my 58 ideas for mcreator.

Started by TRO_RaymentCra… on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

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my 58 ideas for mcreator.
Tue, 08/11/2020 - 19:41 (edited)

I made a list of ideas for mcreator,

I warn everyone, if it is written more less, the publication of my ideas, it is because I do not speak English, this publication of my ideas was translated in the google translator.

The idea 1 is: to put a new interface or an obcion in the dimension part, this new interface can completely or slightly cancel the damage in the special tools in that dimension, because in a mod that I know called The Betweenlands has a diemsion, minecraft tools do not affect minecraft tool damage when within that dimension.

idea 2 is: to put a new obcion to create mob, that new obcion is to be able to transform the mob when it passes a specific portal, for example when a Piglin passes a portal they transform into a Zombified Piglin, or when a Hoglin passes a a portal sw transforms into a Zoglin.

idea 3 is: to put a new obsion to create your own mob, that new obsion can put an inventory as the player as hidden, like the Piglin in minecraft 1.16.

idea 4 is: to put a new obsion to create your own mob, that new obsion can the mob you created can steal an object from the player or from another different mobs. and when a mob has this new one Obcion, you can grab any items on the floors, so if you can trust this obcion to specify which items this mob can grab on the floors with this new obcion, it's like a Piglin in Minecraft 1.16, because Piglin can add items on the floors but only grab gold or shiny items. And also when a mob has this new obcion, they can open the chests and ovens, and can steal all the items or specific items that are inside the chests and ovens.



Edited by TRO_RaymentCraft V1.1 on Tue, 08/11/2020 - 19:41
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the idea 5 is: to put a new…
Mon, 08/10/2020 - 02:50

the idea 5 is: to put a new obcion to create your own mob, this new one can specify which tool can hurt or damage this mob with this obcion, for example I made a netherite or osbdidiana mob but you could only kill the mob i did with a diamond pickaxe
the idea 6 is: to put a new obcion to create your own mob, this obcion can change the skin when they are angry with the player or a mob, like the wolf and the bees in minecraft, but when these mobs get angry the eyes they turn red.
idea 7 is: to put a new obcion to create your own mob, the mobs that have this new obcion can be afraid of specific blocks and with specific mobs and they can run out of fear, this is an example the Piglin are afraid with the fire of souls and also objects that use this fire of souls. and the other example is creepers are afraid of cats and for those creepers run in fear when there is a serca cat.
idea 8 is: to put a new obcion to create your own mob, this new obcion the mobs can herds of the same species or not, when a player is very close to a herd of a mob they can give you a potion effect good or bad, this is an example when the player is swimming near a herd of dolphins they have a potion effect called: dolphin grace, and the other example when the player is near a mana of a neutral mob can give you a bad potion effect such as Slowness or Weakness.
The idea 9 is: to put a new obcion to create your own mob, the mobs that have this new obcion, can be hidden inside the blocks or specific blocks to hide, for example the birds hide a block called honeycomb or they can enter a block called honeycomb.
idea 10 is: to put a new obcion to create your own mob, those who have this obtion can get angry with other mobs because a mob broke or touched the preferred block of mobs that have this obcion is like an old man when a player or a mob breaks or touched a honeycomb the birds get angry with the player or the mob that broke them touched the honeycomb of the birds, and with mobs that have this obsession they can also get angry at a mob that opened a chest of a mob with this new obcion and the other example when a player is rubbing a gold block or another golden block similar to gold, that is why the Piglin get angry and start attacking the player or the mob that broke a gold block or another similar golden block like gold. and also the Piglin can get angry for a mob that opened a chest of them.
The idea 11 is: to put a new obcion to create your own mob, this new obcion for mobs can specify the damage or weaknesses for a different biome, an example a snowman when it is in a certain biome, the doll of snow begins to have heat damage to the biome, I thought when a Husk is in a frozen biome the Husk will have a slow effect because the biome is frozen, I thought to make a new biome based on garbage but when a mob entered The garbage biome would die from the contamination of the garbage biome, but some mobs that are made of garbage did not harm the garbage biome.

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idea 12 is: to put a new…
Mon, 08/10/2020 - 02:53

