This would not work correctly and would cause many issues later,
I will explain in detail,
The items bound to GUI's that are not bound to a block are stored in client data and then reflected via the host - server - world to avoid exploitation,
So if you have more then one of the same item, it would open the same GUI with the same item codex as the last - or just reset your items.
And that's not even taking into account the possible conflicts that, that procedure would create - possibly conflict in the console!
Here is what i would do in a debugging standpoint,
Create a list value or string of values based around the item that is created when it is created
Refer the item whenever the gui is used and then trigger a temp logic value to be set to a value that will trigger the alt function that loads the items,
Whenever a slot is "updated" refer to the procedure that would save each item slot - slot value to NBT data of the item id name or possible item id ( not supported feature yet sadly )
Whenever the item is right clicked it will open the gui, then it would set the slots IN ORDER of the NBT data list of the items added to the GUI,
this is all in "concept" and is not currently possible in Mcreator, but with some [java code] it "should" be completly possible.
this is my debugging opinion on how to create this system from a view-point of a experienced general scripter - coder.
Infact i was thinking of making something like this in my current Mcreator based mod,
So i will attempt to make this work via work arounds or alike,
When i managed to get it to work i will let you know
1. Make a gui with inventory slots.
2. Make a procedure that opens the gui
3. Attach the gui to the item on right click
There you go!
Reply if you need more help
This would not work correctly and would cause many issues later,
I will explain in detail,
The items bound to GUI's that are not bound to a block are stored in client data and then reflected via the host - server - world to avoid exploitation,
So if you have more then one of the same item, it would open the same GUI with the same item codex as the last - or just reset your items.
And that's not even taking into account the possible conflicts that, that procedure would create - possibly conflict in the console!
Here is what i would do in a debugging standpoint,
this is all in "concept" and is not currently possible in Mcreator, but with some [java code] it "should" be completly possible.
this is my debugging opinion on how to create this system from a view-point of a experienced general scripter - coder.
Infact i was thinking of making something like this in my current Mcreator based mod,
So i will attempt to make this work via work arounds or alike,
When i managed to get it to work i will let you know