Your Workspace contains Mod elements that don't compile Properly

Can not reproduce
Issue description

Every time that I try to Make a mob with this model and texture it always pops up something like this:

Your Workspace Contains Mod Elements That Don't Compile Properly 

and it shows that that mob has a red triangle over it. Here is the shareable ZIP file, Model, and Textures for you to look at and see if there is anything wrong

I need help!!!

Issue comments

I imported your workspace and it built just fine. Could you go to the console tab when this happens and copy and paste the error log here (full logs, do not crop them, in text format, not screenshots of logs).

Hello, can you help me? I have problem "your workspace contains mod elements that don't compile properly". what to do?

In console:
Executing Gradle task: runClient
Build info: MCreator 2020.2.14217, 1.14.4, 64-bit, 4062 MB, Windows 7, JVM 1.8.0_232, JAVA_HOME: F:\MCreator\jdk
> Configure project :
New Dep: net.minecraftforge:forge:1.14.4-28.2.3_mapped_snapshot_20190719-1.14.3
> Task :compileJava FAILED
F:\modscreator\src\main\java\net\mcreator\manspider\entity\ error: cannot find symbol       public void render(MatrixStack matrixStack, IVertexBuilder buffer, int packedLight, int packedOverlay, float red, float green, float blue,
  symbol:   class MatrixStack
  location: class Modelcustom_model
F:\modscreator\src\main\java\net\mcreator\manspider\entity\ error: cannot find symbol       public void render(MatrixStack matrixStack, IVertexBuilder buffer, int packedLight, int packedOverlay, float red, float green, float blue,
  symbol:   class IVertexBuilder
  location: class Modelcustom_model
F:\modscreator\src\main\java\net\mcreator\manspider\entity\ error: cannot find symbol       public void render(MatrixStack matrixStack, IVertexBuilder buffer, int packedLight, int packedOverlay, float red, float green, float blue,
  symbol:   class MatrixStack
  location: class Modelcustom_model
F:\modscreator\src\main\java\net\mcreator\manspider\entity\ error: cannot find symbol       public void render(MatrixStack matrixStack, IVertexBuilder buffer, int packedLight, int packedOverlay, float red, float green, float blue,
  symbol:   class IVertexBuilder
  location: class Modelcustom_model
4 errors
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':compileJava'.
> Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 5.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.
1 actionable task: 1 executed
Task completed in 13888 milliseconds

I don't quite understand where to change the version to 1.14.4. To do this in the launcher or minecraft Mcreator? Sorry for the inconvenience, it's just that I'm not comfortable reading in English and this is my first time working with this program.

No, you need to make sure the modeler of your Java model you imported in MCreator is for 1.14.4.

In BlockBench do this File/Project, there will be Export Version, choose 1.12, 1.13, 1.14 or other

Hello, can you help me? I have problem "your workspace contains mod elements that don't compile properly". what to do?

In console:

> Configure project :
New Dep: net.minecraftforge:forge:1.15.2-31.2.0_mapped_snapshot_20200514-1.15.1
> Task :compileJava FAILED
C:\Users\97252\MCreatorWorkspaces\test\src\main\java\net\mcreator\test\entity\ error: illegal start of expression return new ItemStack(, (int)(1));
C:\Users\97252\MCreatorWorkspaces\test\src\main\java\net\mcreator\test\entity\ error: illegal start of expression return new ItemStack(, (int)(1));
2 errors
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':compileJava'.
> Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 5.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.
1 actionable task: 1 executed
Task completed in 397395 milliseconds

You are referencing mod element item/block that no longer exists in your workspace inside Wereworf mod element

Executing Gradle task: build
Build info: MCreator 2020.5.47520, forge-1.15.2, 64-bit, 8137 MB, Windows 10, JVM 1.8.0_265, JAVA_HOME: C:\Users\MMFH\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa12784.24312\MCreator20205\jdk
> Configure project :
New Dep: net.minecraftforge:forge:1.15.2-31.2.0_mapped_snapshot_20200514-1.15.1
> Task :compileJava
C:\Users\MMFH\MCreatorWorkspaces\superguc\src\main\java\net\mcreator\superguc\gui\ error: Override is not a repeatable annotation type @Override
1 error
> Task :compileJava FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':compileJava'.
> Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 5.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.
1 actionable task: 1 executed
Task completed in 234278 milliseconds


