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Posted by: TheLuxureSlime
File description: Snapshot with Deleted Nether Grass (It's first Snapshot of this Mod)
File size: 353.72 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 550
Mod changelog:
All in Mod:
Mobs: Nether Pig, Nether Cow, Lavaned, Voodoo Demon [2 Types], Demon, Evil Mummy, Big Scorpion, Phaleton, Doom Spider, Eetle Larva, Eetle
Items: Heart of The Sea, Kelp, Dried Kelp, Scute, Nether Sugar Cane (Item), Nether Brown Mushroom, Nether Red Mushroom, Turtle Egg, Netherrack Ingot, Bamboo (Placeable), Ruby, The Sea Quartz, Ambrezium, Iron Dust, Gold Dust, Tomato Seeds, ??????? ????, Eetle Nest Item, Eetle Horn, Eetle Larvae, Eetle Moult, Elytron Fragment, Diamond/Copper/Emerald/Coal/The Sea Quartz/Quartz/Ambrezium/Lapis Lazuli/Ruby/Tin/Bronze/Eetle Nest/Rabium/Sapphire/Uranium Dust, Tin, Magic Stick, Horse Saddle, Rabium, Sapphire, Lavic Quartz, Blueberry Seeds
Biomes: Bamboo Biome
Desert Plants (or not Plants): Skull
Food: Nether Porkchop, Nether Cooked Porkchop, Nether Beef, Nether Cooked Beef, Flame Raddish, Ghast Pepper, Nether Corn, Corn, Pepper, Sweet Berries, Cactus (Food)
Blocks: Weapon Table, Barrel, Cartography Table, Fletching Table, Smoker, Blast Furnace, Loom, Blue Ice [Uncraftable], Dried Kelp Block, Brain Coral Block, Horn Coral Block, Tube Coral Block, Bubble Coral Block, Fire Coral Block, Furrowed Netherrack, Furrowed Soulsand, Nether Brown Mushroom Block, Nether Red Mushroom Block, Nether Mushroom Stew, Scaffolding, Ironfolding, Bamboo, Ruby Block, Ruby Ore, The Sea Netherrack, The Sea Quartz Ore, The Sea Quartz Block, The Sea Quartz Pillar, The Sea Chiseled Quartz Block, Bamboo Block, Ambrezium Ore, Ambrezium Block, Iron Dust Block, Gold Dust Block, Cactus Planks, Tomato Seeds, Palm Log, Palm Planks, ????? ?? ?????, Bronze Block, Prismarine Plates, Hallow Cactus/Sand/Sandstone/Chiseled Sandstone/Cut Sandstone, The Lavest Netherrack, Snow Bricks, Oak/Spruce/Birch/Jungle Planks [2 types], Andesite Slab, Andesite Slab Block, Diorite Slab, Diorite Slab Block, Granite Slab, Granite Slab Block, Candy Log, Composter, Tin Block, Stonecutter, Eetle Nest, Tin Ore, Uranium Ore, Lavic Ore
Modeled Blocks: Oak/Spruce/Birch/Jungle/Acacia/Dark Oak/Cactus/Endstone/Palm/Purpur Table, Bamboo, Box, Magic Table, Campfire [2 types], Lectern
Crops: Ghast Pepper [4 stages], Flame Raddish [4 stages], Nether Corn [5 stages], Oat (8 stages), Corn [5 stages], Pepper [4 stages], Sweet Berry Bush [4 stages], Tomato [4 Stages], Cactus [4 Stages], Blueberry [4 stages]
Books (Decorative) (Items): 72
Plants: Nether Grass [Deleted], Cornflower, Wither Rose, Bush, Lily of The Valley, Seagrass
Seeds: Ghast Pepper Seeds, Flame Raddish Seeds, Oat Seeds, Corn Seeds, Pepper Seeds, Sweet Berries Seeds
Items (Like bow): Crossbow, Blue Bow, Cardinal Bow, Blaze Bow, Rainbow Bow
Armor & Tools: Netherrack [Crafts from Netherrack Ingots], Ruby, Ambrezium, Bronze, Leather-Chain
Armor: Only Helmet: Eetle Helmet, Tin
Tools (Only Hoe): Sand Hoe
Total tabs: 16
Total procedures: Too many...
Totems: Totem of Lava, Tomet of Water
Dimensions: The Sea Nether, Ender, The Lavest
The End Blocks: Ender Purpur Block [Glow], Ender Purpur Pillar [Glow], Chorus Plant Block, Chorus Flower Block [Dead], Chorus Flower Block, Purpur Planks, Planks End Stone, Ender Planks End Stone, Ender End Stone, Ender Planks Purpur
Drinkable (Bottles): Nether Bottle [Teleports you into Nether] [Beta]
Hammers: Wooden, Stone, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Emerald, Quartz, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli, Enchanted, Bedrock, Obsidian, Bronze, Ambrezium, Tin, Copper
Fluids: The Sea Lava, The Lavest Lava
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