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Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator
I would like to see an option (probably in the "General Properties" tab) that you could toggle so that a custom plant can be solid like bamboo.
(Honestly I was scratching my head when I found out that there was not an option!) I am able to do it manually by deleting the ".doesNotBlockMovement()" section from the java code editor, but then I have to lock the code and it become a nuisance to quickly edit the custom plant.
public static class BlockCustomFlower extends FlowerBlock { public BlockCustomFlower() { super(Effects.SPEED, 100, Block.Properties.create(Material.PLANTS).doesNotBlockMovement().sound(SoundType.PLANT) .hardnessAndResistance(0f, 0f).setLightLevel(s -> 0)); setRegistryName("example");
Thank you, i was wondering were the option for the plant block solid was.