Build Failed with Get nearest entity...

Issue description

Is this a bug? or I'm being silly again...

I made a new entity with Entity Ticks using this procedure:

then the build failed with log:


Issue comments

Please provide workspace. Tracker rules:

When possible, attach your MCreator workspace (preferably a minimal example workspace required to reproduce the bug; use File -> Export workspace to a shareable ZIP...), game or build logs (full logs, do not crop them, in text format, screenshots of logs are not acceptable) from the Console tab or terminal and steps to reproduce the bug in your workspace. If logs are long, use service such as Pastebin to host the log and provide the link to the log from the ticket. Please specify which mod elements to check in your workspace too, if applicable.

I sent you in discord, my workspace contains lots of my model, I dont want ppl to just get them XD