile and have a feature that is shared with Boss Entities, such as the Evoker.
No amount of luck will increase your chances to hit them.
Fixed Wooden Hoe's attack animation.
Added an Unarmoured Skill.
If player armour total is less than seven, gain unarmoured exp when hit.
An unarmoured character is most agile.
Dodge chance is Agi/200 plus Unarmoured/200
Added a Lightly Armoured skill.
If player armour total is between 6 and 13, gain xp point.
Dodge chance is Agi/200 plus LightAmour/250
Added a Half Armour Skill
If player armour total is between twelve and fifteen, gain an xp point.
Dodge chance is Agi/200 plus MediumArmour/275
Added a Heavily Armoured Skill
If player armour total is fifteen or more, gain an xp point.
Dodge Chance is Agi/200 plus HeavyArmour/300.
A full Set of Iron is Heavily Armoured.
Known Issues: With Better Combat installed, hoes cannot break crops. Better Combat is still highly
Added Proficiencies and Aptitudes.
Classes with proficiency in a skill start with 49 levels in that skill and a 5 bonus to xp gains.
Classes with aptitude in a skill start with 24 levels in that skill and a moderate 2.5 bonus to xp gains.
As I begin to roll out more skills, class proficiencies and aptitudes may change.
I will always do UI impliments last, and thus, there is no way to see your skill level outside
of chat logs.
Warrior Classes:
Profficient In:
Half Armoured.
Apt in:
Heavy Armour
Profficient In:
Apt in:
Heavy Armour
Profficient In:
Heavy Armour
Apt in:
Half Armoured
Profficient In:
Lightly Armoured
Apt in:
Half Armoured
Profficient In:
Heavy Armour
Apt in:
Half Armoured
Profficient In:
Half Armoured
Apt in:
Thief Classes
Profficient In:
Apt in:
Lightly Armoured
Profficient In:
Lightly Armoured
Apt in:
Profficient In:
Apt in:
Profficient In:
Apt in:
Lightly Armoured
Profficient In:
Lightly Armoured
Apt in:
Half Armoured
Profficient In:
Apt in:
Lightly Armoured
Magi Classes:
Profficient In:
Apt in:
Profficient In:
Apt in:
Profficient In:
Half Armoured
Apt in:
Heavily Armoured
Profficient In:
Lightly Armoured
Apt in:
Heavily Armoured
Profficient In:
Heavily Armoured
Apt in:
Half Armoured
Profficient In:
Apt in:
added in 0.0.7c8:
removed debug relays for enemies when rolling for a hit
formerly abusable ''bugs''
hitting an enemy with anything that is not a tool or weapon has a 100 percent chance to land
on enemies with a base agility. This will be addressed soon by introducing a new skill that the monk is especially trained in, unarmed.
unarmed attacks are as accurate as the character delivering blows can be. Higher Tier enemies will be resilient to unarmed attacks, save for those unarmed
attacks delivered by the monk.
added agility to:
witch: 25 agility, magically shielded against swords.
vindicator: 50 agility, trained in axes, overwhelmed by hoes.
pillager: 55 agility, resistant to precise swings. Bring an axe or shovel.
evoker: 50 agility. magically shielded against axe attacks, weak to precise strikes. Bring a hoe or trident.
silverfish: 45 agi, weak to shovels. ]
cave spider: 55 agility, weak vs shovels] shares agility variations with Spider.
enderman: 50 agility if an overworld enderman, 60 if nether enderman, 70 if End Enderman. Endermen have hardly any weakness def or strength def.
slime: 80 agility, very weak to Hoes.
[enemies that do not have an innate agility value roll independent to hit dice rolls that function on agility alone]
added in 0.0.7cX: the emergency update: JAN 26 2025 0545
changed combat 45 perk and fixed related bug
bow must be in main hand at time of damage
shield must be in offhand at time of damage
cannot be proc'd while under the effect of speed
landing an arrow gives speed for 3 sec, the target is slowed for 1
Rebranded under Rat's RPG for CurseForge compatibility. Updated mod picture soon.
added a hobby level up sound
added a skill level up sound
sounds currently play on server side until i discover a way to have it play only on the client side.
certain level ups happen on player tick, will be adjusted to be all soon.
the following hobbies provide more xp on HARD difficulty
the merchant class now gains more hobby exp from mining
begun tweaks to agility
forwardly: each vanilla entity will have its own agility value
sheep 35
cow 25
chicken 35
pig 40
zomb 45
spi 50
cree 20
skel 45
players now level each tool as a weapon
forwardly: characters will gain bonuses per each level of their preferred weapon
currently: Each level in a weapon increases your accuracy with it
certain mobs will be weak or strong to certain tools.
for instance, sheep are resistant to shovel attacks, while weak to hoe and pickaxe attacks.
level formula is as follows
xp threshold = level x 100
it will take 1000 xp to get from level 9 to 10.
gain xp by hitting enemies with your preferred weapon.
these tools are
added better combat features for the following items
hoe - swings to the right and combos into a jab with the end of the handle.
