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Posted by: JoaquinIam
File description: Mine Plus Version 1.1.1 Mod File
File size: 1.37 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 1202
Mod changelog:

Mine Plus Version 1.1.4 (The World Comes Alive):

- Added Daggers! These tiny blades can be made with 1 block/ingot and a stick like a sword. They allow you to attack very quickly, but with less damage than a normal sword.

- Added Multitools! Ever wished you could combine your sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, and hoe into one tool? Wish you only needed one inventory slot for all your tools? Well wish no longer! You can now combine wood, stone, gold, iron, diamond, and netherite tools into one!

- The Killer Bunny is now a boss and the first one you should fight and kill in the mod! It's very weak in health, but can kill you in a few shots, so you'll have to be careful! If you manage to punch it to death, you'll start out the game with a pretty good amount of stuff!

- Added Brown and Black Bears! The brown bear can be found in forests and flower forests while the black bear can be found in taigas. If these bears encounter a bee nest or beehive, they will promptly break the nest or hive. These bears also attack any bees nearby. Bee keepers beware!

- Added Cobblestone and Dirt Pebbles! These can be found all over the world, and are used for decoration! Making the world look a little more nice!

- Added Rice! Yet another crop has come to Mine Plus, rice! You can get rice seeds from breaking any grass.

- Added Snapping Turtles! These water creatures can spawn in swamps or mangrove swamps. They are dangerous, so watch out when swimming through swamps!

- Added Prismarine Rods! These sticks can be made from Prismarine and are now used to craft tridents.

- Added Solid Grass. Has the top texture of a grass block's texture on all sides. Crafted from four grass blocks.

- Added Pears, Oranges, Pineapples, Raspberries, Plums, and Cranberries. These fruits drop from leaves like how apples drop from oak leaves.

- Added Beetroot, Carrot, Potato, Poisonous Potato, Pumpkin, Bamboo, Cocoa Bean, Sugar Cane, Sweet Berry, Cactus, Kelp, Sea Pickle, Crimson Fungus, Warped Fungus, and Glow Berry blocks. These are more compact blocks that you can use to store a lot of a crop. Some of them have additional features as well, so be sure to craft or find every one!

- Added Potions for every single vanilla effect! Ever wanted arrows of mining fatigue? How about slash potions of nausea? Well now you can make potions for every effect in the game!

- Added recipes for Elytras, End Stone, Spore Blossoms, Grass Block, Gilded Blackstone, Brown Mushroom Block, Red Mushroom Block, all vanilla Leaves, all Coral blocks, Small Dripleaf, Tall Grass, Large Fern, Dead Bush, Netherrack, Glow Berries, Sweet Berries, Chorus Plant, Shroomlight, Mushroom Stem,

- Added additional recipes for Bone Blocks, Bones,

- Added Cactus Armor. Gives thorns very early on!

- Added Turtle Torso, Brace, and Waders! These three armor pieces with the Turtle Shell provide over a minute of oxygen when wearing the entire set!

- Added Echo Armor! This armor is just barely less powerful than diamond and has the ability to illuminate any nearby Wardens when wearing the full set! Can be crafted with echo shards.

- Added Topaz, Peridot, Sapphire, and Amethyst armors. There are all pretty much as good as diamond and can serve as replacements if you find these but no diamonds.

- Added Coal, Redstone, Lapis, Quartz, Charcoal, and Netherite Nuggets. Coal nuggets are the first ever fuel this mod adds along  with Charcoal nuggets!

- Added an Empty Banner Pattern. Ever wanted to infinitely duplicate a banner pattern once you've crafted it instead of having to craft it over and over again? Ever want more than one snout banner pattern without needing to loot another bastion? Well the empty banner pattern solves all these problems! Simply combine an empty pattern with a banner pattern and you'll get two of that banner pattern!

- Added End Essence. Drops from any end related creature after the Ender Dragon has been killed. Can be used for some recipes.

- Added Wither and Ender Dragon spawn eggs.

- Added Block of Charcoal.

- Added Gunpowder Block. A more compact way of storing gunpowder.

- Added Muddy Quicksand. Be careful of dark mud when exploring mangrove swamps, as falling into these blocks will have the same effect as falling into quicksand.

- Added Mushroom Pore blocks. Ever wanted a block with the mushroom pore texture on all sides? Simply put 5 Brown Mushroom blocks in the shape of a plus in the crafting table and you'll get one of these blocks!

