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Posted by: FajkPes_CZ
File description: Minecraft 1.18.2 Outdated
File size: 10.84 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 1024
Mod changelog:
Changelog for 1.2 Snapshot 8
- Added support for Minecraft 1.19.4
- Fixed bad items positions in new creative tabs
- Speed block has been nerfed, because the game can crash, if you are on this block
- Some fixes on Iron Man suit
Known bugs:
- Music discs are broken in this version. That's why I moved them to "Beta testing" creative tab
- Game can crash if you are going too fast on speed blocks
- If you wearing Iron Man suit it can you delete some potion effect. So be careful!
- All FajkPsinium advancements are on wrong place in the achievments lists
- No-fall damage block works better if you place it 3-5 blocks above jump blocks
- If you can't read some text, please change the gui size to 3-4 and more
Changelog for 1.2 Snapshot 4
- Added Ruby Tools
- Added Jump Blocks
- Added No-Fall Damage Block
- Added a Few New GUI's
- Lot's of Animated Items
- 3D Blocks, Models
- Re-designed GUI's
- Added 3D Crown (For Fun :D)
- Ruby Ores are spawning in Overworld, End and FajkPsinium Dimesion
- Some changes to Iron Man armor
- Added Speed Block (Only for TESTING!)
- FajkPsinium Portal Is Now From "Teleportation Snow", It's crafting includes Snow and Ender Pearl
- Added "/im" Smaller version of command "/ironman"
Added a Few Recipes
Changelog Changelog for 1.1.2
- Added support for 1.19.2
- Iron Man overlay has been disabled during bugged texture
Other temporarily disabled functions
Changelog for 1.1 Functions And Fixes 2 Release
- Added "Energy crystal" and "Big energy crystal" (momentaly it's only item used to crafting recipes)
- Added Czech language. Cestina pridana do hry. Da se zapnou pomoci zmenou nastaveni jazyku celeho Minecraftu.
- Added Music disc "Wejaru - Actually Ice"
- Added advancements "Do You Want XP? There are...", "The Oxiding Armor", "Are you Feeling Good?" and Secret Advancement....
- Added command for display ""all"" mod recipes "/recipes" (NOT "/recipe")
- Added commands "ktrue", "kfalse" (short variant for "/gamerule keepinventory") - (Snapshot 3 fixes this commads)
- Added short variant for (in-game) changelog command "/chfp" Advancement "Bad Swimmer" has been renamed to shorter "Swimmer"
- Advancements changes (Need full armor set for advancements like "Cover me, FajkPsinium!", "Emerald Things" and "The Oxiding Armor")
- Commands like "/gamemode c, /gamemode sp" (etc.) has been deleted.
- Eating time for Dragon meat has been reduced from 6 seconds to 3s seconds (120 ticks to 60 ticks)
- FajkPsinium Ore had a slightly better texture
- Final changes for Emerald, Copper and FajkPsinum Armor
- Fixed bug with some vanilla potions (Strenght, Jump boost, Speed and Night vision), they don't disappear now.
- Fixes problem with Iron Man Suit (flying in creative) + parameters changes
- Iron Man Model Texture glitching was fixed.
- Iron Man Suit Upgrade - Give some effects when you wear this armor (Night Vision, Resistance, Absorption, Speed, Jump Boost)
- Iron Man Suit now had settings GUI. Try command /ironman
- Iron Man suit now have crafting recipe and will be slighty worse than before
- Iron Man suit now have more settings /ironman Modern design for GUI in credits item.
- There is button for display "Changelog" and "Recipes"
- Monster "Demon" has been changed to FajkPes's Frozen Minion (Name of the monster and his skin)
- Most bugs are fixed
- Raw FajkPsinium has been added and must be smelted for FajkPsinium Ingot. Time of smelting is 20 seconds.
- Snow Activator now had crafting recipe
- To execute command /ironman you must have at least one piece of the Iron Man armor
Changelog for 1.1.0 Snapshot 5 - Functions And Fixes 2
- FajkPsinium Dimesion is fixed and successfully added to the game
- FajkPsinium Ores are now generating fine in FajkPsinium dimension
- Added "Energy crystal" and "Big energy crystal" (momentaly it's only item used to crafting recipes)
- Iron Man suit now have crafting recipe and will be slighty worse than before
- Iron Man suit now have more complex settings /ironman
- To execute command /ironman you must have at least one piece of the Iron Man armor
- Added CZECH language.
Most bugs are fixed
Changelog for 1.1.0 Snapshot 4 - Functions And Fixes 2
- FajkPsinium Dimesion has been deleted for some complications and will be recovered soon.
- FajkPsinium Ores are now generating in END Dimension during Missing FajkPsinium Dimension.
- Raw FajkPsinium has been added and must be smelted for FajkPsinium Ingot. Time of smelting is 20 seconds.
- FajkPsinium Ore had a slightly better texture
- Iron Man Model Texture glitching was fixed.
- Iron Man Suit has been slightly Nerfed
- Iron Man Suit now had settings GUI. Try command /ironman
- Advancement "Bad Swimmer" has been renamed to shorter "Swimmer"
Changelog for 1.1.0 Snapshot 3 - New Horizons
- (Changelog is not final and can be changed)
- Final changes for Emerald, Copper and FajkPsinum Armor
- Fixes problem with Iron Man Suit (flying in creative) + parameters changes
- Iron Man Suit Upgrade - Give some effects when you wear this armor (Night Vision, Resistance, Absorption, Speed, Jump Boost)
- Eating time for Dragon meet has been reduced from 6 seconds to 3s seconds (120 ticks to 60 ticks)
- Added Music disc "Wejaru - Actually Ice"
- Added advancements "Do You Want XP? There are...", "The Oxiding Armor", "Are you Feeling Good?" and Secret Advancement....
