Model of Skeleton mob as buil-in model.

Issue description


When I choose a "living entity" mod element, I'd notice that there in built-in vanilla models of mobs is lack the skeleton model.

Can you possible to add this along with equipment support like zombie and biped models has?

Issue comments

This has been covered a thousand times and why this is not possible. Search on the forums, but tldr is no, you need to make your own skeleton model.

Hmm... I guess, I can make or import a skeleton mobs model, but how I can equip it, since there is not possible equip for custom mobs?
There is only way this by commands, I guess, but is possible for wanilla skeletons only.

Unfortunately adding equipment to custom models is possible only if you code them to support rendering custom items.

But due to code properties of Skeleton model we can't implement it.

Here's something you could try. I've done it before and it worked for me.

Go to Blockbench (if you don't have it, it's free. seriously great program.), create a new project, select Minecraft skin, select Skeleton as the base, convert the project to a Modded Entity, then export it as a Java entity. Then just set the animations as normal arm and leg movements. It works amazingly, plus, you can have cutout textures for it just like the vanilla Skeleton.

Thanks! This really helped. The only thing is how do you convert the project to a Modded Entity?