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Topic category: Help with MCreator software
I'm trying to make a mask UI (like the carved pumpkin) and I want to make the overlay not visible in third person, but there's either no way to detect fpv/tpv or I'm really blind.
Create a new PLAYER_LIFETIME number variable named Fov, create a keybind named ThirdPerson, make a procedure for On Key Pressed:
if: Get number [Fov], is less than (<) [2]
| Set number [Fov] to: Get number [Fov] + [1]
| Set number [Fov] to: [0]
This will keep track of what POV the player is in, 0 being First person
in your overlay:
If Get number [Fov], is Greater than (>) [0]
| Return: False
Return: True
and make they keybind F5**
you, sir, are epic