Executing Gradle task: runClient
Build info: MCreator 2020.5.47520, forge-1.15.2, 64-bit, 8135 MB, Windows 10, JVM 1.8.0_265, JAVA_HOME: E:\amirreza\MCreator\jdk
> Configure project :
New Dep: net.minecraftforge:forge:1.15.2-31.2.0_mapped_snapshot_20200514-1.15.1
> Task :compileJava
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public static final Block block = null;
symbol: class Block
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public void init(FMLCommonSetupEvent event) {
symbol: class FMLCommonSetupEvent
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public static class CustomBlock extends Block {
symbol: class Block
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public boolean propagatesSkylightDown(BlockState state, IBlockReader reader, BlockPos pos) {
symbol: class BlockState
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public boolean propagatesSkylightDown(BlockState state, IBlockReader reader, BlockPos pos) {
symbol: class IBlockReader
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public boolean propagatesSkylightDown(BlockState state, IBlockReader reader, BlockPos pos) {
symbol: class BlockPos
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public MaterialColor getMaterialColor(BlockState state, IBlockReader blockAccess, BlockPos pos) {
symbol: class BlockState
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public MaterialColor getMaterialColor(BlockState state, IBlockReader blockAccess, BlockPos pos) {
symbol: class IBlockReader
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public MaterialColor getMaterialColor(BlockState state, IBlockReader blockAccess, BlockPos pos) {
symbol: class BlockPos
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public MaterialColor getMaterialColor(BlockState state, IBlockReader blockAccess, BlockPos pos) {
symbol: class MaterialColor
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public List<ItemStack> getDrops(BlockState state, LootContext.Builder builder) {
symbol: class BlockState
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: package LootContext does not exist public List<ItemStack> getDrops(BlockState state, LootContext.Builder builder) {
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public List<ItemStack> getDrops(BlockState state, LootContext.Builder builder) {
symbol: class ItemStack
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: cannot find symbol public static final Item block = null;
symbol: class Item
location: class BauxiteItem
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: cannot find symbol public static class ItemCustom extends Item {
symbol: class Item
location: class BauxiteItem
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: cannot find symbol public int getUseDuration(ItemStack itemstack) {
symbol: class ItemStack
location: class ItemCustom
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: cannot find symbol public float getDestroySpeed(ItemStack par1ItemStack, BlockState par2Block) {
symbol: class ItemStack
location: class ItemCustom
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: cannot find symbol public float getDestroySpeed(ItemStack par1ItemStack, BlockState par2Block) {
symbol: class BlockState
location: class ItemCustom
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: incompatible types: ObjectHolder cannot be converted to Annotation @ObjectHolder("more_ores:aluminium_ore")
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: incompatible types: ObjectHolder cannot be converted to Annotation @ObjectHolder("more_ores:bauxite")
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: no suitable method found for add(()->new Cu[...]ock()) elements.blocks.add(() -> new CustomBlock());
method Collection.add(Supplier<Block>) is not applicable
(argument mismatch; bad return type in lambda expression
CustomBlock cannot be converted to Block)
method List.add(Supplier<Block>) is not applicable
(argument mismatch; bad return type in lambda expression
CustomBlock cannot be converted to Block)
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol elements.items.add(() -> new BlockItem(block, new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.MATERIALS)).setRegistryName(block.getRegistryName()));
symbol: class BlockItem
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol elements.items.add(() -> new BlockItem(block, new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.MATERIALS)).setRegistryName(block.getRegistryName()));
symbol: variable ItemGroup
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: package Item does not exist elements.items.add(() -> new BlockItem(block, new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.MATERIALS)).setRegistryName(block.getRegistryName()));
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol .harvestTool(ToolType.PICKAXE));
symbol: variable ToolType
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol super(Block.Properties.create(Material.ROCK).sound(SoundType.STONE).hardnessAndResistance(3f, 10f).lightValue(0).harvestLevel(1)
symbol: variable SoundType
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: package Block does not exist super(Block.Properties.create(Material.ROCK).sound(SoundType.STONE).hardnessAndResistance(3f, 10f).lightValue(0).harvestLevel(1)
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol setRegistryName("aluminium_ore");
symbol: method setRegistryName(String)
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype @Override
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype @Override
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol return MaterialColor.GRAY;
symbol: variable MaterialColor
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype @Override
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol List<ItemStack> dropsOriginal = super.getDrops(state, builder);
symbol: class ItemStack
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: non-static variable super cannot be referenced from a static context List<ItemStack> dropsOriginal = super.getDrops(state, builder);
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol return Collections.singletonList(new ItemStack(BauxiteItem.block, (int) (1)));
symbol: class ItemStack
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: package ForgeRegistries does not exist for (Biome biome : ForgeRegistries.BIOMES.getValues()) {
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol for (Biome biome : ForgeRegistries.BIOMES.getValues()) {
symbol: class Biome
