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Posted by: Da Jacob
File description: Demo
File size: 788.41 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 287
Mod changelog:

07.03.2023- mod demo uplouded

22.03.2023- pre-relese for echo of follen mod.

10.04.2023- 1.0v for echo of follen mod.

what haw changet:

the mein:

-new mob called „under echos” of spisies echoling. U.E. are friendly mob that are 2.2 blocks tall, being the smallent of spiesies. They live in the undergraung baseset, becose they are afreid of going up again. They will run away from eny monster, and you can trade wiht them.

-new mob called „Sculk skeleton”, it has an spawn animation and 20 healf, 3 attak demage & 3 armor

-the new „infaction” of paranoia, meinly as a mob called „the phobia”, if hit’s eny mob, it will desepire and give them the paranoia effeckt.


-echo warmhole naw glows, has better partickle emision

-echo warm hole now has drop, and will change position of itself and player/the attaker when attakt.


-new bottle of souls, you can get it by right clicking on Desolulk. It can be uset to craft spawn eggs.


-new block called „sculk stone” spawn in deep dark, sculk vally and attemted „ouverworld”

-new block called „the echo table”, by useing it, you can creft for exeple: ametyst, daimonds & spawner,

for now none.

Texture changes:

-chenge’t echo bomb texture

-sliter pickaxe got visuale ubdata

-sliter axe texture chengt

-sliterbone helmet got visuale ubdata


-new paranoia effeckt, arand the entitty will aper eye’s, the entitty will sometimes take demmage, but without healf loss. If entitty died’s, „the phobia” will spawn.


-new statue of devid, it will apear above the deep dark.


-face particles from The Phonia now flout upwords,

-now it’s possible to use sculklinget and lnium planks for normal planks recepis

-echo bomb works as intendent, like snowball

-advancement for duplicating crucifix was change’t from „This Poop Get From 1 To 4 Real Speede Fast!” to „This Get From 1 To 4 Real Fast!”

-new mob spisies/tag „echoling”

-new popularity level for U.E. if you trade with them, the popularity lever go’s up, if you hit them- dawn.

-new main creative tab

bug fix’s:

- echo bomb and sculk mouth weren’t named correcly

-some item weren’t in the right creative tab.


29.04.2023- new version 1.0.1- bugfix-texture ubdata


what haw changed:

the mein:

-if player is in hard mode, some new fechers will apear to make game– well, harder

-new mini-boss called „skeleton summoner”, it spawns sculk sceletons and drop pretty cool loot. Can be summon by new item


-now there is an variant of sculk skeleton but whif no armor.


-great is an new item that spawns skeleton summoner.


-sculk egg now instade of spawning lerker, it has 50% chanse of spawning sculk skeleton (no armor), other 50% is lerker.

Texture changes:

-new texture for sculk spreeder

-new texture for Slider Bone chestplate

-little but good changes for Slider tools

- little but good changes for Slider Bone

- changet texture for Sculklinget Planks

- changet texture for Lnium Planks

- changet texture for echo plant

- little change to texture of the echo table

-little change to texture of Lumirid ore

- little change to other textures, to mach to say abaut :)


nothing’s here


nothing’s here


-new advencmant for getting great callent „Is That An Statue?”

-new advencmant for killing skeleton summoner callent „thet was hard”

-increst healf and streang of lerker (infection version)

bug fix’s:

-desoluks afterputting aut of bottle spawned in the block below them

-advencment for making ametyst in the echo table didn’t shode up

-in advencment „echo bomb-ombastick” there were a word „shard”

-the creative tab wasen’t organaist

-the dev statue spawn a little bit too mach

-sculk stone naw sonds like stone

-echo warmholes didn’t spawn

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