Install Error

Published by jdeclan on
Issue description

Hi all,

I am trying to install Mcreator but I keep getting this error when trying to launch:

/Users/NAME/Desktop/D\ Work\ Stuff/MCreator183/mcreator.command ; exit;

NAME:~ NAME$ /Users/NAME/Desktop/D\ Work\ Stuff/MCreator183/mcreator.command ; exit;

/Users/NAME/Desktop/D Work Stuff/MCreator183/mcreator.command: line 8: cd: /Users/NAME/Desktop/D: No such file or directory

/Users/NAME/Desktop/D Work Stuff/MCreator183/mcreator.command: line 14: ./jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java: No such file or directory


Saving session...

...copying shared history...

...saving history...truncating history files...



[Process completed]


I have already installed homebrew, done the brew reinstall libpng command, and given myself read and write permissions on the folder.

I already found this thread that didn't really provide any help.


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