Future support for testing for multiple items in an entity's inventory such as player or mob. Below are some suggested support features.
- Testing for multiple items in the hotbar.
- Testing for multiple items in the inventory.
If other people have any ideas on things I have missed feel free to join the conversation in the comments of this post.
Issue comments
If that's the case, wouldn't it be a duplicate of "Itemstack size procedure blocks"? One of the blocks suggested in that ticket is the "Get stack size", which would fill the role.
These two will be indeed covered by this ticket: https://mcreator.net/tracker/issue/53366
- Testing for multiple items in main-hand.
- Testing for multiple items in off-hand.
The other two remain on this ticket.
Migrated to https://github.com/MCreator/MCreator/issues/125
You mean like does player have e.g. 6 items of a type in main-hand, right?