Need help with custom GROWABLE trees

Started by TheMonkeOnTwitch on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)

Active 3 weeks ago
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Need help with custom GROWABLE trees

I am making a mod with trees and want to turn them into a forest biome but I unfortunately find out how to do so on 2024.4. I even tried to find tutorials but there is not much documentation about how to do so. Basically I want to find out how to turn my many tree variants of the same tree type to grow from a sapling (opt since I can find tutorials on this: allowing bonemeal) and can generate in a biome (I already have them set up as .nbt files)

Active 3 days ago
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You need to use structure…
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 18:58

You need to use structure block and the structure/feature? option with a procedure that will spawn the tree after special time. 

The sapling would tick and after some time, it would have a chance to change to the structure. But you need to think about the x and z due to the tree randomly growing(not in the sap place, but next to it)

The trees would also spawn independently, with structure/feature element too

If you want to learn structure block. The block is useful for custom structures