TileEntityRenderer and using render method with procedures

Published by NOYB on
Issue description

I would like to have a option to create TileEntityRenderer class like we have a option for TileEntity and a render trigger to it. You are probably not sure about this because its a client side trigger and gets called every frame (I think) and people can use it for other stuff and complain saying "This is BROKEN!" but this would allow us to make better blocks. We could create this manually by creating a custom element but I think if mcreator creates this file it will be better.

Issue comments

It should be made by the user as no-one except the custom coders can make use of it at this point.

You can still call custom procedure if this is what you mean, procedure is just a method you can call

Mcreator should provide procedure blocks to render tile entities on custom blocks but they dont, they say it is hard but truth be told they are lazy and rather than add this they leave it to the hands of corders and waste the opportunity