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Download of Nethers_Floras_1.16.5-1.2.2.jar for Nether's Flora🌸 should start shortly...

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Posted by: Tradeo Pan
File description: Bug fixes, New source of food and More!
File size: 687.45 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 738
Mod changelog:


-Changed name of the wither undergrowth (not ID) to wither roots

-Changed texture of the wither Roots

-Added a metod of obtaining wither resistance potion:

(Right click with a honey bottle a block of wither undergrowth it will

give you a bottle of wither essence , then smelt it and get the boiled wither essence

and finally put it in brewing stand with 3 water bottles and get the wither resistance bottle)

-Added warped grass

-Added Infernal Grass Salad

-Added a new type of warped lanterns

-Added Crimson Blocks/Warped Blocks Modded Tag

-Aded Soul Fungus

-Added particles when walk on certain plants

-Fixed bug: soul jack'o lanterns didn't scare piglins

-Added Tall Crimson Undergrowth

-Major bug when developing with crimson_roots so I have to change the id (EXCUSE ME FOR THIS)

-Changed recipe of TNT with Soul Beetroots because was too op (before 1 after 4)

-Added Spirit roots, This plants are from the soul sand valley they like to eat piglins,

if a block of sand is 2 blocks under them there will be a chance that every time it hurts 

a piglin this block will turn into soul sand and even if you don't believe it, 

piglins are not scared of the spirit roots

-Added Pure Magma Bottle, you can get it from the lalivy only right clicking it with

an empty glass bottle, you can use this potion to make longer fire resistance potions (20 MIN)

-Added Carnivorous Clover that spawns in nether wastes and crimson forest, this clover eats 

hoglins and striders, meanwhile they are chewing there will be a chance to get wither resistance

and regeneration in a 40 blocks area.

-Now you can make dye from all the ''FLOWERS'' added until now

-Now the bees can pollinate the nether flora (except grass-like flora and starving crimson vines)



-Now carnivorous clover applies different effects while eating depending on the block below it





-added to the carnivorous clover's meal: skeletons, ghasts and endermen

-Added description for the Carnivorous clover

-Now the pile of flesh can burn 3 items instead of 2

-Now the soul beetroots are renewable. You can right-click on it to get its seeds (Suggested by manahector2)

-Reduced spawnrate of the soul beetroots

-Changed Infernal Salad's name (Now Bowl Of inferal salad) (Suggested by prozenitsu0531)

-Changed Bowl of Infernal Salad recipe 

-Changed nutritional value of the bowl of infernal salad to 10 food points (5 steaks on the bar)

-Reduced saturation of the bowl of inferrnal salad to 0.8 (before 1.2)

-Added New Advancements:

{Withered Heart: Get the Wither Essence

{Magma Dreams: Get a Bottle Of Pure Magma

{The nether's Flora: Remember to right click with shears in order to get grass/roots/blossom type plants!

-Now there's a chance to get the effect ''warned'' by destroying a carnivorous clover, this effect makes you

their enemy and they wouldn't doubt to bite you.

-Now roots/grass plants need to be right-clicked with shears to get that plant (Suggested by strangerson712)

-Added Meandering Infernal Chard a new source of food and a new utility to the hell serpents (Suggested by prozenitsu0531)

-Added description for the soul fungus

-Now the Soul fungus' suspicious stew grants resistance for 20 seconds

-Fixed Wither Grass spawnrate

-Changed structure of the mod file's name



-Now you can use a bottle of water to get the Wither Essence

-Now wither resistance potion is longer (6 minutes now)

-Fixed bug of magma dreams advancement

-Added Sturdy Appendage/Sturdy Appendage, it is use for brewing resistance potions 

-Changed description of the Basalt Cat Flower

-Added 2 types of obtainable in survival resistance potions (3 minutes and 8 minutes)

-Increased the chance to get warned effect (10%-----40%)

-Increased damage of the Drain Off

-Reduced particles of the Drain Off effect

-Fixed soul particles that appeared when a carnivorous clover eats on netherrack and warped nylium

-Changed description of the Carnivorous Clover

-Added nether's flora tab

-Fixed duplicated ''Pile of trash or Pile of flesh'' advancement

-Changed the name of pile of trash or pile of flesh to Pile of wastes

-Now the Noisy Infernal Serpents can only spawn in Crimson Forest and Soul Sand valleys

-Reduced spawn patch size of the Noisy Infernal Serpents

-Increased the spawnrate of the Noisy Infernal Serpents

-Fixed no damage of the wither roots

-Now the wither roots apply the wither effect regardless of whether the player has boots or not, but if he has boots he applies it for less time.



-Fixed bug that Meandering Infernal Chard couldn’t be crafted

-Changed recipe of the Meandering Infernal Chard

-Added The Hermit Stew (WIP)

-Added the Hermit Mushroom (WIP)

-Changed texture and name of the pile of flesh to leftovers (Not ID)

-Replaced the Advancement Pile Of flesh with The advancement Drained from within

-Changed Infernal Salad’s Texture

-Created own advancement tab

-Added Wasted Berry Bush: A plant that appears in nether wastes

-Added Wasted Berry: Extinguishes the one who eats it

-Added the advancement: ‘’Don’t Call the firefighters’’

-Fixed the recipe of Sturdy Appendage Shards

-Now Starving Crimson Vines Glows

-Added the death Message: ‘’Was sucked to death’’ when an entity dies by drain off effect

INFO: Updates are going to be less frequent because of projects I'm working on. I appreciate the support received


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