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Posted by: KreatorB
File description: Stones & Bricks v2.1.025 - The Missing Vanilla Blocks
File size: 5.23 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 439
Mod changelog:
Stones & Bricks v2.1.025 - The Missing Vanilla Blocks
Created and Release By KreatorB on Wednesday, 04/29/2020
In this update the main goal was to add in Slabs, however the Stairs, Walls, Fences and blocks are still being added to the mod.
Armors, Weapons & Tools where Adjusted. Block resistance & hardness is being worked to follow that of vanilla and is a work in progress.
Blocks updated,
Andesite ----------------------- Blocks, Stairs, Wall, Fence, Slab
Bookshelfs -------------------- Block, Stairs, Slabs
bricks --------------------------- Blocks, Stairs, Wall, Fence, Slab
coarsedirt --------------------- Blocks, Stairs, Slabs
bedrock ----------------------- Blocks, Stairs, wall, Fence, Slab
iron ----------------------------- Blocks, Stairs, wall, Fence, Slab
flesh --------------------------- Blocks, Stairs, wall, Fence, Slab
gravel ------------------------- Blocks, Stairs, Slabs (No gravity for Stairs & Slabs)
sand --------------------------- Blocks, Stairs, Slabs (No gravity for Stairs & Slabs)
cobblestone ----------------- Blocks, Stairs, wall, Fence, Slab
Stone ------------------------- Blocks, Stairs, wall, Fence, Slab
ice ----------------------------- Blocks, Stairs, Wall, Slab (Slipperiness In Progress)
packed ice ------------------ Blocks, Stairs, Wall, Slab (Slipperiness In Progress)
MossyCobble --------------- Blocks, Stairs, wall, Fence, Slab
Recipes follow vanilla, however fence recipes use iron ingots or bricks that correspond in the middle.
Example Recipe for Iron & Block Fences
Iron Block - Iron Ingot - Iron Block
Iron Block - Iron Ingot - Iron Block
Cobble Block - brick - Cobble Block
Cobble Block - brick - Cobble Block
Note due to limitations in the Mod Program we where forced to move and change the slabs coding, and the ideas have also changed.
Be advised this can affect past builds, while we take ever precaution to not change things it is out of our hands, due to the demand for working slabs!
Recipes work as all other Vanilla
NOW a TRULY a Builders Dream Mod!
Note; All prior versions of Stones & Bricks are no longer supported
Stones & Bricks version v2.00-240
Created and Release By KreatorB on Saturday, 10/06/2018
NEW VERSION 2.0 with Complete UPGRADE and removal of Crate and Cavern!
File now contains no World Gens and is only Vanilla Based Blocks and Recipes.
Andesite Added
Andesite Polished
Andesite Lower Slab Added
Andesite Recipes work as all others
NOW a TRULY a Builders Dream Mod!
Stones & Bricks version v1.19-144
Created and Release By KreatorB on Mon, 09/03/2018
Whats in version 1.19.137 update?
- Hot Fix for Compressed Cobble
- Block Additions
- Recipes Adjustments
Graphical Changes
- Flesh Block Edited
- Flesh Slab Edited
Block Additions
- Sand & Slabs
- Iron & Slabs
- Sand Blocks & Slabs - 8 Sands around 1 color, 3 Sands of color gives slab of color
- Iron Blocks & Slabs - 8 Sands around 1 color, 3 Sands of color gives slab of color
- Decompressing Cobble - Place in Crafting Table and provided level below
Stones & Bricks version v1.19-137
Created and Release By KreatorB on Mon, 09/01/2018
Whats in version 1.19.137 update?
- Graphical Changes
- Block Additions
- Tools & Armor Additions
- Recipes
Graphical Changes
- Cavern Shard Edited Again
- Cavern Ore Edited Agian
Block Additions
- Compressed Cobblestone (Level 1 to 9)
- Compressed Bedrock
Tools & Armor Additions
Obsidian Armor
- Helmet
- Chestplate
- Leggings
- Boots
Obsidian Tools
- Pickaxe
- Sword
- Axe
- Shovel
- Hoe
- Emerald Armor Updated - Emerald Armor requires Diamond armor added in recipe (Toughness lowered)
- Obsidian Armor - Same as Emerald Armor and requires Emerald armor added in recipe
- Obsidian Tools - 4 Obsidian, 4 Dragon Breath and Emerald Tool in middle.
