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Download of WarcraftPlus-1.19.2-Alpha-0.6.jar for Warcraft+ should start shortly...

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Posted by: Nelazar
File size: 1.69 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 242
Mod changelog:

  • Alpha 0.6 :

Adds :
-New mob : Ferocious Yeti (Will spawn in jungles)
-New item : Large Fang (Lootable on both Yeti) (They can be used to create Strength potion)
-New armor set : Barbaric Iron Helm / Barbaric Iron Boots / Barbaric Bracers (Give Strength I)

-Mutanus Alter will be found less often
-Mutanus has more Health, more armor and can't be knockback
-Thorium Ore can be destroyed by a iron pickaxe (needed a Diamond before)
-Both Yetis will now spanw during day
-Shiny Murloc Scale drop rate is now 35% (before 10%)
-Those weapons will deal less damages : Volcanic Hammer / Darkspear / Annihilator / Frost Tiger Blade / Arcanite Sword
-Those weapons will deal more damages : Steel Dagger / Searing Golden Blade 
-Arcanite Weapon will now as powerfull than Netherite / Thorium as Diamand / Steel and Copper as Iron

-Thorium Ore will now loot Raw Thorium Ore when destroyed.

  • Alpha 0.5.1 :

-I put the link to donwload the API in the mod's description

-Fix :

-The Effect of the Molten Helm is working now

  • Alpha 0.5 :

Adds :

-New Mob : Yeti (Spawn in all snowy biomes)
-New Craft Item : Medium Leather (Lootable or craftable) and the Medium Leather Helmet (Can't be equipped)
-New Armor : Dark Leather Tunic / Dark Leather Pants / Dark Leather Boots / Molten Helmet
-New Tool : Medium Quiver (Use the new armor slot, it gives you Speed I with a bow in hand)

Changes :

-The Hearthstone is now craftable (I forgor)
-The weapon Annihilator is now a Sword and not a Axe (But the Arcanite Axe didn't change)
-The Goblin Mining Helmet has a different craft (Now you will need a Leather Helmet instead of 2 Gold)

Fixs :

-Heavy Ammo is crafted by 6 not just 1

  • Alpha 0.4 :

Adds :

-New Craft Items : Copper Tube / Thorium Tube / Crude Scope / Unfinished Core Marksman Rifle (unique craft)
-New Ammo : Heavy Bullet
-New Weapons : Rough Boomstick / Thorium Rifle / Core Marksman Rifle

Changes :

-Weapons with a chance effect will make particles when the effect is activated
-Weapons with damage on hit effect will deal the damage 0.5 sec after the hit (except for the Core Marksman Rifle)

  • Alpha 0.3 :

Adds :

-Creatures are now playing a specific sound when they're hitted or when they die.
-New Mob : Kobold ! (They spawn below 32 of heigh)
-New super cool hat : The Candle !
-New tool : The Hearthstone (right click on a bed to link and right click to tp on the bed / 5min cooldown)

Changes :
-The Copper used in the mod is now the Copper of Minecraft
-Gems are now obtainable on every ore of Minecraft (some are more rare than others)
-All weapons are dealing less damage to line up with Minecraft's weapons

  • Alpha 0.2 :

Adds :

-New Mob : Murloc ! (Spawn in Beach biome)
-New Boss : Mutanus The Devourer
-New Items : Thick Murloc Scale & Shiny Murloc Scale
-New Armor : Thick Murloc Armor & Mutant Murloc Breasplate (lootable on Mutanus)
-New Structure : Mutanus Altar (Spaw in Beach biome, you need 10 Shiny Murloc Scale to summon Mutanus)

  • Alpha 0.1.5 :

Changes :

-Copper and Thorium now spawn more
-Change on the Annihilator : Deal more damage if the target has at least 8 armor = 10% Chance of adding an effect that make you deal more damage on the target

Fixs :

-Thorium now spawn properly under 0
-Air Elemental now spawn above 128 of heigh properly

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