Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator
Here are just somethings I would like to see in MCreator in the future, I'm going to try to keep these things simple and mostly "quality of life" for devs:
1) the ability to use a existing Minecraft item, or a existing mod element item or block, to lit custom portals without using procedures.
2) Custom sky texture for custom dimensions (Similar to how the End has a custom sky)?
3) The ability for custom biomes to work for the Nether and End (pretty sure this is being added in 2021.1)
4) Custom soundtracks (basically, a way to inject your own new soundtracks into the mod. Also maybe a option to disable the original soundtracks (if needed))
5) And finally, the ability for blocks to have multiple states (like, a furnace having lit and unlit) without having to create multiple block elements.
4 is possible, idk if it is possible in pre 2021.1 but you can in 2021.1. But it can't replace default. 2 is semi possible currently I guess? But yes these would be great to see.
I think the most important out of all 5 is the last one. It would help SO MANY mods. And I'd also like changing properties in different states, e.g luminance (perhaps like a redstone lamp). And also animate texture with procedures (or replace the static texture with an already-existing animated texture when needed (This could be implemented to models, too.)
bumping number 5. This would be SO useful