- Added Blaze Sword. Made with blaze rod and sticks, this sword does the same damage as a stone sword, but sets any enemies on fire when you hit them and can be used to shoot fireballs when you right click!

- Added Dolphin Medals! Used in making dolphin's grace potions, you can rarely obtain them if you feed a dolphin.

- Added Fungus Stew! Gives twice the food as mushroom stew, but requires both Crimson Fungus and Warped Fungus!

- Changed the Flint and Steel recipe. You now have to use a steel ingot and flint.

- Changed the Eye of Ender recipe. You now have to kill a Warden and get a special drop.

- Changed all Trapdoor recipes. Wooden Trapdoor recipes now give 6 trapdoors, while the Iron Trapdoor recipe gives 4 trapdoors.

- Blocks of Raw Iron, Copper, and Gold can now be smelted in a blast furnace to output 9 ingots of whatever you smelted!

- Tuff can now be obtained sometimes from geodes.

- Vindicators will now sometimes drop lapis nuggets.

- Cave Spiders will now sometimes drop redstone nuggets.

- Ghasts will now sometimes drop nether quartz nuggets.

- Husks will now sometimes drop sand, making sand easily renewable without having to find a wandering trader.

- Piglin Brutes have an extremely small chance to drop a netherite nugget, making netherite ingots renewable.

- Chipped anvils can now be repaired with 1 iron block while damaged anvils can be repaired with 3.

- Green apples now only drop from birch leaves.

- Ender dragons can now drop their head.

- Diamond tools can now be smelted into a diamond nugget.

- Fixed the Diving Helmet giving infinite oxygen while in bubble columns.

- Fixes an exploit to get infinite oxygen with the Diving Helmet.

- An in game Mine Plus logo can be seen on the mod page.

- The Mine Plus Homepage in game has been correctly changed to the mod's homepage rather than the generic mcreator website.


Hope you enjoy the update!


Mine Plus Version 1.1.3 (The Rocky Return):

- Added Every Rock.

- Added two new Gemstones, Topaz and Garnet! 

- Added Placer and Destroyer blocks! These blocks look like dispensers, but do exactly what their names say! Have fun using these in extreme redstone contraptions!

- Added Clover Patches! This new grass can spawn in most biomes, and can be used to obtain 3 Leaf Clovers, and on extremely rare occasions, 4 Leaf Clovers!

- Added Cherries! These fruits can now be obtained from sakura leaves like apples are obtained from oak leaves. They can be eaten extremely fast as well!

- The Alloy Furnace finally works. A tooltip has also been added.

- Removed the Meadow biome. Honestly, I felt that the Meadow was really unnecessary and got replaced by the vanilla meadow biome. All Meadow biome features have been moved to the flower forest.

- Luck Potions can now be obtained in survival with a 4 Leaf Clover.

- Added Iron Golem and Snow Golem spawn eggs.

- Added Small Stalactite Clusters and Stalagmite Clusters. Stalagmite Clusters were in the game before, but were uncraftable in survival mode, however, now they are!

- Diamond Armor can now be smelted into nuggets, thus, making diamonds, renewable.

- Small Stalagmites and Stalactites can now be crafted.

- Leather can now be turned into 4 Rabbit Hide.

- Spyglasses can now sometimes be found in shipwreck treasure chests.

- Geode loot has been changed. They also now drop from smooth basalt or tuff at a higher chance than stone.

- Breaking tuff blocks no longer cause the item to go flying. Tuff blocks also no longer drop ash when in creative.

- Palm Planks, Sakura Planks, and all Maple Log types now correctly break faster with an axe.

- Palm leaves no longer drop items when broken in creative.

- Bonemeal can now be used to on the Mine Plus tall flowers like how it's used on rose bushes or peonies. Using bonemeal gives you another tall flower of the type you use it on.

- All ore blocks can now be smelted.

- Tomato crops no longer have random positioning when planted and always drop a tomato seed.

- Obsidian armor no longer gives armor toughness.

- Palm trees no longer generate in deserts.

- You now get Maple Syrup Bottles by right clicking a Maple Log full of sap with an empty bottle.

- The Mine Plus in game description and version number has been updated to be accurate.


Hope you enjoy the update!

Mine Plus Version 1.1.2 (The Metal Age Update):

- Added an Industrial Compactor! Tired of common blocks like cobblestone, dirt and stone filling up your inventory? Simply put 9 of them into this machine and you get a compact block!

- Added Diving Helmets! An extremely useful helmet to aid your many ocean explorations! Brought to you directly from the metal age!

