Particles & VFX Plus [NeoForge 1.20.4, Forge 1.20.1]

Published by MinoBanana on
Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
Upvotes: 13
About the plugin

---Particles & VFX Plus---

-Adds Presets, Trails, and Visual Effects-


Particle ShowcaseQuake VFX






Version 1.0.1 Presets


  • The Current Available Particle Presets as of 1.0.1 Are:
    1. Flame Ring | Flame Spiral | Flame Cylinder | Flame Sphere | Flame Expansion | Flame Beam
    2. Ice Ring | Ice Spiral | Ice Cylinder | Ice Sphere | Ice Expansion | Ice Beam
    3. Dark Ring | Dark Spiral | Dark Cylinder | Dark Sphere | Dark Expansion | Dark Beam
    4. Light Ring | Light Spiral | Light Cylinder | Light Sphere | Light Expansion | Light Beam
    5. Small & Large Summoning Circles
    6. Flame Circle | Ice Circle | Dark Circle | Light Circle | Angled Flame Circle | Angled Ice Circle | Angled Dark Circle | Angled Light Circle
    7. Screen shake
    8. Quake




Using the Plugin


Before Starting - Navigate to the  Top Right of the Workspace and Click "Workspace Settings". Then click External API's and make sure to enable "Mino's Particle Presets"


Enable External API


There are 5 new categories of procedure blocks. 

Plugin Categories


The first category pertains to Particle Presets and includes particle related procedure blocks:

Example Procedure

The procedures here take three arguments: the preset, time, and entity to execute at.



The second category is dedicated to Summoning Circles of different sizes

Summoning Circle

The procedures here take three arguments: a size option, time, and coordinate location



The third category relates to particle trails. It is used to set a player or entities particle trail.

Particle Trail Procedure

For trail procedures without a time input, they will only function with "ACTIVE TICK" triggers.



The fourth category relates to VFX. Procedures here can produce visual effects without particles. 


Such as the Quake which causes nearby blocks to elevate slightly.



The fifth category relates to on screen visuals. Procedures here affect the visuals of the player.


Such procedures include screen shakes.




Required Dependency After Exporting: Mino's Particle Presets

rotating particle showcase


Tools Used to Develop the Plugin:

1) Particle Converter

2) Particle Plotter


Change Log Version 1.0.1:

  • Added support for Mcreator 2024.1
  • Added "Quake" visual effect
  • Added circularly rotating, and angled rotating particle trails
  • Added screen shake effect
  • Categorized procedure blocks
  • Changed colors of procedure blocks


All Rights Reserved

Plugin downloads
(2023.4) Version 1.0.0 - Particles & VFX Plus (1.20.1 FORGE) - ParticlesPlus.zipUploaded on: 03/14/2024 - 09:23   File size: 12.15 KB
(2023.4) Version - Particles & VFX Plus (1.20.1 FORGE) - ParticlesPlus-1.0.1-2023.4_1.zipUploaded on: 04/14/2024 - 17:20   File size: 17.1 KB
(2024.1) Version 1.0.1 - Particles & VFX Plus (1.20.1 FORGE) - ParticlesPlus-1.0.1_0.zipUploaded on: 04/14/2024 - 17:21   File size: 17.13 KB
(2024.1) Version 1.0.2 - Particles & VFX Plus (NeoForge 1.20.4, Forge 1.20.1) - particlesvfx.zipUploaded on: 05/29/2024 - 16:14   File size: 24.09 KB


I am having a bug where my code will not compile, I used the forum but their only suggestion was that perhaps the plugin was causing issues. Does this error mean anything to you:

C:\Users\der\Desktop\caster - Copy\src\main\java\net\mcreator\caster\init\ error: package CasterModItems does not exist

This error format is listed many times for many different objects.
I would quite like some help as I love using this plugin and it would be a terrible shame to loose this workspace permanently.

I have narrowed it down to one error, for one item:

C:\Users\der\Desktop\Caster Repair Attemps\caster-1\src\main\java\net\mcreator\caster\ error: cannot find symbol CasterModItems.register(modEventBus);

If this error can be solved, the entire issue can be solved as I can apply it to other items.

Is there a reason the procedure blocks are printing a uuid into the logs whenever I use them?

The only issue I'm having is that no matter what I do, the Mino's Particles Presets box doesn't appear. I have no idea why it's not, though there have been multiple plugins that have said there's supposed to be something in the External APIs section that didn't until they randomly did months later.

You can teach me the commands to make the block jump off the ground, but not the one from the mod, but the one from Vanilla Minecraft??, pliss

It is a very complicated process if you have the Minos Particle Preset mod enabled you can use the command /shockarea x-displacement z-displacement and it will do that effect for you. For example /shockarea 0 0 will make the block under you do it.

i got it working, and i tried to make the beam do damage, the link u sent says it was last modified in 1970 and it doesnt do anything

i went into workspace settings >> External APIs, i don't understand what to do next? Any Help Would Be Appreciated :}

how to make a trail that is on your video on the plugin's website?