Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator
I made a list of ideas for mcreator,
I warn everyone, if it is written more less, the publication of my ideas, it is because I do not speak English, this publication of my ideas was translated in the google translator.
The idea 1 is: to put a new interface or an obcion in the dimension part, this new interface can completely or slightly cancel the damage in the special tools in that dimension, because in a mod that I know called The Betweenlands has a diemsion, minecraft tools do not affect minecraft tool damage when within that dimension.
idea 2 is: to put a new obcion to create mob, that new obcion is to be able to transform the mob when it passes a specific portal, for example when a Piglin passes a portal they transform into a Zombified Piglin, or when a Hoglin passes a a portal sw transforms into a Zoglin.
idea 3 is: to put a new obsion to create your own mob, that new obsion can put an inventory as the player as hidden, like the Piglin in minecraft 1.16.
idea 4 is: to put a new obsion to create your own mob, that new obsion can the mob you created can steal an object from the player or from another different mobs. and when a mob has this new one Obcion, you can grab any items on the floors, so if you can trust this obcion to specify which items this mob can grab on the floors with this new obcion, it's like a Piglin in Minecraft 1.16, because Piglin can add items on the floors but only grab gold or shiny items. And also when a mob has this new obcion, they can open the chests and ovens, and can steal all the items or specific items that are inside the chests and ovens.
The 53 idea is: for a new obcion to create your own biomes, this new obcion can be the 4 seasons or put a custom station for a biome or for all the biomes but because some biomes can only add one or two or three or four or many but you can choose a station that can be in minecraft biomes or custom biomes, this obcion can raise or lower the temperature of the biome by the station or custom stations that you put in your biome, with this station in a biome you can kill or dry some plants or trees or layers some mob, with the seasons can give positive or negative effect to some mobs that are in the station of that biome, it is like the stations in real life.
The idea 54 is: for a new obcion to create your own biomes, this new obcion can change the temperature of a biome when it is day or night, for example, in real life when it is day in a certain way Very hot from the sun or but if it is night in a certain it will be very cold.
idea 55 is: to put a new obcion to create your own mob, this new obcion specify that mob can repair or improve the tools that the mob that has this new obcion has.
The idea 56 is: to put a new obcion to create your own mob, this new obcion specify that mob can heal itself, or other mobs, because the witches of the Raid can heal another mob of the Raid.
The idea 57 is: to put a new obcion to create your own mob, this new obcion specifies which mobs can make patrols of these mobs that this new obcion has and the patrols can have a captain or leaders in the patrols of these mobs that it has this new obcion.
idea 58 is: to put a new obcion to create your own mob, this new obcion specifies that mobs can do a custom raid to a village or they can custom raid one player or they can custom raid a different mob .
I've read first 4 of them and I'm sure you can already make these.
I don't have the balls to read any more than that