Custom Enchantments in Mcreator

Started by Matheus Fernandes on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

Joined Jan 2020

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Custom Enchantments in Mcreator

I think Mcreator should make custom enchantment making.

You could change the image or use a deafult, and you could change effects with procedures, you could select to only affect one type of tool or armor,you could select the current level of the enchantment, you could select 2 items (or more) to equip with different affects (like, if you put the enchantment on your sword, gives you strength, if you put the enchantment on your boots, gives you speed), etc.

New procedures:

-"Get item that its enchanted" will return the item that wre enchanted, and then you could do this with 2 or more items, like the "Gods Thundering" example.


"Angel Wings" enchantment is an enchantment that you could put on your chestplate and when chestplate equipped, you could fly. (it would have 1 level).

"Gods Thundering" enchantment is an enchantment that you could put on your boots or bow, if you put it on your boots, will give you a 5% of chance that when you fall more than 4 blocks, will call thunderings in a 3x3 area. If you put it on your bow, will give you a 5% chance of thundering in the x, y, and z coordinates of your custom arrow (that will be like other arrow with potion effects). And the chance of thundering will be bigger if your enchantment is at a better level (it would have 4 levels).