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Posted by: Super_cube4
File description: Stable / Los | 0.2.3 |
File size: 1.15 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 1709
Mod changelog:
new version: []
》Strongly Packed Ice Craft Added
》Wooden phasing block Craft Added
》Some changes to the /goup command, which now :
➜ tp you in the middle of the block
➜ you can now write the number of blocks you want to up (or down with "-...") after the command.
➜ the command was "/up" but, yeah, troubles when you had world edit, so it's now "/goup"
new version: [0.2.5] + [0.2.6] + [0.2.7]
》Some changes to the activated pashing blocks textures.
》Some changes to the /up command (again)
》Added the Strongly Packed Ice
》Aixiis commands
》Added the Wooden phasing block
》Ender Locator and Ender Remote
➜ The final Teleporter of Minecraft !
➜ You can only teleport with the Remote if the ender locator which is connected to it is in the same dimension
➜ If you rename the Remote, you change the message in the chat !
➜ You can't teleport to the Ender Locator if there's not 2 blocks of air upon it !
➜ Shift + Right Click (on an ender locator with a Remote in hand) ➜ connect both
➜ Right Click mid air or on any other block (with a Remote in hand) ➜ teleport to the Locator || 16 uses per Remote ||
》2.5k of Curseforge Stockage added, nether theme !!
》 Added the Restone infused Gravel which is a block that fall when activated by redstone !
》 Added the Storage Barrel which is a block that you can lock by "shift-left-clicking" and open by destroying the cork !
》 Added the Obsidian Boots which prevent fall damage (no death by falling now :D
》 Added a mechanic with the fact of placing rails on top of Platforms pillars ! (you'll see)
new version: [0.2.4]
- advanced phasing block added
"re" version: []
- fixed the stockers cutsom gui
new version: []
- new "non-bugged" texture for the ender Fluid.
- there is now a Milky Fuild (milk) that can clear your effect.
new version: [0.1.6]
this update change a some of things, as :
- the horizontal platforms new model, and texture.
- add a recipe for the iron spikes, and for the bear trap.
- all rotations from all blocks got removed, due to bugs and crashes.
- there is no shapeless recipe anymore.
- added 6 cobblestones to the recipe of the cake stacker
- air fluid in now named as ENDER Fluid.
- the BigBarrel can now handle 7 water bucket.
new verison: []
masives bug with the "forge-check"
- and new platforms !
new version: []
locked mods got removed !
new version: [0.1.5]
This version correct some bugs and :
- the emerald armor and sword added !
new version: [0.1.4]
This version correct some bugs but dont add anything (just upgrades items)
- the Rearm tool is now a real Rearm tool and not a "Ream" tool... (that's a some of tool)
- the hitbox of the Bear-Trap (On) is now 1 block long.
- + added the upgrades item, that will be important in the next update.
Actually the first "posted" version: [0.1.3]
This is the first version, so all is added (xD)
- *Wooden Stockers (*with all the woods versions, and custom gui)
- Fluid Tank
- Iron, Golden, Diamond, Emerald, and Ultime Spikes (making damage to the player)
- Bear Trap (that making damage to players and stun them a little bit, and making a some of damage on the bears)
- Cake Stacker (a system to have a "eatable" block with 2 cake in 1)
- A big Cake (non-Eatable)
- Air Fluid that flow upward for getting out of caverns
- a /up command for place a block in air
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