Minecraft Bedrock Edition Mod Creation

Started by Whemenoc on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Bedrock Edition)

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Minecraft Bedrock Edition Mod Creation
Fri, 06/05/2020 - 15:35 (edited)

In the near, near future... Will you guys not only make Mcreator for Java Edition, but also make it possible for Bedrock Addons as well? Are you creating a separate version specifically for Minecraft Bedrock Edition? If any of that is going to happen, I would like for the ability to have a similar GUI setup like the Java Modding Environment, but for Bedrock Edition. To be able to create resource_packs and behavior_packs as one combination. I'm sure you already know all of the directories for the resource and behavior packs and if not do research to understand what needs to be done, in order to make behavior packs and resource packs super easy to create without much work to be done. 


Bridge. is a modding program for bedrock, so look into that and what it can do to get an idea of what you should do to make Mcreator's modding GUI like Java but to create resource_packs and behavior_packs in the json format intended for Bedrock Edition for Windows 10, and Bedrock Edition for Pocket Edition and other platforms that can support Minecraft addons as called in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. The link to bridge. https://github.com/bridge-core/bridge.

Blockbench is a modeling program for both Java Edition and Bedrock Edition, have a look at that http://blockbench.net/versions/

Bedrock Edition I feel is overall more complicated if you don't know what you're doing. Inside the resource packs, there should be folders, entity, texts, ui,  textures, sounds, animations, animation_controllers, render_controllers, particles, models, materials, items, and font. That may be out of order, but that's okay. If I missed something sorry. If I miss-typed something, sorry... I'm trying my best and to type fast. There's also files in the main folder such as manifest as well as many more files. Also, inside those folders are existing files as well, but the goal is not to override existing mobs or anything in game, but to make fresh entities, blocks, biomes, items, and much more for bedrock edition. For behavior packs, inside the created folder should be behavior_trees, entities, items, loot_tables, recipes, spawn_rules, trading, and like I said before there's files in the main folder such as manifest.json and many more. Everything for behavior_packs and resource_packs are json format unless they're image files. Inside the other folders are also .json files. Just keep all of that in mind, and I really hope you do do this, because I really need it, and I'm very sure I'm not alone. Thanks for taking your time reading this to the end, and have a good one. I hope I made enough sense, hopefully not too many typos, etc. Hope to see a response. 1 more thing, on top of experimenting with the programs above, buy Bedrock Windows 10 Minecraft, and install it. Then look at the files and directories yourselves, that will also help so much. I'll list the basic directory for Bedrock Edition Windows 10. It is  C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_1.14.3002.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\data and all of your underground stuff is in there. Don't override or do anything stupid in that directory, because it will brake Minecraft Bedrock Edition, but in In here: C:\Users\(YOURUSERNAME)\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang is where peoples projects go, you can modify inside of there, and there only. Okay, I'm done. Goodluck, and I REALLY, REALLY HOPE TO SEE IT HAPPEN!!! I'm sure so many want this as well!!!! We're dying for this! Thanks again for reading, and once again, cya.

Edited by Whemenoc on Fri, 06/05/2020 - 15:35
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Bedrock and Java is Diffrent…
Thu, 04/09/2020 - 19:47

Bedrock and Java is Diffrent Editon Runs on completely diffrent engine (Java is java Bedrock is C++), It may will be diffcult to Support Bedrock addons And i think pylo is java Developer so may it will not happen, sadly

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I saw something older asking…
Thu, 04/09/2020 - 21:48

I saw something older asking the same thing, and pylo got back saying that they will eventually. I just wanted to add something to boost the topic that is also more in depth. Anyways, yeah. We'll see.

And i think pylo is java…
Fri, 04/10/2020 - 07:15

And i think pylo is java Developer so may it will not happen, sadly

I write in many languages, not just Java. C++ is my homeland too, alongside with C, PHP, JavaScript and many other languages ;)

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i hope that more bedrock…
Sun, 07/12/2020 - 14:20

i hope that more bedrock edition support is added soon, becouse i can make java mods, but my freinds play on bedrock and so do i


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@Klemen I've been using…
Sun, 07/12/2020 - 14:39

@Klemen I've been using MCreator for years without ever managing to find the time to learn something beyond Scratch, how long did it take to learn all those languages? XD

Hehe IDK honestly, each new…
Mon, 07/13/2020 - 14:26

Hehe IDK honestly, each new language is easier after you learn some ;)