Other Recipes Added
Podzol = Grass - CDdirt - Grass
CDirt - RedSand - CDirt
Grass - CDdirt - Grass
Mycelium = Grass - CDdirt - Grass
CDirt - obsidian - CDirt
Grass - CDdirt - Grass
PathBlock = Grass - CDdirt - Grass
CDirt - Sand - CDirt
Grass - CDdirt - Grass
Sponge = YConcreteP - CharcoalB - YConcreteP
CharcoalB - Magma - CharcoalB
YConcreteP - CharcoalB - YConcreteP
FarmLand = Dirt - Dirt - Dirt
CrateStick - Cobble - CrateStick
Dirt - Dirt - Dirt
HorseArmorIron = iron - - iron
iron - Saddle - iron
iron - - iron
HorseArmorGold = gold - - gold
gold - Saddle - gold
gold - - gold
HorseArmorDiamond = Diamond - - Diamond
Diamond - Saddle - Diamond
Diamond - - Diamond
FrostedIce = Ice - Ice - Ice
Ice - packedIce - Ice
Ice - Ice - Ice
ElytraWings = Feather - ChainTorso - Feather
Feather - netherstar - Feather
Feather - dragonbreath - Feather
Compressed Cobble = CS - CS - CS
For All Levels CS - CS - CS
CS - CS - CS
Compressed Bedrock = CCSL9 - CCSL9 - CCSL9
CCSL9 - Magma - CCSL9
Stones & Bricks version v1.19-125
Created and Release By KreatorB on Mon, 08/05/2018
Whats in version 1.19.125 update?
- Graphical Changes
- Block Additions
- Tools & Armor Additions
- Recipes
Graphical Changes
- Cavern Shard Edited
- Flesh Block Edited
Block Additions
- Nether Bricks
- Nether Slabs
- Nether Rack Bricks
Tools & Armor Additions
Emerald Armor
- Helmet
- Chestplate
- Leggings
- Boots
Emerald Tools
- Pickaxe
- Sword
- Axe
- Shovel
- Hoe
- Nether Rack Bricks - Cook in furnace to get brick item
- Nether Bricks - Place 4 NetherRack Brick In Crafting Table
- Nether Slabs - 3 Nether Bricks in Crafting Table
- Emerald Armor - Same Recipes as Diamond Armor just used emeralds in place
- Emerald Tools - Same Recipes as Diamond Tools just used emeralds in place
Stones & Bricks version v1.19-116
Created and Release By KreatorB on Mon, 08/01/2018
Graphics Updates & Block Additions
Blocks Added
- NetherRack Blocks
- NetherRack Brick Items
- NetherRack Slabs
- Flesh Block
Graphics Changes
- Cavern Ore
- Cavern Shards
- Crate Sticks
- Crate Plants
Recipe Added
FleshBlock Recipe
Flesh - Flesh - Flesh
String - Plank - String
Flesh - Flesh - Flesh
Stones & Bricks version v1.19106
Created and Release By KreatorB on Mon, 07/25/2018
- Codes
- Graphics
- Recipes
Added Bookshelf Slabs:
Bookshelves - Empty, Single & Double
Recipe like those of all slabs
Updated Recipes & Add Recipes:
Planks - Planks - Planks
- paper -
Planks - Planks - Planks
Planks - Planks - Planks
- Book -
Planks - Planks - Planks
Planks - Planks - Planks
Book - - Book
Planks - Planks - Planks
CratePlant or Break Crate Plants
Crate Stick
Crate Stick - Sapling - Crate Stick
Crate Stick
Ice - Ice - Ice
Ice - Ice - Ice
Ice - Ice - Ice
Charcoal - Charcoal - Charcoal
Charcoal - Charcoal - Charcoal
Charcoal - Charcoal - Charcoal
CratePlank - CrateStick - CratePlank
CrateStick - Chest - CrateStick
CratePlank - CrateStick - CratePlank
Leather - Leather - Leather
IronIngot -Wood PressurePlate - IronIngot
Chainlink - - Chainlink
- Black Ink - Chainlink
Lead - Iron Ingot - Feather
WoodPlank - Lead -
Flesh - Flesh - Flesh
Flesh - String - Flesh
Flesh - Flesh - Flesh
IronNugget - IronNugget - IronNugget
IronNugget - - IronNugget
IronNugget - IronNugget - IronNugget
Chainlink - Chainlink - Chainlink
Chainlink - - Chainlink
Chainlink - - Chainlink
Chainlink - Chainlink - Chainlink
Chainlink - Chainlink - Chainlink
Chainlink - Chainlink - Chainlink
Chainlink - - Chainlink
Chainlink - - Chainlink
Chainlink - - Chainlink
Chainlink - - Chainlink
End Bricks
EndPearl - Sand - EndPearl
Sand - EndPearl - Sand
EndPearl - Sand - EndPearl
Sand - CoarseDirt - Sand
CoarseDirt - Flesh - CoarseDirt
Sand - CoarseDirt - Sand
CharcoalBlock - Gravel - CharcoalBlock
Gravel - LavalBucket - Gravel
CharcoalBlock - Gravel - CharcoalBlock
Stones & Bricks version v1.19017
Created and Release By KreatorB on Mon, 07/23/2018
Update File Codes
Added Following Slabs
- Mossy Cobblestone
- Mossy Stone Bricks
- Smooth Stone
- Stone
- Stone Bricks
- Stone Brick Carved
- Stone Brick Cracked
All Recipes follow those like prior versions.
