Topic category: Minecraft mod ideas exchange
Hello everyone! This is a tutorial to create cave biomes! Unfortunately, its generation method is a bit laggy and thats why i actually want to move to real coding. But still looks very good! For cave generation, you should definitely check my mod out…;
Nvm, let's get in this tutorial!
What need:
- blocks and decorations for our cave biomes
- cookies ( very important!!! )
Instead of custom blocks,im gonna use some vanilla blocks because they actually looks very good!
Im gonna use Grass Block only for the cave floor ( obvusly we dont want grass on the walls/roof ), Smooth Sandstone tor walls and roof and on the roof some random Diamond Blocks. Its just a test! Dont care about the blocks! Im also going to implement Red Tulip and Pink Tulip as floor plans and Leaves has hanging plans. Lets start!
Lets create a new block called "[cavename]_spawner". Mine will be... naturalcave_spawner! You can actually use the name you want, but im going to use that name :D
Im gonna use this texture for our block. Its the same, this block will be invisible for our player.
Dont change any value, go in tre triggers section and create a new "on block added" procedure.
Now its time to edit the procedure:
Now we have created our custom block. At the end, add this:
We are done with the procedure, lets now try it in-game! Start your game and place that block somewhere. Every time you place it, the blocks should be different!
Now try to run this command:
/fill ~8 ~12 ~8 ~-8 60 ~-8 mod_id:block_name replace stone
This command ( Obvusly instead of mod_id use your mod id and instead of block_name use the name of the block you created ) will replace a cube of 16x16 around you ( in Y its from 12 to 60, but you can configure it so some biomes only spawn inside certain coords )
Now, check your caves in the ground, cool, ya?
Now lets create Another block!
Im gonna call it "Naturalcave_blockspawn" and gonna use same texture of the spawn. Create a procedure on block update tick and add the command we created before
(add the command via block "make console execute command")
/fill ~8 ~12 ~8 ~-8 60 ~-8 mod_id:block_name replace stone
then a block that "place stone at x y z".
Now, yes, create another block lol!
"Naturalcave_structurespawn". Lets make same thing but no procedures. Just save it!
Now create a procedure "on player update tick"
make console execute command 4 times with this 4 commands:
fill ~-64 12 ~-64 ~-65 ~60 ~64 mod_id:Natruralcave_blockspawn replace mod_id:naturalcave_structurespawn
fill ~64 12 ~-64 ~65 ~60 ~64 mod_id:Natruralcave_blockspawn replace mod_id:naturalcave_structurespawn
fill ~64 12 ~64 ~-64 ~60 ~65 mod_id:Natruralcave_blockspawn replace mod_id:naturalcave_structurespawn
fill ~64 12 ~-64 ~-64 ~60 ~-65 mod_id:Natruralcave_blockspawn replace mod_id:naturalcave_structurespawn
Save procedure and we are done!
Now join the game, place the structurespawn and use structure blocks to save only that block! ( for the structureblock usage, check here: )
Open options>resource packs>open resource pack folder
then go back to the minecraft "run" folder and go to saves/[yourworldname]/generated/minecraft/structure/yoursavedstructure.nbt
import this structure in MCreator and make it generate! Make it ONLY REPLACE STONE and you are done! ( you can also change The gen of the structure to find it in several biomes, or dimensions!). For any issue, join my discord server at
Nice tutorial, but please remove the caps lock title.
Very nice trailer, but as Klemen said, you should change the title, it kind of feels agressive in my opinion.
yeh sorry ill change it