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The files on the mod pages are uploaded by the community and are not official or affiliated with Pylo in any way. In case of any copyright infringement or suspicious downloads, please let us know as soon as possible on our contact form.

Posted by: rafaelziliocestaro
File description: .
File size: 202.11 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 3
Mod changelog:


Copyright c 12, RAFAEL

Permissao e concedida, gratuitamente, a qualquer pessoa que obtenha uma copia deste software e dos arquivos de documentacao associados (o "Software"), para utilizar o Software sem restricoes, incluindo, sem limitacao, os direitos de instalar, executar e modificar para uso pessoal, sujeito as seguintes condicoes:

O aviso de copyright acima e este aviso de permissao deverao ser incluidos em todas as copias ou partes substanciais do Software.

O Software e fornecido "como esta", sem garantias de qualquer tipo, expressas ou implicitas, incluindo, mas nao se limitando as garantias de comercializacao, adequacao a um determinado fim e nao infracao.

O uso do Software para atividades ilegais ou fraudulentas e estritamente proibido.

Nenhuma modificacao ou redistribuicao comercial e permitida sem autorizacao expressa do titular dos direitos.

Em nenhum caso os autores ou detentores dos direitos autorais serao responsaveis por qualquer reclamacao, danos ou outras responsabilidades, seja em uma acao de contrato, ato ilicito ou de outra forma, decorrente de, fora de ou em conexao com o Software ou o uso ou outras negociacoes no Software.

Esta licenca permanecera em vigor a menos que seja rescindida pelo autor ou por violacao de seus termos.

How to install a mod?

If you are looking on how to install modifications made with MCreator, check MCreator's wiki. There you can find detailed instructions of the process. If the mod has special instructions or steps for the installation, make sure to read through the mod page for any details.

MCreator's Community

Become a member of MCreator's Community and participate in one of the biggest Minecraft modding knowledge base and mod sharing platform in the world. Share your creations by uploading your mod to the community pages, or by posting to forums, by commenting, rating and sharing creations of other users or simply by learning from our Wiki.

Publish mods you made on the community pages

Did you make an awesome mod with our software and you what to share it with other users of MCreator? If you have a user account, you can publish your mods on the MCreator's Community and participate in the mod of the week contest which boosts your mod's popularity, downloads, and its presence on the internet.

What is MCreator?

MCreator is a software used to make Minecraft mods (mod generator) without programming knowledge and is developed by Pylo. It's very simple to use, and its concept is easy to learn. With it, you can make your own mod in minutes! MCreator is a great tool to learn Minecraft computer programming and to learn basic concepts of software programming. Learn more about MCreator.

Donate to MCreator

MCreator is a free project developed by people working on this project in their free time. Help us cover costs of development, support, and servers and show us your support by donating :)