Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions
So I've finally worked hard on a model (not using techne since I'm a Mac user) and converted it into .java through a ingame modder called qubble (1.10.2). After exporting and creating a custom texture I was ready to import so I did and followed everything like normal until I got a error which was different than what I got before since I usually got this weird rendering thing or whatever but now I narrowed it down to 1 error which I can't figure out how to solve which is:
Mac-Linux 32-64bit/forge/build/sources/main/java/mod/mcreator/ error: cannot find symbol
RenderLiving customRender = new RenderLiving(Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderManager(), new mcreator_triceratops.Modelratops(), 0) {
symbol: class Modelratops
location: class mcreator_triceratops
(btw the model was which I don't think matters as well as everything in it was named Triceratops)
Anyways SO I checked the code and saw that the code automatically renamed it modelratopsinstead of "triceratops" as I think that is the incorrect symbol. Anyways I'm really stuck and I need help making this model work that I worked very hard on. I legit have no clue of how to fix this. I'm using the latest version of MCreator for 1.10.2 and I can use any help from any of you of this community :)
Please can someone help me with this problem
Could you please upload the .java file on a website such as That would help to solve your problem.
Here's the pastebin. It wasn't made by me actually and instead a friend who lend me the model for my mod he was sucessful for loading it into his mod.
Ok I'm never gonna get answered with this Triceratops model and I already had to upload the update of my mod since it was gonna pass the deadline for release. But anyways I got "symbol not found thing" when I used the EXACT SAME WITHER BOSS model from Minecraft and I still got the error symbol. Can someone just tell me what the symbol that Mcreator can't find is? I feel like this is just a recompiling bug but I'm not sure.