- Added Sunstone and Moonstone! These gemstones are very unique and only spawn in the sky dimension!

- Added Black Diamonds! These powerful and unstable diamonds only spawn very deep in the reverse dimension!

- Added special notes that you get whenever you enter the reverse dimension or sky dimension for the 1st time.

- Added Ash Blocks! These dark, sandy blocks can spawn across the Nether or be obtained from breaking tuff with a pickaxe. Tuff is now obtained with silk touch.

- Added the Lightning Insignia! This special thunderbolt summons a Lightning Guardian when used!

- So many new achievements. Achievements are mainly now to provide a sort of guideline of basic progression.

- Bee Nests can now spawn on the ground in Meadow biomes.

- Name tags can now be crafted.

- It can no longer rain in the Sky Dimension.

- Most tools work correctly.

- Alloy Furnace now actually works. (Srry bout that, was kinda lazy at the time...)

- You now need a Netherite Pickaxe to mine lost debris.

- All water in the Reverse Dimension now gives slowness and poison.

- All one block flowers now have appropriete bounding boxes.

- Palm Leaves have increased drop rates.

- Some recipes that were accidentally uncraftable are now craftable.

- Some armors and tools have been adjusted.

- Sakura, Maple, and Palm Trees generate slightly more smoothly.

- Lightning Guardians no longer attack each other and don't attack you.

- Updated textures of coconuts and apple pie.

- Changed some crafting recipes.


Hope you enjoy the update!


Mine Plus Version 1.1.1 (Decoration, Food, and Lore Update):
- Added a new overworld biome: the Meadow biome! This biome is like a plains biome, but has every flower in the game!

- Added Quicksand! A slightly darker sand block that spawns in deserts, be careful when exploring deserts as once you fall into it, there is no escape!

- Added Palm Trees! A brand-new type of tree that generates on beaches and in desert oases.

- Added Coconuts! These delicious fruits can be found occasionally when breaking palm leaves.

- Added Geodes! These breakable rocks can be right clicked to gain a few ores! They can also be found with a small chance when mining any stone block!

- Sky grass now correctly spawns in the sky dimension and has a new bounding box.

- Added the Gold Crown! A very fashionable crown that you can wear to show you're the king!

- Added Sakura trees! These pink leafed trees can spawn in any plans or forest biomes!

- Added Maple Trees! These amber trees spawn in taiga biomes and can be harvested for Maple Syrup!

- Added Enchanted Diamond Apple!

- Added Raw Squid!

- Added Sweet Potatoes!

- Added notes for every boss.

- Added Titanium Armor!

- Added Emerald Armor!

- Added Cobblestone Armor!

- Added 7 different flowers!

- Added a few kitchen utensils!

- Added an absolute TON of other food items. So many, in fact, writing them all would be a waste.

- Endite Ingots, Scrap, and Lost Debris can now be found in end cities, but Lost Debris spawns slightly less naturally.

- Ender Dragon Loot has been tweaked

- Lots of various armor and weapon balancing.

- Lots of tooltip changes and additions to items and blocks.

- Lots of minor bug fixes.

- Silver, Platinum, Ruby, and Endite blocks can now all be used as beacon bases.

- The Ender Dragon can no longer destroy End Respawn Anchors, Lost Debris, and Endite Blocks.

- You now move super-fast on sugar blocks.


Hope you enjoy the update!


Mine Plus Version 1.1 (Oodles o' Ores and Sky-High Update):

- Added Steel!

- Added Chromium!

- Added Stainless Steel!

- Added Titanium!

- Added Tin!

- Added Aluminum!

- Added Tungsten!

- Added Bronze!

- Added Zinc!

- Added Brass!

- Added Lightning Ore!

- Added an Alloy Furnace!

- Added Cloud and Rain Cloud Blocks! Both of these blocks can spawn in clusters at the top of the world and can only be mined with silk touch since they're so frail.

- Added the Sky Dimension!

- Added an achievement for starting a world! Thank you for your support!

- Added Skyline Shooters.

- Bosses now have a somewhat linear progression. For example, all bosses require you to beat the past boss before you can fight them.

- Added a message to announce when a zombie siege is happening.

- Pyrite and Reverse Flint & Steel now ignite tnt and creepers.

- Added Tomatoes! You can occasionally get tomato seeds from breaking grass, and you can farm tomatoes on farmland.

- Changed, removed, and added various boss drops.

- Created a new creative tab for mobs.

- Bacon can now be cooked into Cooked Bacon.

- Resprited ruby and endite. 