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: package GenerationStage does not exist biome.addFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES, new OreFeature(OreFeatureConfig::deserialize) {
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol }), block.getDefaultState(), 16)).withPlacement(Placement.COUNT_RANGE.configure(new CountRangeConfig(10, 0, 0, 56))));
symbol: class CountRangeConfig
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: package Placement does not exist }), block.getDefaultState(), 16)).withPlacement(Placement.COUNT_RANGE.configure(new CountRangeConfig(10, 0, 0, 56))));
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol }.withConfiguration(new OreFeatureConfig(OreFeatureConfig.FillerBlockType.create("aluminium_ore", "aluminium_ore", blockAt -> {
symbol: class OreFeatureConfig
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: package OreFeatureConfig does not exist }.withConfiguration(new OreFeatureConfig(OreFeatureConfig.FillerBlockType.create("aluminium_ore", "aluminium_ore", blockAt -> {
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: package Blocks does not exist if (blockAt.getBlock() == Blocks.STONE.getDefaultState().getBlock())
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol biome.addFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES, new OreFeature(OreFeatureConfig::deserialize) {
symbol: class OreFeature
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: no suitable method found for add(()->new It[...]tom()) elements.items.add(() -> new ItemCustom());
method Collection.add(Supplier<Item>) is not applicable
(argument mismatch; bad return type in lambda expression
ItemCustom cannot be converted to Item)
method List.add(Supplier<Item>) is not applicable
(argument mismatch; bad return type in lambda expression
ItemCustom cannot be converted to Item)
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: cannot find symbol super(new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.MATERIALS).maxStackSize(64).rarity(Rarity.COMMON));
symbol: variable Rarity
location: class ItemCustom
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: cannot find symbol super(new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.MATERIALS).maxStackSize(64).rarity(Rarity.COMMON));
symbol: variable ItemGroup
location: class ItemCustom
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: package Item does not exist super(new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.MATERIALS).maxStackSize(64).rarity(Rarity.COMMON));
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: cannot find symbol setRegistryName("bauxite");
symbol: method setRegistryName(String)
location: class ItemCustom
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype @Override
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype @Override
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype @Override
Note: Some messages have been simplified; recompile with -Xdiags:verbose to get full output
52 errors
> Task :compileJava FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':compileJava'.
> Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 5.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.
1 actionable task: 1 executed
Task completed in 48441 milliseconds
Executing Gradle task: runClient
Build info: MCreator 2020.5.47520, forge-1.15.2, 64-bit, 8135 MB, Windows 10, JVM 1.8.0_265, JAVA_HOME: E:\amirreza\MCreator\jdk
> Configure project :
New Dep: net.minecraftforge:forge:1.15.2-31.2.0_mapped_snapshot_20200514-1.15.1
> Task :compileJava
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public static final Block block = null;
symbol: class Block
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public void init(FMLCommonSetupEvent event) {
symbol: class FMLCommonSetupEvent
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public static class CustomBlock extends Block {
symbol: class Block
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public boolean propagatesSkylightDown(BlockState state, IBlockReader reader, BlockPos pos) {
symbol: class BlockState
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public boolean propagatesSkylightDown(BlockState state, IBlockReader reader, BlockPos pos) {
symbol: class IBlockReader
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public boolean propagatesSkylightDown(BlockState state, IBlockReader reader, BlockPos pos) {
symbol: class BlockPos
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public MaterialColor getMaterialColor(BlockState state, IBlockReader blockAccess, BlockPos pos) {
symbol: class BlockState
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public MaterialColor getMaterialColor(BlockState state, IBlockReader blockAccess, BlockPos pos) {
symbol: class IBlockReader
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public MaterialColor getMaterialColor(BlockState state, IBlockReader blockAccess, BlockPos pos) {
symbol: class BlockPos
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public MaterialColor getMaterialColor(BlockState state, IBlockReader blockAccess, BlockPos pos) {
symbol: class MaterialColor
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public List<ItemStack> getDrops(BlockState state, LootContext.Builder builder) {
symbol: class BlockState
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: package LootContext does not exist public List<ItemStack> getDrops(BlockState state, LootContext.Builder builder) {
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol public List<ItemStack> getDrops(BlockState state, LootContext.Builder builder) {
symbol: class ItemStack
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: cannot find symbol public static final Item block = null;
symbol: class Item
location: class BauxiteItem
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: cannot find symbol public static class ItemCustom extends Item {
symbol: class Item
location: class BauxiteItem
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: cannot find symbol public int getUseDuration(ItemStack itemstack) {
symbol: class ItemStack
location: class ItemCustom
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: cannot find symbol public float getDestroySpeed(ItemStack par1ItemStack, BlockState par2Block) {
symbol: class ItemStack
location: class ItemCustom
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: cannot find symbol public float getDestroySpeed(ItemStack par1ItemStack, BlockState par2Block) {
symbol: class BlockState
location: class ItemCustom
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: incompatible types: ObjectHolder cannot be converted to Annotation @ObjectHolder("more_ores:aluminium_ore")
