Breaking particle of item with 3d model and 2d texture

Started by hélianloudyi on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)

Joined Mar 2025

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Breaking particle of item with 3d model and 2d texture

Hello ! 

I am currently making a mod that adds a weapon, and as it is a really deadly weapon I decided to give it a 3D model which I did in blockbench and then I imported it in my mod. But I was not satisfied with the render in the inventory as it was also the 3D model and I wanted it to have an item texture I had created (16x16). However, this doesn't work normally on mcreator so i had to lock the file and modify the json files as shown in pizz4ninja tutorial on this website (…) and it worked perfectly ! 

But there comes my issue : in fact my weapon has a durability and when it comes down to 0, the hammer breaks and it makes breaking particle like any other tool... But mine are actually pink and black (like the missing texture of Minecraft) and since then (I think its been two weeks) I strived to solve this issue but I didn't manage to: I asked chatgpt who helped me a lot but couldn't find a solution to that... I checked the logs, no errors, the path in the json files are correct, the render of the weapon in the inventory and in the hand is correct too... So i dont understand why it doesn't work. Am i the only one to whom it happens ? Or is it something regular ?

Well, I hope you ll be able to help me ! And thanks in advance !

PS : I am French... So i might talk gibberish, sorry about that... And also dont worry if you want me to send you my files ill do it, its just that I dont have my computer tonight. Thanks