idea 12 is: to put a new option to create your own mob, this new obsion specify which mobs can pass through specific blocks
idea 13 is: to put a new option to create your own mob, this new obsion specify that mob can walk the water or lava or a specific liquid.
the idea 14 is: to put a new interface or an obcion in the dimension part, this new obcion specify which mobs leave the portal of your diemsion that you created yourself,
the idea 15 is: to put a new option to create your own mob, with this new obcion for the mobs specify the range of vision of the mobs example mob that hise I can see the redactor 10 blocks away and there is another mob I did that he can see the roller from 40 blocks away.
idea 16 is: to put a new option to create your own mob, with this new action mobs can specify how many blocks they can salt with this action, example players can only jump one block, but layers goats can jump four blocks .
The idea 17 is: put a new obcion to create your own items, this new obcion avoids being able to burn the items by fire and lava, and also the items with this new obcion can rub in the lava is like the netherite.
idea 18 is: put a new item to create your own items, this new item avoids being able to exploit the items, it is like a wither star, because the wither star cannot be destroyed by explorations.
idea 19 is: put a new option to create your own dimension, this new option can specify the severity of the dimensions or the biomes, for example when a dimension or biome has very high gravity it is very difficult to jump, when the player or a mob falling to the ground does more damage than normal because gravity is high and when a player or mob throws an item it can fall very quickly on the ground due to the high gravity of this dimension or biome. and when a dimension or a biome has low gravity, the jumps of the players or mobs are higher and they are also less slow due to gravity, and when a player or mob falls it does no damage or very little damage due to low gravity Biome dimension, if a player or mob throws an object or an item they start to rub more or less and then it starts to fall slowly due to the gravity of the dimension or the biome.
idea 20 is: put a new option to create your own dimension, this new option can specify the Altitude of a dimension, for example the Altitude of minecraft 255 blocks, this option can change the Altitude of the dimensions.
idea 21 is: to put a new obcion to create your own dimension, this new obcion can put mists of any color in the dimensions or layers in the biomes, and you can also specify what opaque level or sharpness level the fog is of the dimension
idea 22 is: to put a new obcion to create your own dimension, this new obcion can personize personized in the environment of a dimension or a biome, example in the new biomes of the underworld have a particle in environment.
idea 23 is: to put a new option to create your own mob, this new obsession specifies which block or liquid hurts or gives a negative or positive potion effect to the mob, for example, I made a mob when it touched or step on the iron block, the mob will start to take damage from the iron block for the block it is touching.
idea 24 is: to put a new obcion to create your own dimension, this new obtion can specify the distance or width of a biome in one dimension, because a short time ago I made a dimension with 20 biomes and they were generated very, very small trositos of biomes in personized dimensions.
idea 25 is: to put a new obcion to create your own custom structures or dungeons, this new obsion can create your own bondingboxes on custom structures or dungeons, and you can modify the bondingboxes on custom structures or dungeons to specify which mob It can be generated in the bondingbox, and you can also put your own music in the bondingbox of the structures or custom dungeons. because I wanted to make a custom structure or dungeon with my own music when you are inside the custom structure or dungeon.
idea 26 is: to put a new option to create your own mob, with this new obsession for mobs, they can get angry at the player or a different mob because a player or a different mob stared or less at that mob that has this new obcion, example is how an enderman when a player looks into the eyes of an enderman will start to attack the player who was looking at the enderman.

The idea 27 is: to put a new option to create your own mob, this new obsession will explain what happens with potions effects, for example, if a player throws a regeneration effector potion at a skeleton, it will take damage. , but if the player player throws a potion of damage to a skeleton the life of the skeleton will begin to heal.
idea 28 is: to put a new option to create your own mob, this obcion allows mobs to be able to move to mobs that can be mounted or to mount to mobs that cannot be mounted but you need to specify that mob cannot be mounted, example a Player cannot ride a Ravager but a Pillager can ride a Ravager, and mobs that have this new obcion can put armor on the mobs they are riding is like putting armor on a horse or a mob that can ride these mobs .

the idea 28 is: to put a new option to create your own mob, this new obcion can specify which blocks it can break and which block it cannot break, for example I made a mob that can steal the stone, but cannot break the ore of gold.

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If you want to see the link…
Mon, 08/10/2020 - 03:01

If you want to see the link of the translation of this comment of my ideas for mcreator.

part 1 of translation of this comment of my ideas for mcreator.


part 2 of translation of this comment of my ideas for mcreator.


part 3 of translation of this comment of my ideas for mcreator.

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the idea 29 is: I have an…
Tue, 08/11/2020 - 01:49

the idea 29 is: I have an idea for a new obsession to create your own mobs, this new obsession specifies that mobs can lay eggs in a block or put an egg in a block that has water or also put an egg in lava, and this The nine obcion that the mobs have specifies which biome can lay the eggs of the mob that has this mob. For example, the minecraft turtles lay their eggs on the shores of the beaches, another example some real-life fish, put the eggs on the rocks.

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idea 30 is: for a new option…
Tue, 08/11/2020 - 02:21

idea 30 is: for a new option to create your own dimensions, this new idea allows you to put sound effects to the dimension as an example I made a dimension with an echo sound effect like space, because I saw a mod that It had a dimension that had a special sound effect like an echo sound.

idea 31 is: for a new option to create your own dimensions, this new obsession can create skies embodied in dimensions, because I wanted to make a sky similar to a northern lights.

idea 32 is: for a new option to create your own armor and also tools, this new obsession can bring light to the armor and tools that you created.

idea 33 is: for a new option to create your own mobs, this new obcion specifies which mobs can climb and which blocks the mob can climb and which block the mob cannot climb.