- Zombie Lumberjack has been slightly resprited.

- So many ore fixes and all ores have corrected values.

- So many block values have been adjusted.

- Fixed Amethyst's texture being broke.

- Fixed Cured Chorus Fruit from being broke.

- All smeltable recipes now give the right amount of exp.

- All Flint and Steels work correctly.

- Reverse Blocks work correctly.


Hope you guys look forward to future updates!


Mine Plus Version 1.0.9 (End and QoL Update):

- Added death messages for every current boss!

- Added Lost Debris! Can be mined near the bottom of the End extremely rarely. You need a diamond pick to mine these.

- Added Dragon Scales! These purple scales drop whenever you defeat the Ender Dragon.

- Added Endite Scrap! Smelt your Lost Debris to get these.

- Added Endite! Use 4 Endite Scrap and 4 Dragon Scales to craft this powerful bar.

- Added Endite Block! Flex your skill and how much time you've spent in this block game to everyone.

- Added Endite Armor and Weapons! Wearing a full set of Endite Armor gives you 80% knockback resistance and allows survival flight! Each Endite tool gives a specific buff when you hold it.

- Added a handful of endgame weapons that can be droped from the Ender Dragon and crafted via dragon scales.

- Added the Dragon Buff, an extremely powerful and mysterious buff that can only be used through brewing dragon scales or using weapons gotten directly from the Ender Dragon!

- Dragon Eggs and Dragon's Breath now have a 10% chance to drop from the Ender Dragon while Elytras have a 5% chance.

- Added the Ender Sword! Right click with this sword to throw an ender pearl! You can only throw an ender pearl once every 20 seconds. The ender pearl can also be used like a projectile and does 2 damage if it hits an enemy.

- Added Cured Chorus Fruit! Can be made with a chorus fruit and salt. It restores 8 hunger, 4.8 saturation, and only has a 5% chance to teleport the player!

- Added a /dimension command which puts you in the dimension you type after the command! Arguments are currently overworld, nether, end, or reverse.

- Added an End Respawn Anchor! Fill with up to 4 end rods and you'll be able to respawn in the End instead of the Overworld! (God, this took WAY too much time to make... ;-;)

- Fixed Reverse Zombies being able to spawn in the End and Nether.

- Added achievements for getting a Lost Debris, a Dragon Scale, a full set of Endite, and a certain Endite tool.

- Fixed Reverse Flint and Steel not making any sound when lighting fires.

- Added Enchanted Raindrop! Tired of the rain? Use this item to clear the sky of rain or thunder!

- Added Chain Piece!

- Chainmail armor can now be smelted down to a chain piece instead of an iron nugget. Nine chain pieces makes one chain.

- All leather armor pieces can be crafted into 1 leather.

- Added a recipe to change End Stone Bricks back to end stone.

- Added a recipe to change the Brick block back to bricks.

- Added a recipe to change Purpur Blocks back to Popped Chorus Fruit.

- Four red sand can be crafted with 4 sand and 1 red dye.

- Whenever you die, you have a 10% chance to drop your skull.

- Added recipes for the Skeleton, Zombie, and Creeper head by surrounding a player head with bones, rotten flesh, and gunpowder respectively.

- Terracotta can be turned into a clay block in a crafting table.

- Stone can be cut into gravel using a stonecutter.

- Mycelium can be crafted using 8 brown mushrooms and a grass block.

- Updated the Zombie Lumberjack and Reverse Zombie to hold their arms out like normal zombies.

- Changed the Reverse Zombies texture.

- Zombie Lumberjack now burns during the day and can only spawn at night.

- Zombie Axe now has half the enchantability as iron.

- Glow Ink Sacs can be crafted from 4 ink sacs and 1 glowstone dust.

- Mine Plus Copper Ingots can be changed to vanilla Copper Ingots for convenience. This will be changed in the future.

- You can now turn any two wood logs directly into sticks instead of having to make planks.

- The vanilla chain block only requires three chains.

- Desert Crawler no longer spawns minions.

- Any terracotta can now be turned into bricks via stonecutter.

- Sponges can now be crafted using 4 prismarine shards and 1 bucket.

- You can now make 4 Crying Obsidian from 1 water bucket, 4 netherrack, and 4 obsidian.


Hope you guys look forward to future updates!