pickaxe - swings sideways in a piercing motion
shovel - swings side to side in a battering motion -- may look goofy, will be adjusted
added in 0.0.7c
magi classes learn crafting faster
warrior classes learn combat faster
thief classes learn acrobatics faster.
the warrior class excels in combat
the monk class excels in farming
the fisherman class excels in fishing, updated class display string
the merchant gains more mining level from emerald ores
the acrobat class excels in acrobatics
the bard class exels in building
doubled the duration of the magi's class' poison spell.
the fisherman class e
added in 0.0.7b3
combat 45 perk: landing an arrow cripples the assaulted and fills the assailant with confidence. Attacker gains Strength 2 for 3 seconds and the hit obtains a Slow 1 debuff.
building 45 perk: creating trails with shovels gain bonus hobby exp. this exp depends on shovel in hand and in offhand. Gold giving the most exp. offhand shovels provide buffs when creating trails.
farming 45: similar to building but with farm tiles.
fishing 45: chance to obtain bonus fish or gain emeralds while fishing, scales with hobby level.
Added in 0.0.7b2
All hobbies have perks that unlock at 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75.
Almost all hobbies train faster when using gold tools.
Crafting; 15, hobby level / 200 chance gain bonus hobby exp.
30; if in offhand, a mushroom will provide a crafted tool with either Unbreaking or Efficiency.
45; holding a mushroom in your offhand will radiate magickal energy, causing a slight regeneration of saturation.
60; 25 percent chance that crafted tools will be duplicated.
75, now a hobby level / 100 percent chance to gain bonus hobby exp and level exp.
Farming; 15, level / 200 chance gain bonus hobby exp. [added exp gains from beets, carrots, and potatoes. perks only affect wheat]
30; gain resistance if offhand item is a hoe of iron quality or better.
45; [bugged, fixing by friday]
60; regain hoe durability when harvesting wheat.
75; now a hobby level / 100 percent chance to gain bonus hobby exp and level exp.
combat 15, hobby level / 200 chance gain bonus hobby exp when being attacked.
30; when weilding a sword of iron quality or better and paired with a shield, being struck applies Strength 1 for 20 ticks. If blocking while struck, gain Speed 2 for twenty ticks.
45; bugged, fixing by friday.
60; when weilding both shield and sword [of iron or better] the player has a 25 percent chance that the sword regains durability.
acrobatics [soon to be athletics] 15; level / 200 chance to brush off fall damage.
30; gain dolphin's grace 1 while swimming.
45; hobby level / 200 chance to run through fire unscathed.
60; hobby level / 100 chance to run through fire unscathed.
75; hobby level / 100 chance to negate fall damage.
fishing 15; hobby level / 200 chance gain bonus hobby exp.
30; while a fishing pole is in your offhand, gain Invisibility. Perfect for night fishing.
45 [forgot this one lmao mb, same with building]
60; 25 percent chance to regain durability of a fishing rod in your mainhand while fishing.
75; now a hobby level / 100 percent chance to gain bonus hobby exp and level exp.
building 15; hobby level / 200 chance gain bonus hobby exp.
30; gain slow falling for 20 ticks after placing a a block.
45 [forgotten]
60; when placing slabs, stairs, stone, or planks, have a percent chance to add another to your inventory.
75; now a hobby level / 100 percent chance to gain bonus hobby exp and level exp when placing blocks.
Added in 0.0.7b
8 hobbies to level up and gain xp through. Perks are obtained through completing milestones in these hobbies. These milestones are 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, and 99. Your character gains exp for each level made in these hobbies, scaling with hobby dedication. Currently there are only two hobbies with milestones up to level 75 -- Woodcutting and Mining.
Woodcutting - Tree felling, with enough time and effort, will be a exp source. Boosts efficiency with Axes. Going forward, will provide bonuses to strength. Train this skill faster by using better axes, especially those of the colour boasted by the sun.
Crafting - Craft items to train this hobby. Going forward, will provide bonuses to Intelligence. Train this skill faster through crafting tools.
Farming - Harvest crops to train this hobby. Going forward, will provide bonuses to Willpower. Currently, only scales with wheat. Train this skill faster by harvesting with hoes.
Acrobatics - Jumping and taking fall damage trains this hobby. This hobby will return resistance to enviromental damage such as fall damage and fire, and eventually, provide a bonus to speed.
Combat - Train this skill by slaying. Train this skill faster by slaying monsters. This skill, going forward, will provide a bonus to agility.
Mining - Train this skill by breaking overworld stone and ore. Train this skill faster by mining ores and better pickaxes, similar to Woodcutting. Will later provide a bonus to endurance.
Building - Train this skill by building. Will eventually bolster your character's personality.
Removed traditional exp gain. Experience is now solely gained through the training of hobbies. Leveling as it used to be was relegated in hopes of finding an animal you could slay until you got to 55 int to use a furnace. I personally find the new level scaling slower, but more engaging and varied.
Forecast for 0.0.7c
All attributes have milestones to 75.
XP threshold tweaks.
Changelog starts at 0.0.6b
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