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: incompatible types: ObjectHolder cannot be converted to Annotation @ObjectHolder("more_ores:bauxite")
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: no suitable method found for add(()->new Cu[...]ock()) elements.blocks.add(() -> new CustomBlock());
method Collection.add(Supplier<Block>) is not applicable
(argument mismatch; bad return type in lambda expression
CustomBlock cannot be converted to Block)
method List.add(Supplier<Block>) is not applicable
(argument mismatch; bad return type in lambda expression
CustomBlock cannot be converted to Block)
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol elements.items.add(() -> new BlockItem(block, new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.MATERIALS)).setRegistryName(block.getRegistryName()));
symbol: class BlockItem
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol elements.items.add(() -> new BlockItem(block, new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.MATERIALS)).setRegistryName(block.getRegistryName()));
symbol: variable ItemGroup
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: package Item does not exist elements.items.add(() -> new BlockItem(block, new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.MATERIALS)).setRegistryName(block.getRegistryName()));
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol .harvestTool(ToolType.PICKAXE));
symbol: variable ToolType
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol super(Block.Properties.create(Material.ROCK).sound(SoundType.STONE).hardnessAndResistance(3f, 10f).lightValue(0).harvestLevel(1)
symbol: variable SoundType
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: package Block does not exist super(Block.Properties.create(Material.ROCK).sound(SoundType.STONE).hardnessAndResistance(3f, 10f).lightValue(0).harvestLevel(1)
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol setRegistryName("aluminium_ore");
symbol: method setRegistryName(String)
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype @Override
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype @Override
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol return MaterialColor.GRAY;
symbol: variable MaterialColor
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype @Override
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol List<ItemStack> dropsOriginal = super.getDrops(state, builder);
symbol: class ItemStack
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: non-static variable super cannot be referenced from a static context List<ItemStack> dropsOriginal = super.getDrops(state, builder);
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol return Collections.singletonList(new ItemStack(BauxiteItem.block, (int) (1)));
symbol: class ItemStack
location: class CustomBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: package ForgeRegistries does not exist for (Biome biome : ForgeRegistries.BIOMES.getValues()) {
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol for (Biome biome : ForgeRegistries.BIOMES.getValues()) {
symbol: class Biome
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: package GenerationStage does not exist biome.addFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES, new OreFeature(OreFeatureConfig::deserialize) {
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol }), block.getDefaultState(), 16)).withPlacement(Placement.COUNT_RANGE.configure(new CountRangeConfig(10, 0, 0, 56))));
symbol: class CountRangeConfig
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: package Placement does not exist }), block.getDefaultState(), 16)).withPlacement(Placement.COUNT_RANGE.configure(new CountRangeConfig(10, 0, 0, 56))));
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol }.withConfiguration(new OreFeatureConfig(OreFeatureConfig.FillerBlockType.create("aluminium_ore", "aluminium_ore", blockAt -> {
symbol: class OreFeatureConfig
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: package OreFeatureConfig does not exist }.withConfiguration(new OreFeatureConfig(OreFeatureConfig.FillerBlockType.create("aluminium_ore", "aluminium_ore", blockAt -> {
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: package Blocks does not exist if (blockAt.getBlock() == Blocks.STONE.getDefaultState().getBlock())
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\block\ error: cannot find symbol biome.addFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES, new OreFeature(OreFeatureConfig::deserialize) {
symbol: class OreFeature
location: class AluminiumOreBlock
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: no suitable method found for add(()->new It[...]tom()) elements.items.add(() -> new ItemCustom());
method Collection.add(Supplier<Item>) is not applicable
(argument mismatch; bad return type in lambda expression
ItemCustom cannot be converted to Item)
method List.add(Supplier<Item>) is not applicable
(argument mismatch; bad return type in lambda expression
ItemCustom cannot be converted to Item)
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: cannot find symbol super(new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.MATERIALS).maxStackSize(64).rarity(Rarity.COMMON));
symbol: variable Rarity
location: class ItemCustom
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: cannot find symbol super(new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.MATERIALS).maxStackSize(64).rarity(Rarity.COMMON));
symbol: variable ItemGroup
location: class ItemCustom
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: package Item does not exist super(new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.MATERIALS).maxStackSize(64).rarity(Rarity.COMMON));
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: cannot find symbol setRegistryName("bauxite");
symbol: method setRegistryName(String)
location: class ItemCustom
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype @Override
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype @Override
E:\amirreza\mcmws\src\main\java\net\mcreator\moreores\item\ error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype @Override
Note: Some messages have been simplified; recompile with -Xdiags:verbose to get full output
52 errors
> Task :compileJava FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':compileJava'.
> Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 5.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.
1 actionable task: 1 executed
Task completed in 48441 milliseconds

