Unable to import java models/textures

Issue description

I downloaded the newest mcreator version 1.8.2 and imported my mcr file but some of the models and textures that were in it are now gone and when I try to import them again nothing happens also some other models were unaffected and still present. Is there any way to fix this?

Issue comments

Some modelers export all models with the name "unknown". The Java model name is not the filename but the class name inside the model code in the file. If all models are called unknown, MCreator will overwrite the current model you have. Before 1.8.2 this did not happen as models were stored per mob, but now they are globally stored and only one model per model name can exist.

More info: https://mcreator.net/tracker/issue/46645

None of this has helped me, I'm either missing something or need more info.

If you are importing JAVA model, the model name is not file name but the class name inside model code.

I already read and went through every file i have looking for class overlaps. (Evidence below)

public class ModelGoldenDragoonFINAL extends ModelBase {

I tried recreating the files as well, rebuilt my work spaces and started from ground zero.
For some reason i still can't import.

There was an .MTL file messing with it. Though now i set the java model and after launching the test world it defaults it to a biped model and messes up the textures royally.

The issue with your model is that you have these parts:

  • Spine Tail
  • Spine Tail2
  • Spine Tail3

Java does not support names with spaces. Remove the spaces.

For the texture issue, this means that it is not mapped properly.

I think i have the same problem that CeramicDoll had, but i dont know where to find that .MTL (supposing there is any of those) i have changed the name of the file and of the class inside the code, but anyways doesnt work. Can you help me please?

i am making a mod for 1.17.1 and i alredy made a model for one but cant import it