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Posted by: Shooshoos247
File description: 1.2.6
File size: 457.91 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 629
Mod changelog:
Added enemy drillships, Drillship Wreckages, Fixed drillship drill not being the right shape, added laser drills.
Added enemy spawners inside of enemy drillships, Overdrive Laser Drills with Volcanos, 2 new paintings, Drillship Hearts and the ability to destroy the drillship.
Randomized laser drill resource collection (a little buggy), laser drills will no longer use lava buckets to go into overdrive mode, instead using superheated coal, added a different overdrive mode for laser drills, Active Volcanism biome (haven't found one yet), Spawn rates for drillships decreased, made laser drills more expensive (they were too cheap), and experimental landing sites that have no function yet.
Removed Landing Site blocks, made drillships actually explode and deal damage upon explosion, there is now a texture difference between open and closed drillship exit doors, Drillship Heart renamed to Drillship Core, Copper Iron Alloy Wrenches are now used for collection of the drillship blocks (mainly because sometimes drillships would generate in the ground, and you couldn't get inside due to the blocks being unbreakable), Overdrive Laser Drills now drill 5 times more than before (pressing the drill button is now equivilent to pressing it 5 times before), there are now guns and grenades (they were nerfed while testing), and drillship boiler GUI was removed (will maybe have on later).
Added Volcanic Eruptions, Volcanic Ash block which covers everything within a 25 block radius of the player after an eruption,Volcanic Eruption Timer, A use for the Arm Controller, and Fixed Drillship Exit Door being able to remove any block above it.
Added titanium scrap, scrap block, and compressed scrap, and titanium armor
I forgot what this version had, mostly because this file was on my PC for about 5 months.
Fixed Drillship Exit Door breaking when closing on the bottom block. Added drillship movement. Added a cobblestone ring to the normal and overdrive laser drills.
Updated Laser Drill ring. Fixed enemy drillships spawning with different drillship side lengths. Added drillship overide core with enemy drillship core and enemy boilers. Fixed drillship exit doors breaking when moving. Fixed the drillship only moving 20 blocks when going backwards. Added drillship lights that can be turned on and off and spawn naturally in enemy drillships and will replace glowsone in normal drillship.
Fixed titanium crafting issues. this means that Shooshoos247's Ores Library will have to be updated for the changes to fully take place.
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