P.E.L. Procedures v1.4

Published by _SerpX_ on
Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
P.E.L. Procedures. by _SerpX_
Upvotes: 12
About the plugin

This plugin will add procedures for checking various things: 

1)Checking player 1st\3rd person
2)Checking stored enchantments in items; 
3)Checking enabled language in the player game setting.


Usage example 1: overlay that is displayed only in the first person

In-game (using the example of my mod):


Usage example 2: Action if a stored enchantment  is found in an enchanted book (Description for enchantment):

*(To display the description, you need the "Item Tooltips" plugin from NerdyPuzzle or an analog. The corresponding procedure in my plugin checks for the presence of stored enchantments in enchanted books, and the display of descriptions in the game is due to the plugin from NerdyPuzzle)

In-game (using the example of my mod):


v1.5 - In development...


NEW: v1.4 - Ported to MCreator 2024.2              (tested & working)
v1.3 - Ported to MCreator 2024.1                         (tested & working)
v1.2 - Added support for 1.20.1 generator          (tested & working on Mcreator versions 2023.2 - 2023.4)
v1.1 - Added support for 1.19.4 generator          (tested & working on Mcreator versions 2023.2 and 2023.3)
v1.0 - First release; 1.19.2 generator support     (tested & working on Mcreator version 2023.2)


The name of the plugin has been shortened and renamed from "Procedures: Player 1st\3rd Person camera check & Stored Enchantments check & Check Player Language" in "P.E.L. procedures".

Project members
MIT License

Plugin downloads
Ver1.4 - (ONLY MCreator 2024.1 - 2024.2) - Forge 1.20.1 Generator - PEL_Proc_v1.4.zip Uploaded on: 08/27/2024 - 19:29   File size: 4.4 KB
Ver1.2 - (ONLY MCreator 2023.4 and below) - Forge 1.19.2 - 1.20.1 Generator - SerpX_MCreator_Plugin.zip Uploaded on: 02/24/2024 - 23:30   File size: 7.5 KB


Will be support for 1.16.5 generator from this developer? He is active update on each MCreator version.

Perhaps the plugin will be ported soon. At the moment, when launching any project on the version MCreator 2024.2 I get the error "Could not find or load main class worker.org.gradle.process.internal.worker.GradleWorkerMain", which I am trying to fix in order to check the port of the plugin for this version.
At the moment, I can only suggest that you try to open my plugin version 1.3 yourself through an archiver like WinRAR, 7-Zip or any other that you have installed and change the supported version from "2024001" to "2024002" in the "plugin.json" file. IMPORTANT: change only this number! Adding any extra comma or dot in this file when running MCreator will cause an error that will refer to the plugin. Also, I CAN'T GUARANTEE that it will help.
Unfortunately, that's all I can help you with at the moment.
Nevertheless, I want to upgrade to this version myself, and therefore the plugin will be ported by me sooner or later anyway.
(Sorry for my English, I write through a translator)

Hello! So, is it possible to port 3rd/1rd person check into 1.16.5? it would be really amazing..

I'm sorry, but I don't have time to support the plugin at all, since the last couple of weeks (if not months) I am working on my other project in my free time. I have already promised many people to port the plugin to different versions (you can see the comments on the plugin), but as a result I have not even started porting yet (SORRY GUYS!!!!).
I'm sorry, but if you URGENTLY need a port for version 1.16.5, then you shouldn't rely on me, since I don't think I'll start porting in the coming weeks (or maybe months).

It would be neat if you would open PR to add "Player 1st\3rd person camera check" and "Player language" procedure blocks to the core if you are interested :)

Wow, I didn't expect one of the MCreator team developers to write a comment on my plugin page. Since my knowledge of English is not very strong, I did not fully understand what "PR" means in your message, but I assume that you meant "project repository", that is, the source code of my plugin, IF I UNDERSTOOD EVERYTHING CORRECTLY.
I would be only glad if you would add these procedures officially to the MCreator core, but I have no idea where, and most importantly, how to provide the source code correctly. Do I just need to provide only the lines of code themselves, and there aren't many of them, or will I need to do something else to make everything meet the standards, etc.?

Maybe. I'll try.
At the moment, it is very difficult for me to combine studying at school and plugin support, and to all this, the development of my own project, so I can't say if I will be able to port it in the coming weeks.

hello, is it possible to port plugin to 1.16.5..? because i'm making mod for my server, and i need similar things which this plugin has..

I'll try, but the code for version 1.16.5 MAYBE very different in structure from 1.19.2/1.19.4, and it will take me time to make a port for this version. Although there is not much code used in the procedures, and maybe next week I will make a port.
I'm sorry if there are errors in my message, I use a translator because I don't know English very well.