Snow does not work in custom dimensions

Issue description

Snow does not work in custom dimension, if a biome is cold enough for it snow in, weather wont work at all. Note that this only works if every biome is cold enough for snow, if it isnt, it will snow and weather will work, but if every biome is cold enough for snow in the dimension, it wont work. Here is a custom dimension showcasing it, go in and do /weather rain and see that it wont work.

Issue comments

go in and do /weather rain and see that it wont work.

This command only works in the overworld as WorldInfo that controls all weather is defined in the overworld.

Start rain in the overworld using weather command and then go into your dimension. This is what I saw:


yeah because its the precipitation stat i think - a biome rains or snow not both, so the value of that on the element define - rain/snow and the %, i just dont know how to call the rain on random times with commands or something