Then head in game and spawn in a command block, place it above the structure chest and type in this:
/data merge block ~ ~-1 ~ {LootTable:"minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon"} (This gives default dungeon loot, you can replace minecraft:chest/simple_dungeon to your mod's loot table so it should look something like this: modname:itemloottable)
Place a button to activate the command block, and minecraft should tell you if it modified a block. If it does then you have done it successfully and you can check if the loot is randomized by breaking the command block and checking the chest. Keep in mind if you do this, you will need to redo the command because the loot won't be randomized anymore because you opened it.
NONE of the related topics are related.
Create a custom loot table first for your mod.
Then head in game and spawn in a command block, place it above the structure chest and type in this:
/data merge block ~ ~-1 ~ {LootTable:"minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon"} (This gives default dungeon loot, you can replace minecraft:chest/simple_dungeon to your mod's loot table so it should look something like this: modname:itemloottable)
Place a button to activate the command block, and minecraft should tell you if it modified a block. If it does then you have done it successfully and you can check if the loot is randomized by breaking the command block and checking the chest. Keep in mind if you do this, you will need to redo the command because the loot won't be randomized anymore because you opened it.
Is there any way to make it naturally generate with this loot?