The idea 34 is: for a new option to create your own blocks, this new obcion allows you to put custom animation to the blocks similar to doors.

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the idea 35 is: for a new…
Tue, 08/11/2020 - 02:41

the idea 35 is: for a new option to create your own blocks, this new obcion can put a new block for mcreator, that new block is called Box, and with that block you can create a block with the shape of a Minecraft Box personized and that can Exit random the texture of the block made the person, because the Minecraft painting the textures are random.
the idea 36 is: for a new obcion to create your own blocks, this new obcion can create a block called poster, this new block can write like a minecraft carnel.
idea 37 is: for a new obcion to create your own blocks, this new obsion specifies which block the player can climb or a mob and velosidad can climb the block that you have.
idea 38 is: for a new obcion to create your own blocks, this new obcion specifies the reduction of damage from falling.
idea 39 is: for a new object to create your own blocks, this new object specifies which block can pass through the light and the rains and the rays.
idea 40 is: for a new obcion to create your own blocks, this new obcion can be a block that can shoot lightning at a player or mobs or shoot lightning anywhere when there is an electric storm.

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idea 40 is: for a new obcion…
Tue, 08/11/2020 - 02:53

idea 40 is: for a new obcion to create your own events, this new obcion may generate random structure for a time around the player or inside a biome, for example I made a structure of a ghost ship that is randomly generated when This will be the player or less, but it can only appear in the bone biome on a full moon, but when the full moon is over the ship will completely disappear the structure that I made.
I had the idea in a youtube video, yes, the video is in Spanish but has a subtitle.

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I forgot to change the…
Tue, 08/11/2020 - 03:09

I forgot to change the number of the previous idea, so there are two ideas that the number 40 has.
The idea 42 is: for a new option to create your own mobs, this obcion specifies that mobs can build custom structures randomly or not, it's because I saw a mob that had a mob that could build custom structures randomly more less.

idea 43: for a new obcion to create your own mobs, this new obcion allows or can the mobs dance to the music that they hear around like a parrot in minecraft, and it can also dance when they kill the enemies around and this new obcion can imitate the sounds of enemy mobs or aggressive or neutral or passifiable of the mob's villager that has this new obcion is a like parrot because parrots can imitate the sounds of enemy or aggressive mobs.

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the idea 44 is: for a new…
Tue, 08/11/2020 - 16:19

the idea 44 is: for a new obcion to create your own mobs, this new obcion can grab any specified block or block and the mob that grabbed the block can put the block anywhere or can put the block it grabbed in specific places, It is like an enderman because the enderman can add some blocks and put them elsewhere, the last update of minecraft the enderman can not put any blocks in the bedrock.

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idea 45 is: for a new option…
Tue, 08/11/2020 - 16:51

idea 45 is: for a new option to create your own mobs, this new obcion specifies that mobs can teleport randomly.
idea 46 is: for a new option to create your own mobs, this new obcion specifies that mobs can change the texture of the mob when they enter or leave the biomes. but new obcion can specify that biome cannot change the texture of the mob that has this obcion.

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the 47 is: for a new obcion…
Tue, 08/11/2020 - 17:30

the 47 is: for a new obcion to create your own mobs, this new obcion specifies if a mob can have a small version of the mob that has this obcion, it is like a small zombie in minecraft.
48 is: for a new obcion to create your own mobs, this new obcion specifies whether if a mob can have a baby version of the mob that has this obcion, but also specifies how long the baby of the mob that has this obcion can create.
49 is: for a new obcion to create your own mobs, new obcion specifies the mobs that can mate with mobs of the same species, for example there are some mobs in Minecraft that can mate with mobs of the same species to have a baby in Minecraft.

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the idea 51 is: is: for a…
Tue, 08/11/2020 - 18:09

the idea 51 is: is: for a new obcion to create your own mobs, this new obcion specifies the conditions to tame a mob with this new obcion, example the wolves can be tamed by giving bone to the wolf, parrots can be tamed by giving seeds to the parrot, horses can be tamed by riding until tame, cats can be tamed by giving fish to the cat, llama can be tamed by giving a bale of hay to the llama.

the idea 52 is: for a new obcion to create your own mobs, this new obcion specifies items or food recovers the life of the mob with this new obcion, the mobs they have can eat items or food thrown on the ground and begin to recover, But if a mob that has this new obcion eats an item or a food that it does not eat, it can give potion effects or it can start to take damage to the mob that ate an item or a food that this mob does not eat with this new obcion.

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idea 50 is: for a new obcion…
Tue, 08/11/2020 - 18:47

idea 50 is: for a new obcion to create your own mobs, mobs that have this new obcion can target mobs that can be tamed, an example if a new similar mob like a Pillager they can tame a wolf or a parrot or a horse, or ect. but that if the mobs that have this new obcion can tame some specific mobs.