Mine Plus Version 1.0.8 (Boss Bonanza):

- For the first time ever, I have added not one, not two, not even three, but THREE new, exciting bosses to Minecraft! These three bosses are all designed to be fought way before the Ender Dragon or Wither, so you can fight them almost immediately after starting your world! Info about each of them can be found below:

    - The Desert Crawler is a sandy looking arthropod that will prowl the deserts in search of food and spawns randomly during the day. It drops a Desert Sword or a Sun Sigil. Each drop has a 50% chance, and you can only get 1 from a single boss. The Desert Crawler also summons 3 Sandy Crawlers when it reaches 50% health to aid it in battle. It has 20 hearts of health and does almost 2 hearts of damage, so be prepared before taking on this boss!

    - The Killer Wolf is a fierce wolf like predator that will devour any animal or player that passes its gaze! It spawns in the taiga biome and drops 5-10 Killer Wolf Hide along with a 50% chance to drop a Wolf Fang or a Wolf Bone. The Killer Wolf will summon 3 wolfs at 50% health to aid it. It has 25 hearts of health and does 3 hearts of damage. It is recommended to kill the Desert Crawler before fighting!

    - The Zombie Lumberjack is a strong undead hunter that wields an enchanted iron axe. It spawns in any forest at night after defeating the Killer Wolf. It drops a Boss Zombie Head or a Zombie Axe. Each drop has a 50% chance. The Zombie Lumberjack will summon 4 zombies at 50% health to aid it. It has 30 hearts of health and does 5 hearts of damage. It is recommended to kill the Killer Wolf before fighting!

- All boss drops have custom tool tips that highlight their general uses.

- Added Heavy-Duty Wood Armor! Can be made with any type of wood block as opposed to logs. Wood blocks are vanilla and made with 4 logs.

- Added Wooden Shears! A new way to access all the wool and string-based items as early as you want!

- Added a new Mine Plus Consumables creative tab to house all one-use items.

- Reverse Zombies now have 4 armor protection.

- Deleted the Dimension check command as I felt it was largely useless.

- Fixed corn stalks being able to spawn in any biome.

- Reverse creepers can no longer spawn in the overworld.

- Wood Armor can now be made with stripped logs.

- Reduced the amount of defense wood armor gives from 9 to 5.

- Fixed diamond apples giving buffs for way too long.

- Made corn spawn way less.

- Made Reverse Creepers make a crackling sound when they're nearby.

- Reverse Creepers and Zombies have less particles around them.

- Reverse Creepers and Zombies now drop 0-2 reverse dust.

- Pyrite now makes sound and swings the player's arm correctly.

- Edited Mod Description on the homepage.

- Updated latest supported version to 1.17.1


Hope you guys look forward to future updates!


Mine Plus Version 1.0.6 (Ores and Overhaul):

- Added Platinum Ore! This shiny steel is more powerful than silver, and is a very good alternative to diamond!

- Added Pyrite! This ore looks almost exactly like gold, but can be mined with a wooden pickaxe, found at every layer, and is a bit weaker than gold!

- Right clicking on any block with Pyrite in your hand can light a fire!

- Added the Amethyst! This lavender purple gem can be found under any Desert or Mesa biome!

- Added the Ruby! This scarlet red gem can be found anywhere in the world and is slightly rarer than diamond!

- Added the Peridot! This emerald green gem can be found under any Swamp biome!

- Added the Sapphire! This deep blue gem can be found anywhere in the world and is the rarest ore in the game!

- Added the Ruby Block. Surprising, I know.

- Added Ruby Armor! This armor has a special texture and is more powerful than diamond!

- Added Sweet Corn! Made with corn and sugar, this sweetened vegetable gives you speed 1 for 10 seconds! Helpful at night!

- Fixed the Reverse Dimension being just an endless Sunflower Plains. It's now shaped like the nether.

- Added a Diamond Apple! Better than even an Enchanted Golden Apple, eating this will make you completely broken!

- Massively improved textures for Reverse Obsidian, Reverse Flint and Steel, Reverse Cobblestone

- Added an advancement for eating a Diamond apple.

- Reverse Grass no longer spawns smoke particles because I realized every single block spawning particles at once could cause a ton of lag and annoy people a ton.

- Added Reverse Dust! Dropped from a brand new mob, use it to craft Reverse Obsidian and Reverse Flint and Steel!

- Added the Reverse Creeper! The first mob to be added, this grey looking creeper will behave like a normal creeper, except they spawn in larger groups and drop Reverse Dust!

- Reverse Creepers now spawn in the Reverse Dimension in even greater groups than in the Overworld! Be careful when exploring, or you may find yourself surrounded by dozens of creepers!

- Made Reverse Flint and Steel able to light fires anywhere like normal flint and steel!