- Advancements changes (Need full armor set for advancements like "Cover me, FajkPsinium!", "Emerald Things" and "The Oxiding Armor")
- Monster "Demon" has been changed to FajkPes's Frozen Minion (Name of the monster and his skin)
- Commands like "/gamemode c, /gamemode sp" (etc.) has been deleted.
- Added short variant for (in-game) changelog command "/chfp"
- Added command for display ""all"" mod recipes "/recipes" (NOT "/recipe")
- Added commands "ktrue", "kfalse" (short variant for "/gamerule keepinventory") - (Snapshot 3 fixes this commads)
Modern design for GUI in credits item. There is button for display "Changelog" and "Recipes"
Changelog for 1.0.8 (Outdated) - Functions And Fixes
- Iron Man suit is now able to fly
- FajkPsinium Armor will be more durable and safe
- Credits item is now fully functional, with new GUI design
- Added Changelog GUI, /changelogfajkpsinium
- Added a new song from Wejaru (Wejaru - ActuallyIce)
- XP Ore is now generated less frequently than before, it can be found under Y: 0. It will now be less luminous.
- XP Orb smelting is now longer than before (Old = 180 ticks, New = 400 ticks)
- Deleted useless textures and sounds
- Mod space is reduced from 15Mb to 8Mb
- The mod will now be more stable, using the new version of MCreator
-Small fixes
- Name of Creditals is now changed to Credits
- Command /gamemodesp is now fixed to /gamemode sp (it is now the same as /gamemode c or /gamemode s)
Copper sword now makes smaller damage than before
Changelog for 1.0.1 (Outdated) - Reborn Update
- The name of the mod was changed to FajkPsinium Two.
- Mod updated to Minecraft 1.18.2
- Added Copper Armor with tools.
- In creative you can find a new tab called "Beta Items." Beta Items will include items, that are being tested.
(Iron Man Suit - Fly is currently disabled, Credits - Gui is currently disabled, Creative Controller - Can't be found in survival) - Texture changes (Emerald Armor and Tools, FajkPsinium Armor and Tools)
- Fixed some bugs, for example "Can't fly in creative mode", etc.
- FajkPsinium Dimension Changes. There will now be more generated structures. The generation of the world itself has also changed.
- Added a recipe to craft XP Bottles (To craft it, you'll need to mine the XP Ore, smelt it and you will get an XP orb item, from which you can make an XP bottle in the brewing stand)
- Durability of FajkPsinium Armor and Tools is now decreased to 4,500 uses.
- FajkPsinium Tools Improvement and deterioration in some parameters, Added Glow Effect
- Deleted some custom items and paintings
- Deleted The Creative Controller of Minecraft in The Frozen Dimension
- All custom paintings are now in 32x32 resolution
- New Frozen Dimension Activator Texture
- FajkPsinium Dimension Portal is now build from Snow Blocks
- Advancement Changes
- Notes:
- Version 1.16.5 will no longer supported
- I will never create version for MC 1.17.2
All recipes for mod items and armors can be found on our mod homepage
Changelog for 1.6.0 (Latest version for mc 1.16.5) The mod is now more Stable and Performance Friendly Updated The Credits GUI Some Advancement Bugs Fixed Emerald Armor and Sword have had a texture change File Optimisation Other
Changelog for 1.6.0 Pre-Release 3: (Outdated) Changed mob spawn parameters in The Frozen Dimension Music discs are now in mono More commands for creative users (KeepInventory - /ktrue, /kfalse, Summon Lightning - /lightning) Other
Changelog for 1.6.0 Pre-Release 1 : (Outdated) The mod name has changed from "FajkPes's Addons" to "FajkPsinium" All 14 found bugs are now fixed. The Frozen dimension now has new generation All textures are now in 16x16, whilst paintings remain in 128x The Block of FajkPsinium Texture has changed Advancements Improved The Portal to the Frozen Dimension is now made from blue ice. Frozen Mountains are now bigger and taller than before! Animals now spawn in The Frozen Dimension (Polar Bears, Lamas and Foxes) More Advancements (Who's cutting Diamonds?, The Start, etc.) More Crafting Recipes (Chain Armor, Horse Armor, Diamond-Emerald nuggets) New Frozen Dimension Music (Wejaru - Mysterious Mountains 🎵) Fixed rendering of text and pictures of the item "Credits" Improved FajkPsinium (Better FajkPsinium Armor and Tools) FajkPsinum Armor and Tools are now upgraded from Netherite items in smithing The Real End of Minecraft - Find The Creative Controller of Minecraft in The Frozen Dimension Other bugs fixed (some items, advancements) - Official Release on: 24 June 2021, FajkPes.
Changelog for 1.5.1: New Advancements (Small Swimmer, Creeper Murderer, etc.) Bug fixing (Advancements bugs and generating terrain bug)
Changelog for 1.5.0: New Advancements (Boom Boom!, Enderpearl RNG, etc.) Wejaru - Mysterious Mountains V2: Volume fix New design and name of the "Old Building" New Boss (Spawn at Boss House (old building)) Bug fixing (Credits item: Music Spam, other bugs) Changelog for 1.4.0: Frozen Dimension Improved Old Building Structure Generation fix This mod is still in the beta version, so we are sorry for small mistakes.
- Stay Here for Next Updates! If you find any bugs, tell me in the comments :D Thank you, FajkPes.
Changelog for 1.1.3: Added the Frozen Dimension FajkPsinium Ore Generation Fixed. Now generates in The Frozen Dimension File size optimisation Other
- Changelog for 1.0.0: - Released Alpha
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