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Download of warped_dimension_mod-0.3-forge-1.20.1.jar for Warped dimension mod should start shortly...

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Posted by: Danila05
File description: Warped dimension mod v0.3
File size: 359.59 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 503
Mod changelog:

Version 0.3

An artificial fovenus has been added, which is similar to the usual one, but it does not attack the player and attacks ordinary fovenuses. To summon an artificial fovenus, you need to create its egg, and for this you need an ordinary egg, a bottle of experience and the eye of fovenus.

Other minor changes.

Version 0.2

Glow dust has been added, which is used to create a distorted lamp. Glow dust allows you to melt 16 objects, and a warped lamp - 64.
A resident priest at the craftsman level sells orange ingots in exchange for an emerald.
Structures have been removed from the first version, but an updated villain's house has been added instead.
The loot tables in the chests of the Warped World have been redesigned.
Other minor changes.

Version 0.1 - the first version of the mod.

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