Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator
Hi, I have some ideas for the version.
I would like to be able to add animations to blocks' models, such as chests and bells. I don't know how you can do this, since block models can be animated in the usual way in Blockbench. So I imagine that blocks allow ".java" models and animations, or that you allow ".json" animation files, since ".json" animations can possibly be added to ".obj" models. If you can make it compatible with ".json" block models, that would be perfect for me.
Add an option to add custom animations to the player.
The blockstates section should be similar to entity layers or itemstates, and you can add block models, block textures, or both, and perhaps a condition.
Add an option to create armor patterns, where you can create custom patterns or add a new item (vanilla or mod) with a color palette. For patterns
The ability to replace vanilla trades, as well as the option to replace crafting or loot tables, or add trading procedures, allowing you to do things like, for example, reducing or increasing the price of a specific item.
Create custom map colors
Make the notepad able to play other sounds (vanilla or custom) by having a block underneath (vanilla or custom too)
Make it possible to create signs and boats (this idea is a bit vague, but hey, with the boat you can add the model and AI to entities, but not with the signs)
Related to the signs, I would like to see the addition of the option to create custom dyes, which can change the color of the sign letters, the wool on the sheep, etc., or even have a function like the glowing squid ink that can make the sign letters glow, and also change the font of the letters (if possible, add an option where dyeing any dyeable object or entity has the effect of sheep with the name Jeb_).
To be able to create armor for other types of entities that do not have humanoid geometry (whether vanilla entities or custom entities), something like horse and wolf armor, llama suits, mounts for most rideable entities, etc.
Entities can be generated with custom armor (either vanilla or custom entities with vanilla armor, or custom entities with humanoid geometry or a custom geometry).
Entities should be able to generate entries in the block generation section. After some research, some blocks (in this case, ores) have different generation rates depending on the biome or coordinates (such as gold, which has a higher generation rate in badlands than in other biomes). The options available in the generation entries would be the same as those currently available (that is, the generation method, biomes, height, and the amount generated per group and per chunk). Also, add the exposed blocks option so that, as the name suggests, blocks or minerals can be exposed to the air. This option should be managed with numbers from 0 to 1 and should have decimals.
Enable an option to allow attaching ropes to entities. Probably, for the rope position, they could add an option to select the texture layer and another to set the values (mostly the Y axis) for the rope's location. However, it's up to you how you'll do it and what options you'll add for the rope.
There should be an option for armor to disable its health, so you can create cosmetics or something like that.
Regarding armor and dyes, armor should be able to be dyed (both normal and custom geometry).
Maybe it's too much, so take your time or if you want you can discard the ideas that might be difficult for you (especially with the dyes haha), any idea that comes to mind I'll put it under my post or something like that.
For number 12, you can create a separate feature (or multiple) instead of using the block's generation settings, to allow it to generate biome-dependant or with different air exposure. To make it more common in some biomes but still possible to generate elsewhere, you could use two different feature mod elements, rather than the default block generation settings.