Game freezes when walking through a custom portal

Published by oliver1mac on
Issue description

When walking through a portal to a custom dimension, The game gets stuck on "Loading Terrain" and requires a game restart.

I previously updated to version 2020.4 from the 2020.3 version of the game to fix the issue #61924 that 2020.3 had. 

Pastebin Log Link:

Issue comments

You are using 1.15.2-forge-31.2.29 while MCreator is currently designed to work with 1.15.2-forge-31.2.0.

Also probably useful, The mods runs perfectly when i start the game via the play test button within Mcreator. But not the exported version (ive also reinstalled minecraft and forge a few times just in case it was a broken download or something)

This is present in 2020.3 too. 

Marking as major as this makes 1.15.2 dimensions useless. I will fix this in the next snapshot.

Glad to see this is getting fixed soon, I'm having the exact same issue