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Posted by: xXWillyModzXx
File description: NatureCraft 1.17.4
File size: 876.26 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 1105
Mod changelog:
+Metal item
+Crystal block and item
+New updated textures for: "Pile of Pinecones" and "Pine Needles"
+Chopped Wood (Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, and Dark Oak)
+Gas Fire
+Petrified Glass and Petrified Glass Shards
+Petrified Oak Wood Slab
+Sticker Ball
+4 New Ores
+Pickles and Pickle Plants
+Eaten Grass
+Pine Tree Structures
+Chopped Pine Wood
*Plant spawning is more under control
+Updated "Bush" texture
*Fixed "The Nature Mod" Tab
+Crystal blocks now emit Light
+Bamboo Block
+Bark Blocks (Wood texture on all sides)
+Tree Stumps
+Cobalt Ore
+Nickel Ore
*Renamed "The Nature Mod" to "NatureCraft"
+Search Bar for NatureCraft Tab
+Evaperating Water
*Crystal Block should now emit 150 amount of light instead of 20
+Fish Bones
+Pebble block
+Uncarved Pumpkins
-Removed Log block
+Wet Sand
+Red Wet Sand
+Bone Sand
+Red Bone Sand
+Palm Wood
+Chopped Palm Wood
+Palm Tree Stump
+Palm Bark
+Dyed Planks
+Pine and Palm Planks
+Full Grass Block (Grass texture on all sides)
+Palm Leaves
+Star Dust
+Pollen Block, Full block of pollen
+Smooth Sandstone
+Smooth Red Sandstone
+Smooth Stone
+Smooth Bone Block
*Fixed Pollen model
+Sticky Wooden Planks
+Zinc Ore
+Damaged Bone Block
*Fixed Tree Stump model
+Pebbles block (Multiple Pebbles)
*Fixed Bugs with blocks
+Tree Sap blocks (Yellow and Orange)
-Search Bar
*Name of NatureCraft is now Willy's Nature Mod!
+Sap stuff
*Fixed Mud model and texture
+Added Moldy Apple
*Moved some foods to Tab
*Renamed Eaten Grass to Short Grass
+Added Copper Nugget
+Added Tall Stalagmites and Stalactites
+Added different variants of leaf items
+Added Moldy Golden Apple
+Added all wood types of Sticks
*New Pine Cone texture AGAIN
+Added Blueberries
+Added Radishes and Radish Plants
*SOME plant spawning under control
*Name of Willy's Nature Mod is now Nature Addon Mod!
+Added Cornflower (1.14 flower)
+Added Lily of the Valley (1.14 flower)
+Added Acorn
*New Pine Cone texture
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