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Posted by: OnuaDan
File size: 3.76 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 3120
Mod changelog:
12-02-2021 First Launch
12-04-2021 FIX FD porkloin Recipe
12-09-2021 Added Roasters and improve some recipes
12-09-2021 Fix Skull placement,
12-09-2021 fix tag typos
12-09-2021 fix hook placement only under solid blocks
12-09-2021 the amount of meat of each animal in the roaster is increased
12-10-2021 change texture icons
12-10-2021 Added tags for food and hides, added garlic item, crop and plant.
12-11-2021 Added BBQ sauce, BBQ sauce pork ribs, Black Pepper item, crop and plant, salt and salt block
12-16-2021 Update Block properties
12-23-2021 Update to 1.17
12-25-2021 Added Localization zh_cn and es_es thx wadjet_sama and Alex_Fernandez
12-29-2021 Change some Typos, Added Secret mob (watch zombie infection)
12-30-2021 unintentional spawn fix
01-04-2022 Fix Shadows and bounding boxes of all blocks
01-04-2022 Fix fence connection
01-04-2022 change position of item extracted
01-04-2022 update entity IA and mechanics
04-06-2022 roll back all changes to pair 1.16ver. first 1.18 test
07-11-2022 fixed incorrect sounds
07-11-2022 remove drops from baby mobs
07-11-2022 Change Max Stack Size of dead animal items
15-07-2023 ported to 1.19.2 and 1.19.4
15-07-2023 Updated textures of cleaver and hook
15-07-2023 Fixed textures of roaster and rack
15-07-2023 Removed, plants, salt block, Deadcow easter egg and some foods
15-08-2023 ported to 1.20.1
21-09-2023 Extra parts and foods were eliminated to prepare the fabric version,
21-09-2023 The entire animal process was reworked,
21-09-2023 added goats and hoglins, certain interactions were improved, added processing animals on the ground,
21-09-2023 several blocks and textures was reworked,
22-09-2023 added rabbits
24-09-2023 rework of remaining blocks
24-09-2023 update of some textures
24-09-2023 update texture and model of roasters
24-09-2023 Fix Roaster Textures
28-09-2023 Added llamas
28-09-2023 added striders (wip meat)
28-09-2023 added interior textures for hoglin and goats
28-09-2023 fixed roast on unlit camfire
28-09-2023 fixed bounding boxes of some blocks
29-09-2023 Fixed some child drops
29-09-2023 added process effect
29-09-2023 updated descriptions
30-09-2023 fixed some block drops
30-09-2023 fixed creative pickups
30-09-2023 fixed name of goat carcass ty MechtroYT
30-09-2023 fixed dupe glich
30-09-2023 It has been prepared to work with Butchers delight foods mod
06-10-2023 Aded configuration file "ButchersD.json"
06-10-2023 aded option to enable/disable gore (default enabled)
06-10-2023 increase max stack size of dropped animals
11-10-2023 back port to 1.19.2 and 1.19.4
21-10-2023 fixed meat item drop position
21-10-2023 reduced the butcher process for all blocks (70%)
21-10-2023 integrated items from farmers delight and nethers delight on the main process (hooked)
21-10-2023 Now it should not interfere with item drops from other mods (only with vanilla ones)
22-10-2023 Fixed tag registry (thx Hina and itzmily)
23-10-2023 backport ver 2.0.8f to minecraft version 1.18.2, 1.19.2 and 1.19.4
22-01-2024 Broken Recipes fixed
22-01-2024 Added Cfg file for custom drop amounts , done
22-01-2024 Update descriptions of all block/items
22-01-2024 Remapped all blocks textures
23-01-2024 quick solution for the crash caused by using the previous configuration file
01-04-2024 fix llama carcass block drop (thx to generikb)
01-04-2024 update descriptions of items/block (thx to Squigole)
01-04-2024 added just enough recipes info tab from 1.19.2 onwards
01-04-2024 Added option in the configuration file to activate mod drops only if an item with the tag (knife) is used
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