Command parameters are not working properly

Issue description

Hello Klemen, I could finally post this bug now so I will explain what I know what is going on I have also attached the work space below like you asked :)

From what I could figure out thanks to your help in the posts below I was coding the procedure properly but when I go to type the command parameters in the test environment the only thing that shows is text that says [<arguments>] pressing enter with the correct strings fails to run the procedure even though there is no crash I have also attached the log file of after a session of running the command.

Other than that I am able to reproduce the bug again and again, using one command (/guild)  but using parameters breaks the command (/guild give cake).








In Game

In Game

Issue comments

I can confirm this. I will fix this bug so arguments will work.

Long term plan: The problem is a very different implementation of comments in 1.12.2 and 1.14.4. After 1.12.2 support is dropped we will rebuild the command maker to support the definition of command tree structures like it is meant to be after 1.13.