Pehkui for MCreator

Published by NisamVikki on
Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
API support
Pehkui for MCreator icon
Upvotes: 21
About the plugin

A plugin for Pehkui procedures

This is a plugin which covers the Pehkui API and lets you use its functions, it was not made by mcreator or the pehkui devs, it is a community made plugin. 

In it you'll find procedures which you can use only after you enable pehkui in your workspace settings. Currently it only supports NeoForge and Forge but this may change in the future if its requested enough as pehkui supports all mod loaders. Hopefully you'll find that this plugin suits your needs!

This plugin was made using the MCreator Plugin Builder.


To start using procedures this plugin offers, enable pehkui in Workspace -> Workspace Settings -> External APIs:

Pehkui checkbox

After that in your procedures you will find the Pehkui tab in the API section, which is at the bottom, in that tab will be the procedures of the plugin.

Procedure overview

Please be aware that by enabling pehkui you're adding pehkui to your mods dependency list and that means pehkui will need to be downloaded outside mcreator!



 - Added support for MCreator 2024.4
 - Added support for NeoForge 1.21.1 therefore adding support for MCreator 2024.3
 - Updated all older versions to Pehkui 3.8.2 
 - Fixed the pehkui api not appearing on 1.18.2.
 - Added BASE
 - Fixed a typo in the api yaml file for the 1.18.2 forge generator.
 - Pehkui's jitpack is currently not synced to all versions so the versions were set to the latest one of pehkui for the minecraft version and loader.
 - Now using datalists instead of dropdowns.
 - Added more scale types.
 - Downgraded all versions below NF 1.20.6 to 3.8.2 of pehkui.
- Added support for NeoForge 1.20.6, and therefore MCreator 2024.2, also updated the Pehkui API version to 3.8.3
- Added support for Forge 1.18.2, 1.17.1, and 1.16.5
- Added support for Forge 1.19.2 (it should work both in lower versions of mcreator and with the latest using the generator.)
- Added support for MCreator 2023.4 (which means also added support for Forge 1.19.4)
- Fixed some issues
- Initial release
All Rights Reserved

Plugin downloads
Pehkui for MCreator - 1.1.0 - Pehkui Uploaded on: 12/17/2024 - 13:36   File size: 40.26 KB


Hey so uhm a bit confused on how the actual resizing works? there is width and height, but when i activate it the entity just shrinks and is gone entirely... does anyone know whats happening?

Im having trouble with changing the health. I am using 2024.4 and forge 1.21.1. Every time I try to add health it only goes up to 3 hearts and then wont go any higher. even with a blank workspace it does the same thing so is there a problem I am missing?

i've enabled the pehkui API in my workspace, restarted mcreator and all, but as far as i can tell, the pehkui mod is never actually added to the game, and trying to save any procedures that use code blocks from this plugin causes build errors

The pehkui api isn't working for me. I enabled it in the workspace settings, restarted mcreator, but still it won't build. I'm using Mcreator 2024.3, NeoForge 1.21.1. I'm getting this error:
error: package virtuoel.pehkui.api does not exist

mcreator gives me this error when I load with pehkui plugin

Reason: IO error: Cannot assign field "builtin" because "plugin" is null

I'm having problems with this plugin, for some reason I can't start my mod in Mcreator when I add a procedure from Penkui, it says "Your Workspace contains mod elements that don't compile properly" and this only happens when I add a procedure from Penkui, and the version of Mcreator I'm using is 2024.3 Neo Forge, if you can help me, I'd appreciate it!

2024.3 please. I don't know how to change the hitbox of a mcreator entity without this, so I need 2024.3

Hi, in Forge 1.20.1 for version 2024.2, It appears that the GET block is not working correctly. I'm trying to retrieve the height and width of an entity to prevent it from growing larger once it reaches the GET value, but it doesn't seem to work. I'm doing it with the "while projectile flying tick".

Hi, in Forge 1.20.1 for version 2024.2, I changed the hitboxes of my projectiles, but it seems that the actual hitbox isn't changing—only the visual representation of it when I press F3 + B. I've tested it multiple times, and the hitboxes go straight through entities and blocks.

It may be because I'm using an older version of MCreator (2023.1), but in case it isn't because of that, I figured I'd check here. When trying to use the plugin I get an error saying my gradle caches have been corrupted. No matter what option I pick the error just shows back up again.