- Added the Reverse Zombie! This special zombie will appear in large groups and will do double the damage of a normal zombie! Beware!

- Added a Mine Plus Materials Creative Tab! Find all of your ingots, materials, gems, and more in this tab!

- Added a command that when run shows what dimension you're currently in!

- Copper Ore can now be mined with a wooden pickaxe.

- Tweaked hardness and generation values of most ores.

- Removed search bars from Mine Plus creative tabs since they overlapped GUI text.

- Added recipes for saddle, iron, gold, and diamond horse armor.

- Added a recipe to turn blaze powder back into a rod.

- Added a recipe for trident using nautilus shells, iron, and gold.

- Jack o' Lanterns can now be crafted with Redstone torches or a Glow Stone block.

- Bells can finally be crafted! Use gold, stone, and a stick!

- Honeycomb Blocks can now be crafted back into honeycombs!

- Honey Blocks can now be crafted back into 4 honey bottles!


Hope you guys look forward to future updates!


Mine Plus Version 1.0.5:

-Added Reverse Grass, Obsidian, Stone, Flint and Steel, and Cobblestone. Notice a pattern yet?

- Added the Reverse Dimension! A dark and cold dimension where everything seems to be different from the overworld. Make the portal to this dimension using the Reverse Obsidian that can be found near the bottom of the Overworld.

- Fixed the Silver Pickaxe not being able to mine Silver Ore. Whoops.

- Added Corn and the Corn Stalk! Corn can be found growing in any plains biome and are always ready to eat!

- Made Bacon not able to be eaten when you're at full hunger.

- You can now revert any wool back into 4 string! Kind of like how diamond blocks can be crafted back into diamonds, you can now do the same with wool!

- Added the recipe for Enchanted Golden Apples back into the game! Since everyone just loves these apples, I added the ability to craft them again! :D

- Added an achievement for getting corn!

- Made Rotten Flesh able to be smelted into Leather! Use all of that flesh from zombies and cook it into something more useful!

- Made Salt Ore less hard and able to be mined with a wood pickaxe.

- Added Block of Sugar! You can now compact all of your sugar into a block because who wouldn't want to stand on sugar!

- Added Cheese! You can make Cheese with just 2 buckets of milk! Can be eaten, of course!

- Added Block of Cheese! Once again, everyone wants to stand on Cheese!


Hope you guys look forward to future updates!


Mine Plus Version 1.0.4:

- Added Bacon! Bacon is dropped by pigs.

- Added Salt Ore.

- Added Salt.

- Added Obsidian Armor.

- Added Wood Armor. Wood Armor is crafted with wood logs, not planks.

- Added Reverse Dirt.


Hope you guys look forward to future updates!


Mine Plus Version 1.0.3:

- Added Procedures for the current Mine Plus achievements, so you can actually earn them when you complete them.

- Fixed up some of the Sword and Armor values for Copper and Silver.


Hope you guys look forward to future updates!


Mine Plus Version 1.0.2:

- Made it so Copper Blocks can now be crafted BACK into ingots. I forgot to add this previously. Whoops.

- Added some achievements that you can get when you find Mine Plus ores.

- Added a Mine Plus Tools Creative Tab.

- Fixed the Harvest Levels and Hardness of some Mine Plus blocks.

- Put all Mine Plus Weapons and Tools into their modded Creative Tabs.


Hope you guys look forward to future updates!


Mine Plus Version 1.0.1:

- Added Silver Ore.

- Added Silver Ingot.

- Added Silver Sword, Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, and Hoe.

- Added Silver Armor.

- Added a Mine Plus Combat Tab. (Which is currently empty! Yay.)

- Added Silver Block

- Added Recipes for all of these!


Hope you guys look forward to future updates!


Mine Plus Version 1.0.0:

- Added Copper Ore.

- Added Copper Ingot.

- Added Copper Sword, Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, and Hoe.

- Added Copper Armor.

- Added Chain.

- Chain can be crafted into Chainmail Armor.

- Added a Mine Plus Blocks Creative Tab.

- Added Copper Block.

- Added Chain Block.

- Added Recipes for all of these!


Hope you guys look forward to future updates!

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What is MCreator?

MCreator is a software used to make Minecraft mods (mod generator) without programming knowledge and is developed by Pylo. It's very simple to use, and its concept is easy to learn. With it, you can make your own mod in minutes! MCreator is a great tool to learn Minecraft computer programming and to learn basic concepts of software programming. Learn more about MCreator.

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