Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions
I was working on my mod and wanted to add a custom panorama that overwrites minecraft's panorama. This is done with some Resource Pack knowledge that I know. I added the files and then I went to load up the game knowing that there were no .DS_Store files and then the game crashed due to one in sounds.json. I looked all over the workspace but no .DS_Store files. All of this just infuriated me. The workspace is trashed until I find a way to see the .DS_Store files. A script in the workspace for deleting all .DS_Store files in the MacOS version would be nice to solve problems like these. Moving files would also be a welcome addition in the workspace for all versions.
Add a script for the MacOS version that deletes all .DS_Store files in the workspace. It would help me a lot when making my mod and others will like this change as well.
This is Gradle problem. You will have to remove these files