Stones & Bricks version v1.19
Created and Release By KreatorB on Mon, 06/30/2018
Worked out Details for Several Blocks.
Main Update: Added
- Lower Brick Slabs
- Lower Cavern Stone Slabs
- Lower Coarse Dirt Slabs
- Lower Cobble Stone Slabs
- Lower Crate Slabs
- Lower Gravel Slabs
- Lower Ice Slabs
Recipes for all these blocks are like those of cobblestone slabs
User Stone and Color stone in crafting table bottom, 3 across.
1xGravel 1xGravel 1xGravel = 6 Gravel Slabs
Stones & Bricks version v1.18
Created and Release By KreatorB on Mon, 06/24/2018
Basic Clean Up to Blocks and Codes.
- Cavern Ore - World Gen
- Drops Cavern Shards
- Must be Iron or Diamond Pick Axe
- Cavern Ore gives light level 6
- Cavern Stone Gives light level 4
Recipe for Cavern Stone (Requires Smooth Stone & Cavern Shards )
CS SS CS = 5 x Cavern Stone Base Color
Cavern Stone can be Dye in the same method as other blocks in this mod pack
Stones & Bricks version v1.17
Created and Release By KreatorB on Mon, 06/17/2018
Added Blocks:
- Stone Brick Cracked
- Stone Brick Carved
- Mossy Stone Brick
- Stone Brick
- Smooth Stone
- All Recipes are the Same, dye in the middle and blocks all around will create the colored block!
- Packed Ice Recipe - Place 9 Pieces of Ice in Crafting Table to create 1 Packed Ice
- Bookshelf - Empty Book Shelf is crafted with 3 planks on top, 3 planks on bottom and one paper in middle
Stones & Bricks version v1.16
Created and Release By KreatorB on Mon, 06/10/2018
Added Blocks:
- Coarse Dirt
- Gravel
- All Block Names
- All Block Hardness Levels
- All Block Tool Levels
- Crate Plant Grow Recipe
Stones & Bricks version v1.15
Created and Release By KreatorB on Mon, 06/10/2018
Large Change to the Mod with Crate Plants generating in the world.
Set World Gen for Crate Plants to be small and like that of Sugar Cane or Cactus.
Crate Plants grow on the Plains(grass), with this update you can now get the crate sticks.
Crate sticks can use this to generate crate planks(all colors using dyes).
Planks can create crafting table, crate sticks used to make torches with coal or charcoal.
and now the Crate can be built using the crate sticks(4) and crate planks(5) in a x-pattern on the table.
Stones & Bricks version v1.14
Created and Release By KreatorB on Mon, 06/09/2018
- Formula Updated to better match Minecraft dying block version 1.12
- Mossy Cobblestone Added to the to mod
- Now featuring over 80 Blocks added
- New formula file added to page section, Mossy cobblestone not added as it is the same as cobblestone.
Stones & Bricks version 1.13
Created and Release By KreatorB on Mon, 06/04/2018
- Mod Updated and Stone Added
- Now with 64 Plus Blocks
Stones & Bricks version 1.12
Created and Release By KreatorB on Mon, 06/04/2018
- Mod Updated to for Minecraft 1.12.2
- Complete overhaul, all prior versions of Stones & Bricks no longer support!
- This Mod contains 46 Updated Blocks with multi sides and new Recipes.
- All Blocks are the same as from Prior versions but more variations are being added.
- This Mod is only a building block add-on.
- In Time we hope to add Stairs, Slabs, Etc....
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