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Posted by: jadenquinn8
File description: MOST Old Versions: IntCompGadMod: Rethought!
File size: 25.56 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 1082
Mod changelog:



Hey guys, it's Jaden LeMieux, and welcome to our mod?!?!



Yes, I AM Working On Another Update That Will Fix Most Graphical Glitches!


I have brought to everyone here my personal mod I have made, My name is Jaden LeMieux, so it would only make sense to name my mod Intellectually Computational Gadgets mod (A.K.A. Jaden's Mod), or should I say OUR Mod!

Everyone here has a say in what might happen with our mod, as well as me adding new content.

Please let me know if you want more or less files or updates coming out in a certain amount of time.




 So, I have brought to you so far:


        -Generated Structures: Example: Diamond in the air generating on one of the dimensions that are new!

        -Cool Gadgets/tools/developers' tools/just nice things to have/effectual items!

        -Effectual Blocks/Blocks that when stepped on/right clicked/left clicked/some kind of action put upon it before you will give you a list or one specific effect!

        -Extra Dimensions/Utility Dimensions/WIP Dimensions (In Alpha/Beta Phase(s) Right now) Currently 2-4 Dimensions Added Already (8-14 Planned), But they are EXTREMELY BUGGY AT THE MOMENT! - Survivors Reporting(s) include instanced concluding 6-9 Inventories FULL of Diamonds - Or even ender pearls? I don't know. But my point here being in this text/description Section is: Currently in ALPHA-+BETA/Do NOT complain!! - BUT DO REPORT BACK TO US either over at -or- Down in the Linkkit Hole of Our Discord Server -or Even- Up here!! Thanks!!!!        -jaden-

        -Armor & Tool Sets/EPIC ENTHRULLED ARMOR!

        -New Materials/ingots/gems/ores to generate in your Minecraft World!

        -Loot Tables that are FULLY NEW: Example: Bat drops leather or wool, and very configurable as well!

        -More Dimensions, utility blocks, blocks that will give positive/negative/random of each potion       effects too, and EVEN MORE!



       Good News - I have a PATREON!:

               (Link currently kind of broken, fixing is in the beta process, sorry about that guys!!!!....)


MaskedRPM8 is my best friend, and he has given me a lot of ideas for this mod, so thanks to him!! - Also don't forget to check Masked out on YouTube! He as a channel there. He might just become friends with ya before he becomes way too overpopulated for you to go do that then!!!!

Special Thanks goes to GrifyTheGreat, Also an absolute TON OF very good ideas came from his pie_hole, so yea, go check him out on YouTube too!


-Made with Eclipse IDE combined with this currently in-posted Program's Website!




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