this is my console codes
im trying to run client but that doesnt work

In some cases, Gradle caches that make sure the build process does not take too long can get corrupted. In such a case, go to:

<your user home folder>/.mcreator/gradle

In this folder, there is a folder called caches. Delete this folder and open MCreator again. Next build will take a bit longer as caches need to be rebuilt. If you can not delete all files in this folder (which is necessary), reboot the computer first to remove any potential file locks.

If this is not enough to make things work, delete the entire gradle folder, not just caches, and try again.

If even this fails, try to delete the entire <your user home folder>/.mcreator/gradle folder, create a new workspace with the same generator version as the version of the workspace failing, after the setup of this new workspace is done, open your current workspace, and click Build & run -> Build workspace, then Build & run -> Reload gradle project and then Build & run -> Regenerate code and build.

Executing Gradle task: build
Build info: MCreator 2020.5.47520, fabric-1.16.3, 64-bit, 16288 MB, Windows 10, JVM 1.8.0_265, JAVA_HOME: C:\Users\EWARTF~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa11820.536\MCreator20205\jdk
> Configure project :
Fabric Loom: 0.4.33 Build(jenkins #33)
:setting up loom dependencies
:setting up mappings (yarn 1.16.3+build.1)
Configuring compiler arguments for Java
> Task :compileJava UP-TO-DATE
> Task :processResources UP-TO-DATE
> Task :classes UP-TO-DATE
> Task :jar UP-TO-DATE
> Task :remapJar UP-TO-DATE
> Task :assemble UP-TO-DATE
> Task :compileTestJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :processTestResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :testClasses UP-TO-DATE
> Task :test NO-SOURCE
> Task :check UP-TO-DATE
> Task :sourcesJar
> Task :remapSourcesJar
:remapping sources
:loading named -> intermediary source mappings
> Task :build
6 actionable tasks: 2 executed, 4 up-to-date
Task completed in 3852 milliseconds


I also have the same issue, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong because I exported the JAVA model in "Forge 1.7 - 1.13" (i tried the other two 1.14 but both didn't work too), can someone help me?

I'm using Mcreator 2021.1 and Blockbench 3.9.2

Executing Gradle task: runClient
Build info: MCreator 2021.1.16710, forge-1.16.5, 64-bit, 8143 MB, Windows 10, JVM 1.8.0_275, JAVA_HOME: C:\Program Files\Pylo\MCreator\jdk
> Task :compileJava FAILED
C:\Users\tunat\MCreatorWorkspaces\iron_golem_spawn_eggg\src\main\java\net\mcreator\irongolemspawnegg\procedures\ error: AgeableEntity is abstract; cannot be instantiated Entity entityToSpawn = new AgeableEntity(EntityType.ZOMBIE, (World) world);
1 error
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':compileJava'.
> Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
1 actionable task: 1 executed
Task completed in 4 seconds

Hello i started making mods with this program and it gives me this error:
Executing Gradle task: build
Build info: MCreator 2021.2.36710, forge-1.16.5, 64-bit, 16327 MB, Windows 10, JVM 11.0.11, JAVA_HOME: D:\MCcreator\MCreator\jdk
> Task :compileJava UP-TO-DATE
> Task :processResources UP-TO-DATE
> Task :classes UP-TO-DATE
> Task :jar UP-TO-DATE
> Task :downloadMcpConfig
> Task :extractSrg UP-TO-DATE
> Task :createMcpToSrg FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
A problem was found with the configuration of task ':createMcpToSrg' (type 'GenerateSRG').
- In plugin 'net.minecraftforge.gradle' type 'net.minecraftforge.gradle.mcp.tasks.GenerateSRG' property 'srg' specifies file 'D:\MCcreator\Workspace\Petrification\build\extractSrg\output.srg' which doesn't exist.

Reason: An input file was expected to be present but it doesn't exist.

Possible solutions:
1. Make sure the file exists before the task is called.
2. Make sure that the task which produces the file is declared as an input.

Please refer to… for more details about this problem.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 8.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
6 actionable tasks: 2 executed, 4 up-to-date
Task completed in 14 seconds