Entity Yaw and Pitch Error

Issue description

Hello Klemen, I encountered a error when trying to copy the yaw and pitch rotations from one entity to another new spawned entity using local variables.

I have provided the workspace and the MCreator log file in the zip. The element is an entity update tick, the main cause of the issue is the using the variable saved from entity one to set the new entities rotation, I did a tutorial on this same workspace without the yaw and pitch and it worked fine before adding the variables.

Issue comments

I have found the cause of this build failed bug. I will fix this bug so no build errors will happen.

I now managed to understand why you wanted to have "spawn with rotation and pitch" procedure block :D I missed the obvious problem with entity tick referring to the current entity, not to the newly spawned one.

I will add a new procedure block to spawn entity with rotation and yaw too and possibly another one with yaw, pitch and velocity parameters for smooth transitions if the entity was walking at the time of the switch.