Option to find custom structures using /locate command

Issue description

As I test MCreator mods with my own, I started noticing how people are trying to create structures in MCreator but the structures does not show up with the /locate command. What this means is that MCreator is only allowing people to make "features" instead of true "structures" which limits how big of structures people can make and makes it harder to find said structure. 


By adding the option to make true structures, people using MCreator can make larger structures that aren't limited to a 32x32 area, can be found with /locate command, can set minimum and maximum distance between their structure, and much more. It'll also help with mod compatibility with mods that look for structures instead of features. :)

Issue comments

people using MCreator can make larger structures that aren't limited to a 32x32 area

This limit will not disappear due to this. Structures are "true structures", they just aren't registered in the structure registry, thus can't be found in the registry.

If you want bigger structures then you can use one of the many mods that upgrade structure blocks to have better range. Vanilla: 32x32 Infinite structure blocks mod: 256x256. 

Submitted by MrScautHD on Sun, 12/06/2020 - 15:44 Permalink

:O i hope this is in 2020.6 added