Error trying to make any part of 3D armor

Published by valomen114 on
Issue description


When I try to make any part of the armor with the 3D model, I get an error:

 symbol: class Modelnewhelmet
 C:\Users\ZoGMyKill\MCreatorWorkspaces\augmentedworld\src\main\java\net\mcreator\augmentedworld\ er  ror: cannot find symbol

Issue comments

When I try to make any part of the armor with the 3D model, I get an error:

 symbol: class Modelnewhelmet
 C:\Users\ZoGMyKill\MCreatorWorkspaces\augmentedworld\src\main\java\net\mcreator\augmentedworld\ er  ror: cannot find symbo

This is not full error log, with this I can't help you.

Make sure to give all 3D model parts and the model itself a valid Java name: only ASCII letters, no whitespace.

Executing gradle task: build
Build info: MCreator 2019.5.45215 EAP (45215), 64-bit, 16347 MB, Windows 10, JVM 1.8.0_222, JAVA_HOME: C:\Users\ZoGMyKill\Desktop\MCreatorEAP20195b45215\jdk
> Configure project :
New Dep: net.minecraftforge:forge:1.14.4-28.1.87_mapped_snapshot_20190719-1.14.3
> Task :compileJava
C:\Users\ZoGMyKill\MCreatorWorkspaces\augmentedworld\src\main\java\net\mcreator\augmentedworld\ error: cannot find symbol 
            armorModel.bipedHead = new Modelnewhelmet().field_78116_c;
  symbol: class Modelnewhelmet
C:\Users\ZoGMyKill\MCreatorWorkspaces\augmentedworld\src\main\java\net\mcreator\augmentedworld\ error: cannot find symbol 
         GlStateManager.translate(this.field_78116_c.offsetX, this.field_78116_c.offsetY, this.field_78116_c.offsetZ);
  symbol:   method translate(float,float,float)
  location: class GlStateManager
C:\Users\ZoGMyKill\MCreatorWorkspaces\augmentedworld\src\main\java\net\mcreator\augmentedworld\ error: cannot find symbol 
         GlStateManager.translate(this.field_78116_c.rotationPointX * f5, this.field_78116_c.rotationPointY * f5,
  symbol:   method translate(float,float,float)
  location: class GlStateManager
C:\Users\ZoGMyKill\MCreatorWorkspaces\augmentedworld\src\main\java\net\mcreator\augmentedworld\ error: cannot find symbol 
         GlStateManager.scale(1.1D, 1.1D, 1.1D);
  symbol:   method scale(double,double,double)
  location: class GlStateManager
C:\Users\ZoGMyKill\MCreatorWorkspaces\augmentedworld\src\main\java\net\mcreator\augmentedworld\ error: cannot find symbol 

Tabula does not make 1.14.4 compatible models. I suggest you to use more up to date modeler such as blockbench. I will add patcher for tabula models in next snapshot/update, although you should not really rely on this.