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Download of hexxitgear_r-fabric1.20.1-1.1.jar for Hexxit Gear R (Forge/Fabric) should start shortly...

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Posted by: Starexify
File description: (Fabric)Hexxit Gear R v1.0 for 1.20.1
File size: 659.52 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 1303
Mod changelog:

Changelog Forge v1.1



- some balance changes and made the advancements be granted only when the set is wore by the player for the first time



- changed the logo to be more "original"
- hexbiscus now drops correctly on the block instead of dropping in the corner of the block


(Older Changelogs)

Changelog Fabric/Forge v1.0 - v1.1 (1.19.2-1.20.1)


-updated to 1.20.1 



- fixed the Hexbiscus drops (ONLY FABRIC)


(Older Changelogs)

Changelog Fabric 1.19.2-1.0:


-ported everything on Fabric 1.19.2 besides the 3d helmets models :(


(Older Changelogs)

Changelog 1.19.4-1.0a:



-fixed the Sage Hood recipe


(Older Changelogs)

Changelog 1.19.4-1.0


 - updated to 1.19.4


(Older Changelogs)


Changelog 1.19.2-1.1 and 1.16.5-1.4:


- backported all the new features to 1.16.5

- (changed) the licence is now MIT



- (new) custom advancement background

- (changed/fix) advancements names and description, and fixed the first Hexbiscus advancement to use the new petal instead of the essence



- (changed) Scale Sword deals more damage: 10->12, but lowered the attack speed 0.9->0.7

- (back) hexical essence is back, each hexbiscus drops 1, but has no use



- (changed) Sage armor pieces names: Sage Chestplate -> Sage Robe, Sage Leggings -> Sage Pants, Sage Boots -> Sage Walkers

- (changed) Tribal armor pieces names: Tribal Chestplate -> Tribal Tunic, Tribal Leggings -> Tribal Greaves, Tribal Boots -> Tribal Warboots

- (changed) Thief armor pieces names: Thief Chestplate -> Thief Shoulderpads, Thief Leggings -> Thief Legwraps

- (changed) Scale armor pieces named: Scale Chestplate -> Scale Chestguard


- (changed) Tribal Skull recipe (only in 1.19.2)

- (changed) Tribal Warboots recipe

- (changed) Thief Shoulderpads recipe



- (fix?) now the 3d skins shouldn't pass through the custom helmets



(Older Changelogs)


- updated to 1.19.2

- (new) can be obtained with shears for decoration, crafting recipe from Hexbiscus to Hexical Petal added;

- (new) the Suspicious Soup of Hexbiscus gives Resistance 5s

- (updated) new drop- (updated) new texture;

- decreased Spawn Rate


Hexical Essence
- *left the game*


Scale Armor Set
- (new)immune to fire;

- increased Armor, now: Helmet: 4 -> 4, Chestplate: 8 -> 9, Leggings: 6 -> 7, Boots: 3 -> 4;- higher Armor Toughness 3 -> 3.5;

- Knockback Resistance decreased 15 -> 2;

- increased Durability


Scale Sword
- (updated)new texture;

- (new)immune to fire;

- increased Attack Damage 9.5 -> 10.5;

- lower Attack Speed 1.3 -> 0.9;

- increased Durability 1724 -> 2454


Tribal Armor Set
- lower Armor, now: Helmet: 3 -> 3, Chestplate: 8 -> 7, Leggings: 6 -> 5, Boots: 3 -> 2;

- lower Armor Toughness 2.5 -> 2;

- (removed)no longer has Knockback Resistance 5 -> 0;

- decreased Durability


Thief Armor Set
- (changed)model;

- lower Armor, now: Helmet: 3 -> 2, Chestplate: 7 -> 6, Leggings: 6 -> 5, Boots: 3 -> 2;

- lower Armor Toughness 2 -> 1;

- decreased Durability


Sage Armor Set
- (changed)model;

- lower Armor, now: Helmet: 3 -> 2, Chestplate: 7 -> 6, Leggings: 6 -> 5, Boots: 3 -> 2;- lower Armor Toughness 2 -> 1;

- decreased Durability



Hexical Petal
- now the Hexical Essence left and Hexical Petal is here! (Hexical Essence still exists but only through commands)

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